Everyone was amazed at You Tengkong's flying figure, staring at the flames she drew in the night sky, and they all sighed in their hearts that her magic reserve was bottomless. When the masters present saw this scene, they all looked puzzled and began to make their own plans in their hearts.

"Since we were attacked from behind, there is nothing we can do about it. It's such a pity, I was thinking of trying to recruit her?" Then he pulled up the reins, and tiny lightning began to flash under the feet of the Flying Hoof Thunder Bull. The Divine Wheel also floated up, and he once again had the control over his treasure. But seeing this situation. He did not look happy, but instead showed a bitter smile,"Although she may not agree"

"Rider, what did you do just now? Who would reveal their real name right after entering the Holy Grail War? And who would agree to your request under such circumstances?"At this time, the princess, no, the Master of the King of Conquerors, Waver Velvet, accused his Servant in a tone that was almost crying. It seemed that after experiencing the triple pain of cold wind, high altitude, and fast driving, consciousness finally returned to his body.

"Well, isn't there a saying that goes like this? Nothing is better than a try. You have to try it to know."The King of Conquerors lifted Weber by the scruff of the neck and held him down like a chicken."Then everyone, can you give me an answer? Are you willing to join me and share the Holy Grail with me?"

"I reject……"


The night at the pier passed just like that.

Yu flew in the night sky, feeling a little regretful that she didn't get to watch the sequel of the first night of the Holy Grail War live, nor did she see the appearance of Gilgamesh. She really wanted to see the famous scene of the other party standing on the street lamp. Having said that, the scene just now did match the scene in her memory. Although the development was different due to her intervention, the general thread remained unchanged, but she seemed to have overlooked something.

In the corner that Yu ignored, a tall figure looked at her leaving back, and the blue flames in his eyes flashed, and then disappeared.

Yu flew very fast, and returned to the Matou residence in less than a cup of tea. In mid-air, he saw that Ugar was being besieged by Matou Zouken and Berserker, and Matou Kariya and Sakura were being protected by it behind him. It was called a siege, but Ugar had been fighting with Berserker all the time. Matou Zouken only used insects to attack Kariya and Sakura during this gap, but he just surrounded them without attacking until Ugar turned around and eliminated all his insects.

"Still alive? Another Command Seal transfer.

The old bug is really willing to do so.

This is already the second Command Seal.

Each Master only has three strokes of the Command Seal.

He is really generous in using it.

This is only the first day.

It is just the difference of killing him once more.

"Seeing Berserker still alive, You was a little surprised.

She thought that he was completely destroyed by her, because after the death of the Servant, it will turn into magic and dissipate.

Nothing will be left.

There is no way to judge whether it is really dead or not based on the corpse at the scene.

But she didn't care much.

As she said, just kill him once more.

The battlefield is now in a tug-of-war.

Matou Zouken is harassing from behind, Berserker is restraining him, and Ugar is running back and forth.

Because he obeyed You's order not to let Kariya and Sakura leave his sight, he is being pulled by Matou Zouken to fly a kite.

It is not that he has not thought about defeating the weak one first, but the old bug is obviously impossible to come here in his real body in this situation.

So even though he was killed again and again, as long as Ugar As soon as Er turns around, he will condense his body again to continue to contain Berserker.

Ugal was so angry about this fighting method that he roared endlessly, but he was helpless and could only let the battle stalemate.

A blue meteor fell into the scene, and You landed in a Hengchao style, and incidentally, the clone of Matou Zouken was once again destroyed.

She looked at Berserker and felt a slight pain in her cheek, as if there was a shoe print on it.

Thinking of this, she became furious and immediately ordered Ugal to restrict Berserker's movements.

Ugal Xiaolan received the order and immediately locked Berserker's movements with wind pressure.

Then the big horns on You's head emitted magical flames again, and she rushed towards Berserker with her body.

The rocket kick kicked Berserker's face hard, and this blow deformed the armor on his face.

"This blow is returned to you." You said calmly, patting his knees afterwards.

Berserker turned 360 degrees and flew into the forest in the suburbs, never to come out again.

At this moment, it was just like that moment.

You clenched his fists in front of his chest,"Awesome!"

"Hehe, we meet again, the agent of inhibition."You turned around, and Matou Zouken summoned a large group of insects from nowhere, slowly building up his old body.

""What are you still doing here?" Yu asked. In her opinion, instead of attacking Matou Kariya and Sakura, who have lost their usefulness to him, Matou Zouken should be planning in secret and seize the Holy Grail as soon as possible.

"It’s nothing. When people get old, they always feel nostalgic. I just want to come back to see my son and my lovely granddaughter. Since they are both doing well, I will say goodbye here."

Matou Kirei was hugging Sakura tightly at this moment, and said angrily:"You old guy, you still won’t let us go?"

"I'll give you a ride, you're welcome." Yu fired a magic bullet, and Matou Zouken's clone turned into ashes in the flames.

"Ah——"Before disappearing, Matou Zouken just blew a sigh and let his clone burn to ashes in the flames.

""It's inexplicable." You was puzzled. She felt that the old bug's attack this time was unreasonable. From all aspects, it was a useless effort that was doomed to have no results.

"Shouldn't this guy be actively planning for the Holy Grail? Why is he attacking here?"Yu was wondering in her heart, what is the most important thing for Matou Zouken to get the Holy Grail?

She suddenly thought of Irisviel.

If this attack is regarded as a diversion, it is indeed quite successful.

The dock should be over, and the Servants and Masters should be on their way home.

Matou Zouken had been on good terms with the Einzbern family in the past, so he naturally knew that they had spent a lot of effort to use magic to get a castle in the suburbs.

As long as they ambush on the road they must pass, there is a high probability that they can really kidnap Irisviel, who is the container of the Holy Grail.

Yu felt that Matou Zouken's attack this time was probably a test for herself, to test whether she cared about Kariya and Sakura, so as to facilitate her next action. If she didn't care, it would be fine, but once she showed an attitude of protecting the two, then he would lure her by constantly attacking the two, forcing her to no longer pay attention to the situation of the Holy Grail Irisviel. That's why he retreated calmly just now. He had already got the result he wanted.

‘You thought you could defeat me like this. 'Yu snorted inwardly. Regardless of whether his guess was true or not, just in case, let's get the two of them out of Fuyuki City - immediately, right away.

""Pah" Yu clapped her hands, gathering the clouds in the sky into rain clouds, and then a drizzle began to fall in the night of Fuyuki.

She was not idle and looking for something to do. The rain contained her power. The rain had no effect on living things or the environment, but only targeted one thing - insects that contained or had come into contact with magic power.

It would be fine if Matou Zouken hid. If he dared to come out for a walk in the rain, even if it was just a clone, he would be in trouble. But this was not Yu's main purpose. The reason for sending this rain was to destroy the old insect's surveillance method.

Now, he probably has lost surveillance on the entire Fuyuki, but with Matou Zouken's ability, this method has limited impact on him, and he is expected to find an alternative method soon - but it is enough to delay time.

""I'm sorry, it seems we have caused you trouble after all." Kariya smiled bitterly, holding Sakura in his arms and coming over to thank her.

"I just happen to have something to ask of you." You snapped his fingers and said

"What is it? I will definitely do what I can." Matou Kariya quickly agreed. For Sakura, he decided to risk everything.

"Looking at Sakura's expression, you can tell that her heart is completely closed now. You don't want her to stay like this forever, do you?"

"What should I do?"Matou Kariya is very concerned about Sakura.

"Go travel, the farther the better, it would be best if you go abroad first"


So Xiao fooled him for a while, no, explained,"Isn't it said that traveling is the best way to solve psychological problems?���Method? You can take Sakura on a spiritual journey!

Not only can you solve her psychological problems on the way, but you can also let her get rid of the influence of Matou Zouken temporarily.

In Fuyuki, especially in this Matou family, Sakura will never get better.

By the way, bring Xiaolan with you.

If you encounter some problems in the other world on the way, he can help you solve them.

(Refers to solving the source of the problem itself)"I can't just tell them that they have become a burden to me now.

I don't know if I heard the hidden meaning in Yu's words, Matou Kariya thought about it for a while and agreed to this request."Then I will get ready now and take Sakura away tomorrow morning."

"No, it's better to leave Fuyuki now, immediately."

"So urgent?"

"Because tomorrow, Matou Zouken may not allow you to leave. If he wants to attack you, I can't always pay attention to the bugs in some corner."

"Don't worry, he has no time to take care of this place right now, and because of the Holy Grail War, he can't leave Fuyuki, so it's impossible for him to chase you. There's no need to prepare, do you have any savings?"

"a part of it"

"Well, just find a store to buy some during the trip. Now I will take you away!"

After thinking for a while, You summoned Xiaolan to him and told it some requests in his own unique way. Xiaolan whimpered for a long time before reluctantly agreeing to these requests. Then it turned into a necklace in front of Yanye's surprised eyes.

You hung the necklace around Xiaoying's neck and said to her:"From now on, this will be handed over to you.

No matter what happens in the future, don't take it off until you die.

The beast inside is called Ugar, you can also call it Xiaolan.

This necklace can automatically absorb the magic power from the outside world to replenish consumption.

Normally, you can summon it for about three hours every day, and the time can be accumulated until one day.

If you encounter a problem, this time is enough for you to decide whether to solve it or escape.

Having said that, it is an intelligent creature after all.

When you are free, you can still let it out for a while and cultivate your feelings.


Sakura didn't answer, and You didn't care, and just sent them to the airport. Before leaving, Sakura looked at You in the cabin, clenched the necklace on her body with her hands, and said thank you imperceptibly.

The plane left, and You breathed a sigh of relief, the burden was gone, and now he could concentrate on finding trouble with the old bug.

On the roof of the airport, the red back looked at the plane leaving in the distance, with a complicated expression on his face for a long time, and finally turned around and disappeared into a spirit.

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