Before midnight, Saber carried Irisviel in a princess hug back to the Einzbern castle, followed by Yu.

Looking at the magnificent castle in front of him, Yu couldn't help but sigh at the wealth of Einzbern.

Not to mention how much money it would take to buy a suburb in Neon, a place where every inch of land is worth a lot of money, this base is a real castle, not something that can be called a city in ancient Neon with a few pieces of wood in extreme cases.

And this thing was not built by them locally.

I used magic to transfer it directly from Germany.

The huge amount of resources consumed is enough to make people dumbfounded.

There is a barrier outside the castle to prevent ordinary people from breaking in.

There is basically no defense against the existence of Servants, because of the magic power, sometimes it will appear particularly conspicuous.

Einzbern seemed to have considered this at the beginning.

The castle has very few attack magic traps, but the perception magic is densely arranged.

Yu believes that unless it is an assassin who turns the legend of stealth into a treasure, it is basically impossible to invade here without a sound.

Her eyes were filled with traces of magic flowing, those were perception magic in operation, and there were many perception traps that could only appear after being triggered that she had not yet seen.

As a stronghold, this castle was already very good, it could attack or defend, and if it was defeated, it could also fight guerrilla warfare, using the advantage of being familiar with the layout to make up for the disadvantage in the battle with the enemy.

"Welcome to Einzbern's castle. How about it? Do you want to take a tour?"Alice Feier jumped down from Altria's arms and invited You as a host.

"Well, there's no need for a tour. I'll find time to familiarize myself with it. Irisviel, you just need to tell me which places I can't go to." Yu used his fingers to curiously fiddle with the magic perception spells he could see, and turned to Irisviel and said.

Putting his finger on his lips, Irisviel thought for a moment,"Well, this castle is basically not used except during the Holy Grail War. It is maintained by magic. There are no places that cannot be entered. If you must tell me what to pay attention to," Irisviel said, clasping her hands in front of her face,"Just don't break into other people's rooms, especially at night."

"Well! Don't worry, I won't barge in, and I don't have the hobby of eavesdropping." You patted his chest and promised, then thought of something and kindly added,"Well, when you spend the night with your husband, you should set up a soundproof barrier. I should be aware that my senses are very sensitive, and sometimes I really don't mean to eavesdrop on you on purpose."

Irisviel blushed when she heard this, and rubbed You's cheek up and down,"What are you talking about? That's not what I meant! I said that if you run around at night during the Holy Grail War, it will easily cause misunderstandings."

At this time, Altria suddenly realized what the two meant by their words,"Wait, what do you mean by finding time to get familiar with each other later? You are not planning to stay here, are you?"

You broke free from Irisviel's hand, rubbed his face and retorted unhappily,"What do you mean by staying here? This is my legal reward. Don't forget, I just saved you and Irisviel. Besides, I stole the previous base from the old bug. Now that Sakura and Kariya are gone, it’s disgusting to live there, so I gave up. I have no place to live now. Are you going to drive your savior out to spend the night?"

"You are just asking for repayment for a favor!" Altria felt a little awkward. This situation made her feel uncomfortable and she couldn't swallow it. When facing Yu, she always felt like correcting his"wrong" behavior.

"So, is that right? This is not a good idea." You stretched out his finger and tapped his cheek lightly,"Yeah... That's right!" He clenched his right fist and gently hit the palm of his left hand.

"This castle is very nice. I'm requisitioning it now. Is that ok with you, Irisviel?"

"OK!"Answered in seconds

"You should hesitate for a moment, Irisviel!" Altria said anxiously.

""Why hesitate, Saber? Xiaoyou is so cute, I can't wait to welcome her." Irisviel chuckled.

"this……"Altria wanted to say that the other party was an enemy in the Holy Grail War, but suddenly she remembered that Yu was neither a Servant nor a Master in this Holy Grail War, and it was difficult to define her position. Moreover, she did save Irisviel twice. In this case, if she continued to refuse, she would seem a little ungrateful.

So she closed her mouth and kept silent.

Irisviel and Yu quietly clapped their hands together.

"I'm going to visit the castle." Excited to be in a new environment, You said hello and ran away.

"Is it okay to just let her run around in the castle like this?"Altria was puzzled by Irisviel's indulgence of Yu's behavior.

"It doesn't matter. As I just said, this castle is rarely used. It is only used during the Holy Grail War. Important things and information are not kept here. Except for magic to maintain the function and cleanliness of the castle, the traps are basically detection-type. No matter how much Xiaoyou runs around, he will not cause damage by accidentally touching the trap. Besides, isn't it more reassuring to keep the unknown factors under your nose?"

Alice smiled as she looked at Yu running around in the castle and explained to Altria.

"……Let's just leave it at that!" Altria felt that she had sighed more in just one day than in her entire war career.

"Then I'll go arrange the room. Saber, do you want to come with us?"


The next day, Yu was forcibly pulled out of bed by Altria, who was half asleep. After a simple wash, she was led to the hall of the conference room.

Emiya Kiritsugu and Irisviel were already waiting there.

The magician killer came straight to the point,"I have heard about you from Ellie this morning. First of all, I would like to express my gratitude for saving my wife twice. If you have any requests in the future, as long as it does not involve the Holy Grail War, I will do my best to fulfill it for you. Then, let's talk about your request to Ellie and the others. Regarding this matter, I have two questions I want to ask you first: What is your purpose? And why us?"

At the end, Emiya Kiritsugu's eyes became stern.

"My purpose is aside for now. I will tell you after you have fulfilled my conditions. But don't worry, although I said I came for the Holy Grail, I am not here to compete with you for the Holy Grail. I am not interested in the wishing mechanism of the Holy Grail or the third method contained in it, so don't worry that I will compete with you. But I can answer the second question."

At this point, Yu looked at Irisviel with an inexplicable look and said,"The reason why I came to you is because you have the closest connection with the Holy Grail, right?"

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