"Hasn't this thing been contaminated by the evil of this world? How can it be used as a key?"

"It is only the colorless power in the Holy Grail that is contaminated, not the third law that constitutes the Holy Grail itself, and that thing cannot have any effect on you unless you want it to.

Getting the third law and opening that gift is equivalent to owning the data recorded in the entire realm record belt.

The power of inhibition is indeed great, but you need to know that once you intend to accept this gift, it is equivalent to accepting this favor from this world.

In the future, what the power of inhibition will gain may be - no, it should be said that it will only be greater than what it has paid.


The Hero King supported his head with one hand and looked at You. He explained all the pros and cons clearly, wanting to see what choice she would make.

"It's as if I had other choices. When I was born as my mother's child, my relationship with this world was already entangled."You looked at his right hand, where the 'seed' had melted into him, and then clenched his right hand tightly.

"I will accept this gift. As you said, my mother is waiting for me, but I don't have the power to redeem her now. I must fight for all the power I can get."

"Since this is your decision, then stick to it to the end.

No matter what, everything you experience will be a treasure that belongs only to you.

That’s all I can say.

It’s getting late, and I’m a little tired, so I’ll take my leave now.

" After saying this, the Hero King stood up and left without looking back.

At the corner of the street, Gilgamesh looked back at You who was still thinking about something, sighed silently, then turned his head to look at the sky, and said to himself:"I am really depraved.

I actually put the burden of the world on a young child.

" Then he turned into a spirit and disappeared.

————————The dividing line where memories end————————

"The Third Grail of the Law of Heaven, I had originally intended to disintegrate it, but after all the twists and turns, I ended up getting dragged into this vortex."You sighed and slowly headed towards the castle.

"Oh, the little girl has finished talking. On the way, the King of Conquerors, who was driving a bullock cart, stopped and greeted You.

"Ah, I know something." You was not in a good mood now, so he just answered and said nothing more.

"It looks like you're in a very low mood right now. I won't ask you the reason. I'm going to Saber's base to hold a banquet. Do you want to come with me?"

"Well, actually I live in that castle now. Since it’s on the way, let’s take a ride." Yu said as he climbed onto the Conqueror King’s ox cart. As soon as he got on the cart, he found Weber squatting in a corner of the cart and muttering to himself, so he turned around and asked,"What’s wrong with him?"

"Hey, forget about this guy, he just spent some money to buy a barrel of good wine, and then he kept muttering like that"

"It's not just a little bit, 60% of all the savings were spent. Why does this country have such expensive wine, when the history is not that long?"

Seeing Waver unilaterally quarreling with the King of Conquerors on this issue, You silently swallowed the words he wanted to say. In fact, don't tell him that the King of Heroes will provide much better wine for free at the banquet. I always feel that he might cry on the spot after hearing it.

When he was about to reach the castle gate, You let out a light exclamation. Lancer and his master Kayneth were standing at the castle gate, and they seemed to be about to break in.

You did remember that Kayneth would come to challenge Emiya Kiritsugu, but was it so early?

""What happened?" The King of Conquerors, who had been dealing with his Master in a disjointed manner, noticed that something was wrong with Yu, and in order to get rid of Waver's entanglement, he simply asked directly.

"Lancer and his master are fighting outside the castle, and it seems that they are about to break in."

The King of Conquerors frowned and said,"That won't do. We are going to hold a banquet here. It will be bad if the banquet venue is destroyed by their fighting.""

""Teacher Kenneth is still alive?" Weber asked in surprise.

Hearing Weber's words, You stared at him in confusion,"Why is your question so novel? What do you mean by still alive?""

"Ah... That's not what I meant. I meant that the restaurant where Kenneth lived was bombed. How did he survive the bomb and the high altitude?"

‘Now that you mention it, it seems that there was indeed an incident of Emiya Kiritsugu blowing up the building,' Yu touched his chin and thought, 'It should be that I made the decision after I left this morning, that is to say, the building was blown up in the morning, and the scene was found in the afternoon. Is Kenneth so anxious?’

"Sit tight, I'm going to speed up."Anxious about the integrity of the banquet venue he chose, the Conqueror King decided to stop both sides before the battle. When Weber heard this, he just said the word"wait" and the Conqueror King drove the ox cart and rushed over like sparks and lightning.


The Godly Wheel cut through the sky, knocked down trees, and finally left a long gully on the ground, blocking Lancer and his Master.

"Rider, what do you mean? Are you going to fight me on behalf of Saber?"Lancer Diarmuid quickly stood in front of his Master and confronted the King of Conquerors. Seeing this, Kenneth wanted to make some sarcastic remarks to the King of Conquerors' Master Waver, but after seeing Yu sitting on the back seat of the King of Conquerors' Noble Phantasm, he swallowed his words and decided to see what the situation was.

"That's not the case. Just think about it. Servants are heroes summoned from all ages, from all corners of the world, at different times and places. Under the guidance of the Holy Grail, they gathered in this small Fuyuki City. In this Holy Grail War, kings from three different ages and places were gathered together, so I wanted to hold a banquet for kings. Saber's base is the place I chose for the banquet. If you and her fight and destroy it later, I will be in trouble."

Then the King of Conquerors advised:"I don't know what feud you have with the masters and servants here. For my sake, how about coming back another day to solve the conflict between you at another time?"

"this……"Diarmuid hesitated for a moment, then turned to his master, Kenneth. He had to make the decision.

"Um……"Kenneth pondered, somewhat hesitant. He had already prepared to challenge Einzbern with full armor, and he was unwilling to retreat in disgrace. More importantly, he felt that giving up like this would undermine his noble dignity.

"Of course, if you are willing to put down your weapons, I welcome you to join this banquet. In addition to arguing at the banquet, the king naturally needs to listen to the opinions of the people. How about you come to this banquet to watch?"

Facing the invitation of the King of Conquerors, Kayneth's brows furrowed more and more. This was not because he was hesitant, but because the tone of the King of Conquerors put him below himself, which made Kayneth, who had always regarded Servants as a kind of familiars, feel very unhappy.

"I know you have a conflict with Saber, but I also suggest you come another day, because Caster will be here later, and if nothing unexpected happens, Archer should be nearby too. If you insist on fighting, you will literally make enemies on all sides."

Yu's exhortation became the last straw that broke the camel's back, and Kenneth snorted and rejected the invitation of the King of Conquerors."No need for the banquet, since today is not the right time, then please inform Einzbern, and I will choose another day to visit you at another time."

Kenneth left with Lancer.

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