"Hey, let me ask you, when you returned to this era, did you go to see your parents?" Yuu asked the Heroic Spirit Emiya this question casually, swinging his feet on the chair. The Heroic

Spirit Emiya, who was cutting vegetables, paused for a few milliseconds, and then continued to cook smoothly,"I have seen them, they are a very ordinary couple. To be honest, even if I observed them for a long time in person, I can't recall any memories in my mind."

"Have you ever thought about changing your fate?" You asked again.

"So what if it changes? It won't have any impact on the fact that I already exist here. I once wanted to do such a stupid thing, but in the end I finally realized that Shirou Emiya in each world is a unique individual. No matter how similar their appearance, experience, and even thoughts are, they are different after all."The ingredients were flying in the hands of the heroic spirit Emiya. While talking, he was also performing the cooking like an acrobatic performance.

"So you didn't do anything?"

"There's no need for me to get involved.

That guy is doing a lottery at the store.

���He won the special prize, a seven-day and eight-night hot spring trip to Hokkaido for his family of three.

It happened that his parents' company had recently encountered frequent gas accidents, and it would take more than a week to carry out major renovations.

The family left Fuyuki by train early this morning.

"The several pots operated by the Heroic Spirit Emiya were cooking different ingredients at the same time, and the scene made Yu feel like he had come to a world of gourmet food.

"Haven't you already intervened?"

"What are you talking about? What does this have to do with me from beginning to end?" He finished the plating and arranging the dishes in one go. In a few breaths, several dishes of fresh and delicious food were prepared in his hands.

Yu jumped off the chair and came to the side of the Heroic Spirit Emiya. He bent down and looked at the food on the plate."Since you said so, then so. And I don't think anyone will eat these foods if you take them out. It's okay to eat them here. The so-called king's banquet outside should almost be over.""

"I think you are just greedy. Even if they really don't want to eat it, that will be a matter after the food is served on the table. Before that, you just have to bear with it."

"I'm not lying.

The wise king, the holy king, and the tyrant king came together to discuss the way of kingship.

If they hadn't made an agreement not to fight in advance, it wouldn't be surprising if they fought at any time.

Do you want to make a bet? I bet that the feast will end before your food can be served on the table.

" The Heroic Spirit Emiya raised the entire plate high, and no matter how Yu stood on tiptoe, she couldn't reach it.

She didn't want to use her power because of this, so she could only lead the way to the garden angrily.

"The wise king you are talking about, don't you mean the hero king?"The hero Emiya followed slowly behind, and asked about his inner doubts. In his mind, the hero king could hardly be called a wise king.

You turned around and replied,"Didn't you notice that his temper and attitude towards life have become much calmer, except for his foul mouth towards you? Now he is Gilgamesh who has returned from the search for the elixir of immortality. Naturally, he deserves the title of a wise king."

"……, I'm sorry, it's really hard to imagine." Emiya, who had a deep psychological trauma, really couldn't imagine what Gilgamesh would look like when he became wise.

When the two returned to the banquet, just as Yu had expected, the atmosphere between the King of Conquerors and Artoria was tit-for-tat, and they were just about to draw their swords against each other. On the contrary, the King of Heroes sat in the middle calmly, watching the two sides quarreling in front of him with interest, neither stopping them nor saying a word.

With Yu's eyes that said"see, I told you it would be like this", the Heroic Spirit Emiya couldn't help but sigh, and asked Irisviel, who was watching the tense situation between the two and was at a loss,"Madam, what happened?"

Seeing that it was Archer who was asking the question, Irisviel felt a little resentful, but when she saw Yu nodded to her to indicate that it was okay, she still spoke,"When they talked about what wishes they wanted to fulfill with the Holy Grail, Saber disagreed with Rider's behavior of living again and starting a war, and Rider also disagreed with Saber's wish to go back to the past and start over again, changing the ending of the past, and the two started arguing."

Heroic Spirit Emiya glanced at the King of Heroes calmly,"What's the situation with the magician?"

Hearing this question, Irisviel's expression became a little strange, and she said in a slightly guilty tone,"He said that the Holy Grail had been reserved a long time ago, and he had no intention of participating in this Holy Grail War that would not produce any results.

He just used the time of the Holy Grail War to take a vacation and rest?" At the end, Irisviel's tone also carried a hint of doubt, and she was muttering in her heart, if the Servants were not summoned by the Holy Grail War, wouldn't they have been resting all the time?


This answer was a bit too nonsensical, and the Heroic Spirit Emiya was a bit puzzled for a moment. Regardless of whether this was true or not, who would come to the battlefield for a vacation?

""I see!" You nodded in understanding. Compared to the war on the Warcraft front, these battles in the Holy Grail War were indeed just leisure and entertainment for the King of Heroes. Compared to the crater-sized impact left when he and Enkidu greeted and sparred, even the blow that Altria used to destroy the sea monster in the original book could only be described as a beautiful firework.

So You quietly came to the side of the King of Heroes, and when others were attracted by the debate between King Arthur and the King of Conquerors, he quietly asked:"You have been here for so long, aren't you afraid that Siduri will kick you again when you go back?"

"How do you know - cough, cough, nonsense, how could the king be afraid of Siduri, where did you know such a false thing?"

So you just denied that you were afraid of Siduri?

"Besides, the time here and there are not synchronized.

By the end of the seven days here, it will only take half a day in Uruk at best.

I will rest for half a day...

half a day.

……"At this point, the Hero King suddenly thought of the level of disturbance of the three goddesses under his command, and felt his stomach twitch.

If there were monsters attacking the city in half a day, it would be fine, but if not, it would be terrible.

He had no doubt that the three goddesses together could overturn the entire Uruk in just half a day.

So the Hero King immediately closed his eyes and comforted himself.

It was useless to think about these things now.

If things have already happened, worrying here will be useless.

It is better to take the time to relax and get a good spirit to solve the mess.

"What happened in a long time?"You looked at the Hero King who was halfway through his words with confusion.

"It's nothing, it only takes half a day, nothing serious will happen. Although these words were said to You, You always felt that these words were not directed at him.

"In short, I have important things to do here, not just doing nothing. The reason why I am not taking any action now is that I am just waiting for him to sort out his own affairs." The Hero King explained vaguely, and after glancing at the Heroic Spirit Emiya, he said meaningfully:"It will only take these two days, and it won't be too late to test his quality then."

"He?" You was puzzled, but after seeing that the Hero King kept silent, he did not continue to ask.

""A-choo!" The Heroic Spirit Emiya suddenly felt a chill rushing to his forehead, and he couldn't help but sneeze violently. His intuition just sensed that he would encounter an inexplicable crisis, but when he felt it carefully, he felt that it was not a big deal. This unprecedented foreknowledge of danger made him a little confused for a while.

At this time, the quarrel between King Arthur and the King of Conquerors came to an end. Neither of them was willing to give in to the other, and they made an agreement to use a battle to decide whose kingly way was better.

The King of Conquerors:"Saber, I won't take advantage of others. You still have a problem to solve with the spearman, right? I'm waiting for you to solve the wound on your hand before challenging me. If you can't even get past the spearman, it means that your kingly way is just so-so. There are few people by the river of Fuyuki Bridge. After you have prepared everything, go there to find me."

After saying this, the King of Conquerors retracted his sword, summoned the Divine Wheel, lifted Weber to the back of the frame, threw the reins, and disappeared into the night sky at lightning speed.

Yu:"Is this the end? Is there something missing?"

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