Altria did not reply. The release of the Noble Phantasm had used up all her magic power. Now, just to keep her body upright, she had already used up all her strength. She no longer had the strength to reply to the words of the King of Conquerors.

"You are a strong opponent. You can break my King's Army even in such an unfavorable situation. But now I have consumed only about 40% of my magic power. That is to say, even if the battle just now happens again, it will not be a problem for me, but you no longer have the ability to fight. The outcome is clear. Goodbye, Knight King, this sword is my respect for you."

After the King of Conquerors finished speaking, he swung the sword towards Altria's head. However, what he didn't know was that on the bottom of the Dongmu Bridge, there was a miniature camera that was always observing the battle situation in their direction.

"In the name of the Command Seals, Saber, recover your full strength!"

In an unknown corner far away from the battlefield, Emiya Kiritsugu, who had viewed the current situation through a camera, immediately used the Command Seals.

This allowed Artoria to fully recover in an instant, and she blocked the sword of the King of Conquerors with one sword. The King of Conquerors showed a surprised expression when his weapon was blocked. Taking advantage of this gap, Artoria flashed forward, put the sword on the King of Conquerors' body, and then released the Noble Phantasm again at close range in his direction.


Blood flew across the sky. Altria's attack completely hit the King of Conquerors' body. When the golden light dissipated, the King of Conquerors' burly body fell to the ground. A wound ran from his right shoulder to his abdomen, almost splitting him in two.

"Saber, is this the light of the era you carry? It is indeed dazzling, but it is precisely because of this that it makes people feel even more pitiful. The King of Conquerors coughed up blood and continued,"Really, after fighting for a lifetime, I would make such a mistake. I actually forgot your Master and his Command Spell outside the field. However, I can be sure that he is not at the scene. How did your Master observe the situation here?"

"rider!" Seeing the King of Conquerors defeated, Waver ran over crying and lay on his dying body.

"Boy, you can already stand on your own feet, why are you crying so hard now?" The King of Conquerors struggled to raise his still movable hand, touched Weber's head and comforted him.

Upon hearing this, Weber also tried hard to suppress his tears, but even so, he continued to sob.

Artoria came to the King of Conquerors at this time. She put away the holy sword, stared at the King of Conquerors' weakened appearance, and answered his previous question,"I don't know the specific situation. The Master never discusses the tactics with me in detail, and I won't interfere too much. But my Master relies more on modern technology than the magic we are familiar with. If I guess correctly, it should be something like a monitor."

The King of Conquerors nodded in understanding,"I have learned about this thing, because as far as I know, there are many magics that can achieve better effects than it, so I didn't pay much attention to it. I didn't expect to fall for this inconspicuous little thing. Sure enough, did I still underestimate the development of the times?"

The King of Conquerors sighed, his breath becoming weaker and weaker, and particles began to emanate from his body. This was a sign of his retirement. He raised his hand, looked at the moon in the sky through the gaps between his fingertips, and sighed,"This is such an exciting battle. Well done, Saber. Victory in this battle is in your hands. Hahahaha, this expedition really made my heart surge."……"

The King of Conquerors disappeared like this, and Altria turned away silently, leaving Weber alone kneeling there, staring blankly at the light particles left behind when the King of Conquerors disappeared.

After a long time, Weber stood up, wiped his tears, and left the battlefield just now.

————————Scene dividing line————————

"Inherent time control, doubled."Emiya Kiritsugu activated his family's magic circuit, activated the magic that can accelerate time, and barely dodged the attack of the black shadow.

Although it can accelerate time, the scope of operation is very small, limited to his own body, so it is also a great burden.

The attack of the black shadow was very sudden, but it can be seen that it was premeditated. Two black shadows, one was responsible for restraining him, and the other black shadow grabbed Irisviel and disappeared into the black swamp under his feet.

"How could it be? Why did you know this place?"Emiya Kiritsugu was confused.

Ever since he learned from Altria that an unknown black hand was targeting Irisviel, he had increased his defense in this regard.

Not only did he move his base, but he also used some means to erase his action records.

However, he did not expect that the other party would still find him.

Not only did his defense not work, but now he was in a life-and-death crisis.

What he did not know was that with the connection between the Greater Holy Grail and the Lesser Holy Grail, no matter how he moved his base, as long as he took Irisviel with him, his position would always be as obvious as a firefly in the dark night in the eyes of Matou Zouken.

The fake Berserker had already taken Irisviel away.

Emiya Kiritsugu wanted to catch up but was powerless because the fake Lancer was approaching.

At the critical moment of life and death, he was about to use the last stroke of the Command Spell to summon Saber.

Countless red dots flashed in the sky, and arrows cut through the sky and shot towards Lancer. The black shadow attacked. Although He was unconscious, he gave up chasing Emiya Kiritsugu with the instinct engraved in his body and used his weapon to block the attack. The one who saved the situation was the Heroic Spirit Emiya. While the black shadow was dealing with the ordinary arrows used to distract him, he began to charge up his attack.

An arrow with brighter light and more fierce momentum than all the previous attacks was shot out. Lancer's black shadow seemed to have seen the power of this arrow and crossed his two guns to block the path of the attack.

The result was naturally useless. The red light not only shattered his weapon, but also shattered his upper body, leaving a headless body standing there.

However, the opponent recovered from this injury in just a few seconds, as if he were immortal. But the recovered Lancer did not continue to attack. Instead, he glanced at the Heroic Spirit Emiya who rushed over, and like Berserker, disappeared into the quagmire that appeared under his feet.

"Wait, don't try to run.——"Emiya Kiritsugu shouted hurriedly. Irisviel had been abducted, and he didn't know the person behind the scenes. How could he allow the clues in front of him to slip away like this? He quickly stretched out his right hand, intending to use the last Command Seal to call Saber back.

"Give up, even if you call Saber back now, it's too late." The Heroic Spirit Emiya spoke out to stop him,"If you really want to save your wife, let Saber go directly to Mount Enzo. There is a big cave under Mount Enzo. That's where the main body of the Holy Grail War ceremony is located. The mastermind should be there."

Kiritsugu Emiya looked at the face of the Heroic Spirit Emiya, and an indescribable feeling surged in his heart, but the current situation did not allow him to be distracted by other things, so he suppressed this feeling and asked the Heroic Spirit Emiya with a serious expression:"How do you know all this?"

But the Heroic Spirit Emiya did not answer his question, but said directly:"It's up to you whether you believe it or not. I have to stop the other party's conspiracy first. It's up to you whether you want to come over."

"etc.——"Emiya Kiritsugu stretched out his hand to stop him, but the Heroic Spirit Emiya just turned around and left him with his back, then disappeared in spirit form.

Emiya Kiritsugu was silent for a few seconds. Without more information, he had to believe the Heroic Spirit Emiya's words, informed Altria of her current situation through the contract, and asked her to rush to the direction of Enzo Mountain immediately, and then he drove to the destination himself.

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