"Hero King, what do you want to do here?" Hero Emiya put on a fighting stance and asked the Hero King with a serious expression.

"Wow~ You dare to question me in this tone, you are such a bold lunatic. If I were a young man, I would have been furious and punished you."

The words of the Hero King made the Hero Emiya more alert. He immediately lowered his body and made an attacking posture, ready to go. The Hero King didn't care about it. He put his right hand to one side, opened his palm, and a stone slab fell into his hand. Then he waved his left hand and held a huge golden battle axe in his hand.

"Don't worry, I am no longer young and frivolous, I will not punish you for such a small matter."

"Your actions don't seem to match your words, but they're not convincing at all." The Heroic Spirit Emiya stared at the fully-armed Hero King and complained to him in a slightly sarcastic tone.

"What are you talking about? I said I will not punish you for this and I will not pursue your disrespectful behavior, but my original purpose will not change.

Although I have always hated counterfeits, I also know that there is no such thing as completely useless in this world.

Even counterfeits can play their full value under certain circumstances.

Be happy, Shirou Emiya.

Your origin and projection magic are of great use to me now, but I still need to test you to see how far you can go.

Now, I will give you a trial.

If the result satisfies me, I will give you a chance to work for me.


"I will not beg you to do anything."

The Hero Emiya rejected the Hero King's request and launched an attack.

Dozens of swords of different shapes appeared out of thin air around him, and the Hero Emiya rushed directly towards the Hero King with these projected weapons. The Hero King lightly kicked his feet, and the law of gravity seemed to be invalid on him. His whole body floated backwards rapidly in a light and fluttering manner. At the same time, the clay tablet in his hand turned the pages one by one like a book, and a circle of magical words surrounded his body.

"Don't even think about it!"Yingling Emiya shouted, and the swords around him kept shooting out like machine guns. Every time a sword was shot out, a new sword would be projected by him, and he launched attacks continuously in rounds.

Yingling Emiya didn't know what the King of Heroes was going to do. Even though he knew that the other party was different from the one he knew, and that the reputation of the wise king would be left in history, he chose to take the initiative out of the disgust in his memory and the instinct in his body.

In any case, it is always right to interrupt the opponent's attack rhythm.

But Yingling Emiya's attack did not work, and all the attacks were blocked by the barrier made of magic by the wise king. As early as the first page of the clay tablet was turned, the protective magic had taken effect, and the magic launched on the subsequent pages was to strengthen the barrier, and there were also gains for various states of the body, that is, the so-called buff.

The old wise king was not as slow-hearted as he was when he was young, even if the opponent was a weakling who could be easily beaten by him if he was a little serious - the situation he dealt with in Uruk did not allow him to make any mistakes, and over time he developed such a cautious attitude towards things.

"What's wrong? Your attack is so weak. It's totally incomparable to the will I observed you showing when fighting with the me in the parallel world. I really hope you can be more serious. Fortunately, I still have expectations of you."

Heroic Spirit Emiya's attack did not make any splashes on the Hero King's shield and was easily blocked.

Normally, the enemy should be happy that the attack was blocked, but the Hero King was very dissatisfied with this and loudly scolded Heroic Spirit Emiya, leaving the other party confused for a moment.

Although he was confused, Heroic Spirit Emiya's offensive did not slow down at all, but the Hero King dodged several consecutive close-range slashes with ease, which made Heroic Spirit Emiya suddenly doubt his life. The opponent's agility was not like the person in his memory, which made Heroic Spirit Emiya doubt the true identity of the Hero King at that moment.

Heroic Spirit Emiya quickly adjusted his mentality. Since close combat was useless, he might as well give up the two swords.

Picking up the bow and arrow again, Heroic Spirit Emiya pulled the bowstring, and the magic power condensed into a line. At the same time, he projected his familiar weapon, intending to launch his most powerful attack.

"The projection begins."A strange-looking long sword with a spiral blade like a drill appeared in the magic power, and was quickly adjusted by the Heroic Spirit Emiya to become as slender as an arrow.

"Karadboga."The projection took shape, and Heroic Spirit Emiya immediately released the bowstring, and the arrow rushed towards the heart of the Hero King like a missile, and finally nailed on the barrier. Countless sparks flew out from the contact point between the arrow and the barrier.

Seeing this, Heroic Spirit Emiya's mouth slightly raised, and he said softly in a voice that only he could hear:"The fantasy collapses."

Along with Heroic Spirit Emiya's inaudible whisper, the arrow that was wrestling with the barrier that said"Believe in me" turned red all over, began to lose its shape and turned into an arrow-shaped energy body. The Hero King watched all this calmly, as if he didn't care about what he was facing. A deafening explosion resounded through the sky, and surging flames rose from the forest. The smoke and dust that covered the sky drowned the two people present, hiding the result in a thick fog.

""The attack just now was a little bit more decent," the voice of the King of Heroes came from the smoke and dust, and when Hero Emiya heard the voice, his hand holding the bow tightened involuntarily."Karadeboga? Because it is a fake, the level has been reduced by one level, but it is about 70% of the level of the original. For a replica, it is mediocre, but I will not be satisfied with this level. If you have any tricks, you can show them to me. Don't worry, I will forgive you."

"Tsk! Since you want to see it, then let it be as you wish—full projection and continuous copying!" Hero Emiya once again drew his bow and loaded arrows, but this time he loaded six arrows, and after these six arrows were shot out, they split into eighteen arrows, each of which was as powerful as the first arrow shot by Hero Emiya. The

Hero King’s barrier was quickly broken, forcing him to start dodging this wave of arrows. But the Hero King seemed to be at ease throughout the whole process, not only was he able to dodge the attacks with the smallest of movements, but during this period he also continuously added various buff magics to himself, while constantly commenting on Hero Emiya’s attacks.

"Yes, with this inferior spiritual base, it can project such an attack. If it is slightly strengthened, it can project higher quality ammunition. In Chaldea's words, it is the return of the spiritual base. As for the problem of needing magic power to maintain its existence, it is not a problem in the environment of the Age of Gods. And if quality is not enough, quantity can make up for it. Well, for safety's sake, it is better to experience it in person before making a judgment."


When You arrived at the scene, what he saw was this scene of a wise king kidnapping people."……" hero King:"……"

Yu and the Hero King looked at each other in bewilderment. The other party's laughter stopped abruptly when he noticed her arrival, and the atmosphere was awkward for a moment.

"Well, I know that the kings in ancient times had some special hobbies. In fact, I don't discriminate against these, but I think this kind of thing still requires mutual consent.——"

Before he could finish his words, the Hero King interrupted him and said,"I don't know what you are talking about, but you are definitely mistaken. I am interested in his projection magic and ability, not anything else. Don't let your imagination run wild."

You was a little surprised to hear this,"Projection magic? Don't you hate fakes the most?"


The Hero King was silent for a while, then he began to defend himself,"I do hate fakes, but I am not intolerant of them. Making the best use of everything is a test of a king's administrative level. In my Uruk, even fakes like this can be put to good use, which naturally reflects my level."

"Hmm... what's the real reason?" Yu mercilessly exposed the King of Heroes' excuse.

"……Distressed……"The Hero King muttered something, the voice was so soft that even Yu couldn't hear it clearly.

"What did you say?"You stared into the eyes of the Hero King and asked with his little head tilted.

Seeing that You was not giving in, the Hero King was a little annoyed, but more of a broken jar tone.

"I said I feel sad.

How much treasure do you think the Warcraft front consumes every day? Those goddesses only take action at critical moments.

In the early stage, it all depends on my soldiers and artillery to hold on.

Although the casualties are indeed small, the consumption is terrifying.

Moreover, my treasure house is not a skill of the Heroic Spirit.

Once the things in it are consumed, they are really consumed, and there is no way to replenish them.

If this goes on, I will be drained sooner or later.

Can't I find a way out for myself? Moreover, compared to wasting these treasures meaninglessly on the front line, the results of using them in logistics and research can be greater.

Otherwise, do you think I would have nothing better to do and fall here to rob people?"

"Uh, sorry." Considering that the troubles of the Hero King were caused by his mother, You still apologized to him. Then she thought for a moment and continued to ask:"Can this thing of yours bring him back? I remember that your existence and the treasure house are just a projection in a sense, and there is no way to transcend time."

"You don't have to worry about that. This magic book can search all the records written on it, whether in the past or in the future. I copied the information of that guy as a servant. Since I have records in this era, I can definitely search for them in the past. When the time comes, I just need to refer to the ritual of the Holy Grail War and use the Great Cup of Uruk to create a body for him."

"You're using the projection of the Heroic Spirit Emiya to replace the munitions. Is this method feasible?"

"I just tried it. Although the power is reduced, fortunately it can be compensated by quantity. Moreover, as long as the magic power is sufficient, the existence of servants can have unlimited energy and action. The environment of the Age of Gods lacks magic power. As long as they are provided with air, they can project 24 hours a day. There is no need to worry about the number."

Yu broke out in a cold sweat when he heard this. Where did this devil capitalist come from? Is Gilgamesh going to transform from the oldest hero king to the oldest capitalist?

"What does that expression of yours mean?"

"……, nothing, I just think you have a connection with street lamps, whether you were young or you are now"


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