The small pseudo-black hole was launched by You, and at the same time, an urgent voice came

"Wait, don't——"

Kiritsugu Emiya hurriedly tried to stop Yu's attack. Compared to Altria who knew nothing five hundred years ago, he knew what a black hole was. Although he didn't know how Yu simulated this phenomenon, any move with this name would not be easy to deal with. In order to prevent the underground hole from collapsing and burying himself, the only ordinary person at the scene, alive, he had to step forward to stop it.

But Kiritsugu Emiya seemed to be a step slower. As soon as he said this, Yu's attack was already launched.

However, what he was worried about did not happen. Yu's attack did not cause any earth-shattering movement. The black ball just came to the middle of the black shadows and expanded in an instant, forming a huge circular field that swallowed all the black shadows, while the outside of the field was calm and had no effect.

The expanding black hole only existed for a few seconds, but all the enemies on the ground, except for Zouken Matou who was not within the attack range, disappeared as the black hole dissipated.

"Silly tape~ I've already said it's a pseudo-black hole, of course it can't be compared with a real black hole, to put it bluntly, it's a combination of a gravity ball and a space crack, I can't make a real pseudo-black hole. In fact, the effect of this move is similar to space collapse, all the power is concentrated in a range, and it has no effect outside the attack range."

You waved his hand to comfort the frightened Emiya Kiritsugu, and explained the principle of his own moves.

Hearing this, Emiya Kiritsugu breathed a sigh of relief,"Huh~ Is that so! I made a fuss, which means that you can't use a real attack similar to the principle of a black hole, you just randomly thought of a move called this name, right?"

"No, similar attacks will still be used," Yu said in a calm tone, words that were extremely terrifying to Emiya Kiritsugu,"If I really want to, I can still make something similar to a black hole, but I can't provide so much magic power in one breath, it takes more than ten minutes to charge, and doing so in a real battle is not worth the loss."

"……"No, can this thing really be rubbed out by human hands?

Seeing Yu's serious face that didn't seem to be lying, Emiya Kiritsugu was speechless. He began to feel a little scared of Yu's existence, and also doubted her true identity, because this kind of thing is not something that an ordinary being can do. Even the main gods of many myths that he has studied may not be able to do it, but she can say with regret that it will take her more than ten minutes to do it.

Could she be a main god from some myth?

Emiya Kiritsugu was doubting his life, and Artoria beside him also had a puzzled expression as to what a black hole was. On the other side, Matou Zouken came back to his senses from the shock. He first looked at Yu with a very fearful look, and then summoned his army of shadow servants again.

"I admit that I underestimated you. I didn't expect you to be so powerful, but the outcome of the Holy Grail War is not determined by who has more power. Besides, how much magic power do you have left to use the magic just now? My Shadow Servants are endless."

Matou Zouken shouted loudly at You, but the three of them could hear the taste of cowardice in his tone.

"Didn't I say that a war of attrition is not a good choice for you? Even if you have the Black Holy Grail to support you, you can't outlast me. And I don't plan to outlast you."As soon as he finished speaking, You casually snapped his fingers.

"You seem to have forgotten that my domain is always in effect. As long as I change the form slightly, the battle will end quickly - here, just like this."

With the sound of Yu's finger snap, the gravity in the domain instantly dissipated, replaced by an endless black tide.

It was also a black mud tide, but different from the black and red of the evil of this world, Yu's chaos tide was a deep, pure black that seemed to embrace everything. These chaos tides rolled down with waves, erasing the black shadows they touched like pencil marks erased by an eraser.

"Humph!" Matou Zouken snorted coldly, without commenting. The evil of this world under his feet was also surging, as if trying to overwhelm Yu's tide of chaos.

"Didn't I tell you that as long as the Holy Grail is on my side, they are endless, and all your efforts are in vain!"

The shadow appeared again, and You said with annoyance:"Aren't you tired of using the same trick for so long? I've said that I won't continue to waste time with you, and it's time for you to leave, fake"

"Fake?" Matou Zouken was puzzled for a moment, but did not take it to heart. Then he threw Yu's words behind his mind and planned to continue going down with her.

"What's going on, Matou-san, why are you here, and what's going on with this evil and weird atmosphere?"

Suddenly, a third party's voice came from the entrance, and Tohsaka Tokiomi also came to the underground cave at this time.

""What are you doing here, boy from the Tohsaka family?"

Matou Zouken did not answer Tohsaka Tokiomi's question, but instead asked him a question.


Tōsaka Tokiomi was silent for a moment. He had not figured out the details of the battle between the two parties. Before he figured out everything, he would not easily decide to help either party, even though the Tōsaka family and the Matou family had been allies for generations, and even though he had just adopted his little daughter into the Matou family.

However, considering the Matou family's status as an ally, he still told them the reason for his coming here.

"I just heard the King of Heroes say that the victory of this Holy Grail War had already been decided, and that all the answers were here, so I came over to investigate the reason. What is going on, why are you here, Matou-kun? And what's going on with this foul smell?"

At this time, although the hole in the Greater Holy Grail had not been opened yet, the smell of evil in this world had already leaked out through the Lesser Holy Grail, and the entire underground space seemed to be covered with a layer of dense purple mist. The malice directed at humans came at them as soon as they stepped into the large hole, giving people a creepy feeling. No wonder Toosaka Tokiomi said that the smell here was foul.

Matou Zouken laughed happily when he heard this,"Haha, Master Toosaka, this is the smell of the Holy Grail. How can you say it is foul smell when you really see it, something you have been thinking about for so long?"

"What - nonsense, the Holy Grail clearly possesses colorless power, how could there be such extreme malice against humans, I have carefully checked the past records of the Tōsaka family before participating in this Holy Grail War."

Tōsaka Tokiomi was shocked at first when he heard what Matou Zouken said, and then he loudly denied it. But even though the rebuttal was loud, everyone could hear the wavering emotions in the slightly trembling tone.

In response, Matou Zouken did not answer, but just stood there and laughed. At this time, Yu's voice sounded from the side.

"You said it was a record of the past.

Have your records never been updated? The Holy Grail was polluted in the last session, and the colorless power inside was transformed into the evil of this world.

Once this kind of thing leaks out, it will become a disaster that specifically curses and kills humans.

However, if you just want to use the channel to reach the root, this problem actually does not affect this function.

Anyway, no one who enters will survive.

The Black Holy Grail is unlikely to distort this function, and it can also bring a large group of people to be buried with you.

Why, as a magician, do you still care about such a small problem in the property?"

But as a father of a child, this is no small problem.

You said this just to test Tohsaka Tokiomi.

If he knew this and still pursued the Holy Grail regardless, You would have no choice but to let him return to his original destiny and sleep here forever.

Tohsaka Tokiomi clenched his fists, squeezing the crutches in his hands until they creaked, and he was struggling in his heart.

As a magician, he certainly wanted to explore the root cause, but as a father of a child, he did not want his children to pay for his actions, because his eldest daughter was still in the next town, and although his youngest daughter was adopted by the Matou family, she was still his own flesh and blood, and now she was staying in Fuyuki.

No one knew how much damage the evil of this world, which was something that was not easy to deal with at first sight, would cause once it was released, and whether it would involve the two children.

He was now struggling between the long-cherished wish of a magician and the responsibility of a father.

Finally, Tohsaka Tokiomi came to a conclusion.���He pointed the cane in his hand at Matou Zouken, and a fireball condensed at the front.

Matou Zouken shook his head and sighed,"Is this the decision? I had high hopes for you, Master Tousaka, you are really unqualified as a magician."

"I know that I have failed in my duty as a magician, but I cannot bring danger to my children because of my own reasons. I must set a good example for them as a father. Therefore, no matter what you do to the Holy Grail, I must stand here to stop your conspiracy. This is also my duty as the manager of the Fuyuki Spiritual Vein."

"The changes in the Holy Grail have nothing to do with me. Forget it. No matter how much I explain, I can't change the hostile reality. By the way, Master of the Tohsaka family, you just mentioned your daughter. I have to thank you for this. Sakura is really a good seedling - as a breeding ground for insects."

The words of Matou Zouken made Tohsaka Tokiomi feel uneasy,"What do you mean? Isn't the Matou family using butterfly magic? What did you do to Sakura?"

"It's nothing, it's just that Sakura's attributes are not compatible with the magic of the Matou family, so I made a slight transformation on her - I threw her into the insect cave and let the insects transform her body.

That child is really good.

It took three whole days for her to completely calm down.

I had planned to use her as a breeding ground for magic, so that she could come in handy in the Holy Grail War sixty years later, but man proposes, God disposes, and for some reasons, I have to do it myself now.


When he said this, Matou Zouken couldn't help but glance at You. But Toosaka Tokiomi didn't notice these, he was so angry at Matou Zouken's words that he was shaking all over.

"you you……"

Tōsaka Tokiomi's words were a little awkward, but Matou Zouken was still adding fuel to the fire.

"On the first day, he was still crying loudly and shouting the names of his family members. On the second day, he only cried intermittently. On the third day, he got used to it and could only sob from time to time. After that, he became like a puppet and obeyed everything I said."

Matou Zouken wanted to continue the story, but a beam of magic light blast shattered his head.

"I'm not interested in listening to your perverted training process, it will affect my mood and appetite."You stretched out a finger and said, the magic cannon just now was fired by her.

But Matou Zouken's incomplete body just turned into black mud and churned a few times before returning to its original state. This scene shocked Tohsaka Tokiomi, and even Emiya Kiritsugu frowned and began to think about how to deal with such an enemy.

"I have already gained immortality, no matter what you do, you can't hurt me." Matou Zouken explained proudly, as if he was sure that no one present could do anything to him.

"Immortality? Not necessarily. It's just using magic to rebuild a body. Once the magic is used up, you will still die."

Yu scoffed at the idea of Matou Zouken's immortality.

"And strictly speaking, even the remodeling���You are not a body, but just a record of memories and experiences, and then you keep creating them based on them. When one dies, you create another one. This is not immortality, but your current existence is very similar to that of a puppeteer, except that one of you is active and the other is passive."

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you understand? You and the shadow of the servant you summoned are essentially the same, just puppets of the evil of this world. Strictly speaking, they are just copies of the memory and personality of Matou Zouken. They are not the real person. If you die, you are really dead, but you will be replaced by a new copy. If you don't care about this, you can say that you are immortal. Matou Zouken, this old bug is really something. He can't let people rest in peace even after his death."

Yu's words made Matou Zouken a little defensive. He shouted loudly to cover up his inner uneasiness.

"You are talking nonsense. The evil of this world has promised me that it has given me immortality. If I can make it come into being, I can get rid of the defect of being able to move only in Fuyuki."

"You said it was the evil of this world, so why do you think that something that is associated with death and destruction can create something? Besides, isn't your so-called defect also a proof of this? It's just that you don't want to admit it. Now, everything should end."

"Snapped——"Yu clapped his hands, and the tide of chaos surged up, surrounding the entire underground cave.

Yu's cross star pupils then burst into a deep light, and the dark star pupils were activated, dispelling the magic power of all the servants' shadows in sight.

After losing all the magic power, these shadows no longer had the basis for existence, and one by one they turned into light particles and dissipated like the servants who had retired.

Then Yu stretched out his finger and pointed it at the last remaining Matou Zouken, and a magic light ball began to gather between them.

Matou Zouken still wanted to use his immortal body to comfort himself, but Yu's words kept lingering in his mind, and the words replaced by the new replica occupied all his thoughts, so he subconsciously took two steps back.

"It seems that you are not as confident as you say. Aren’t you immortal? Why are you retreating now?"

"Wait, we can talk about this.——"Matou Zouken quickly extended his hand to express his willingness to negotiate peace.

"No~ There is nothing to talk about between us, goodbye, no, I should say goodbye forever."

Yu Ke didn't care about that and fired the light cannon in his hand. The blue light instantly engulfed Matou Zouken.

"Is it over?" Altria asked

"Of course not. As long as the evil in this world still exists, they can be resurrected infinitely."You's words made several people alert again, and they all prepared for defense.

"Ah! You don't have to worry for now. I've covered this entire area with the Chaos Tide, limiting the range of this world's activities to this space. No matter what it wants to do, it must first break through my Chaos Tide."

Emiya Kiritsugu stepped on the Chaos Tide under his feet, looking at the thin layer, and asked worriedly:"That's all, is it okay?"

"Don't worry, this is the power of creation, and the little evil of this world can't break through it at all. In the words of the game, its spring of resurrection has been blocked by me. As long as I don't revoke it, it can't do evil."

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