The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 408: Door to the new world

   But the most dazzling thing is the energy reaction chamber buried deep underground.

   Now there are two suns in front of Sean, one is high in the sky, and the other is behind him.

   The biggest difference between the two is that one is releasing energy outward, and the other is absorbing energy continuously.

   The air in the entire northern fortress is filled with specks, spots, or strands. They are colorful, and they are all flowing in one direction-the energy reaction chamber.

   There is no doubt that they are magical energies that are usually invisible to the naked eye.

   Land, trees, rocks, biological bodies, etc., they can be said to be everywhere.

   It seems that the statement that magic power is the foundation of all things is not groundless, but has a certain foundation.

   As for whether it is right or not, Sean will not lightly draw conclusions because of an accidental observation.

   The same mistake, he will not make twice.

   What he sees right now is not necessarily the essence of this world, maybe there is something he doesn't understand behind it?

   Boldly assume, carefully verify.

   is the essence of scientific research.

   And it is meaningless to discuss this.

   As much as possible, eat as much rice as possible.

   With their current ability, even if they really explore the nature of the world, they can't do much.

   But this kind of perspective stretch is not infinite. Once it reaches a certain height, Sean has a strong sense of loss of control.

   To be safe, Sean returned honestly.

   turned his head to focus on the energy reaction chamber.

   From this completely different perspective, Sean saw a lot of things in the energy reaction chamber that he couldn't see at all, such as its actual operation process.

Sean stared at a trace of magical energy. Under the huge suction of the energy reaction chamber, it moved towards it at a seemingly slow but fast speed. When it was close to the energy reaction chamber, there was a basic rune of the same origin. It flickered, and it was sucked in.

   then followed the energy transmission pipeline, entangled with other spell energy of the same origin, forming a thin spell energy column, which was slowly pushed inside for a period of time, and then injected into a heart-like device.

   The reason why it is said to be like a heart is not that it is shaped like a heart, but that it functions.

  There are more than one energy transmission pipes inserted on it, but there are a total of six, corresponding to the six basic elements of fire, water, soil, wind, light, and darkness.

   After the six kinds of magic energy pillars gathered here, a wonderful chemical change occurred.

Lightning, wind, fog, rain... It can be described as ever-changing. All the natural sceneries of nature seem to be reorganized here in the mode of magical energy. It seems that there are only six kinds of magical energy. Together, there will be nothing they can't do.

   When water and fire meet, Qi is formed and turned into wind.

When    Fengshui meets, huge waves are formed.

   The impact of the fire and earth caused an earthquake.

   The fusion of scenery, lightning appeared.

   Various combinations made Sean fascinated and opened a new door for him.

   Now, it seems that his previous use of magical power was too crude and crude.

   This is the real use of magical power. If the magical power you control is large enough and you have enough skills, it doesn't seem to be impossible to call the wind and rain.

   I don't know how many times these six magical powers have rolled, and Sean's consciousness doesn't know how long he has been addicted here before he remembers his real mission.

   When they came out along the only output port similar to the heart device, they no longer have any color or attributes, just like air.

   But Sean knew that it just seemed to have no attributes. In fact, it was still composed of the six basic elements and reached a certain stable balance.

   When this balance is broken, they can be transformed into any element at will.

   The heart-like device just told Sean a truth. The six elements are not static. After they are combined, they can be transformed into any single element.

   There is no way to explain this kind of transformation with common sense. It can only be said that there is a commonality within them.

   After turning into a non-attribute magical energy, it is not finished yet, it still flows down the energy pipeline and enters the storage device.

  Because the magic energy in the storage device has reached an ultra-high concentration, it naturally keeps compressing, compressing and then compressing, and then the gas magic energy appears, and then it is liquefied and solidified.

   finally formed a coffin magical energy crystal.

   The existence of these high-concentration spell energy crystals, in a disguised form, increases the speed at which the energy reaction chamber absorbs the surrounding free spell energy.

With the passage of time, the concentration of spell energy here will only get higher and higher. If there is no discovery by the leader of the eternal night, when the upper limit of the spell energy accumulated here exceeds its own threshold for containing spell energy, it is not known What horrible thing happened.

   Sean was addicted to the ocean of spell knowledge and couldn't extricate himself, until the loud evening bell rang, he was awakened and brought back his consciousness.

   "How is this possible?" Sean shook hands in disbelief.

When his consciousness returned to his body, he was surprised to find that not only did he not have the fatigue of using consciousness and magic power for a long time, but he was full of energy, his mental head was more than he had just woken up, and the magic energy in his body was full and gushing. And coming out, let him have an illusion that even if facing a champion knight, he can still be hammered down.

   This is one of the three great illusions in life. If he really does not know how to challenge the champion knight, he will be hammered in the end.

   How can this phenomenon occur?

   Sean was puzzled.

   Regardless of the fullness of the spirit, or the sufficient power of the magic in the body, there is something abnormal.

   In the process of observing the energy reaction chamber before, he couldn't hold back, and kept fiddle with the magical powers. This was truly super long-distance control.

   The magical energy in the body is still full, which is a bit incredible.

   Manipulating the perception enhancement tower, no matter what, it needs to consume one's own spirit as a medium and as an introduction.

   What happened?

   Is this not only did not consume, but absorbed the magical energy from it to deny it?

   Thinking carefully, this possibility is not impossible.

   Just in the process of using the perception enhancement tower, his body is in a connected state, indirectly connected to the energy reaction chamber. If magical energy flows continuously through his body, such a phenomenon will indeed occur.

   This is waiting for the next use, so you must carefully observe it.

   If it is really like my own guess, I will have a brand new way of cultivation, or without delay in processing government affairs and research.

  The more I think about it, the hotter Sean's heart becomes, where there is still time to wait for the next time, ready to sit down and try again.

   Those master craftsmen who had waited eagerly outside all rushed in, looking at Sean anxiously.

   "Lord Lord, are you all right?"

   "Lord, your trial time is too long. We have had several times, and we almost couldn't hold back and rushed in."

   "Lord, did we succeed or fail?"

In this case, Sean could only forcefully suppress his curiosity, smiled and comforted everyone: "Didn’t you all see it with your own eyes? Am I not good now? Congratulations, you have succeeded, and the ability to perceive the tower is strengthened. It’s stronger than I expected, and I just indulged in its magical effects just now."

   "Lord Lord is best if nothing is wrong." After listening to the answer, the masters of the arsenal heaved a sigh of relief.

   "It seems that you can only stay here overnight tonight." Xiao En smiled and said to the masters.

“It’s okay. It’s okay to stay here for one night occasionally.” Master Bauer turned to comfort Sean, “At most, after the incident, take two more days off, exercise more, and exhaust the magical energy accumulated in the body. All right."

   "Be careful not to make a big mistake, this kind of thing can be avoided and avoided, this time it is my negligence." Xiao En shook his head and proactively admitted his mistake.

   The evening bell that just awakened Shaun from intoxication, there is another name in the northern fortress—departure bell or late bus bell.

   remind those who are not on duty in the northern fortress tonight, leave in a carriage as soon as possible and go to the surrounding satellite cities to rest.

   As I said before, there are also differences between the access rights in the northern fortress, those with residence qualifications and those with only residence qualifications.

   No matter what kind of qualification, unless necessary, it is generally not allowed to stay overnight in the Northern Fortress.

   This is also for personnel safety considerations.

   After all, their resistance to magical energy is not static, but is affected by the magical energy accumulated in the body.

   At work during the day, with companions around him, once a problem arises, he can seek medical attention in time.

   There was a problem during sleep in the middle of the night, and when it was discovered, the day lily was cold.

   In the process of sleep, the body's defense mechanism is the weakest, and it is easier for the magical energy to take advantage of it.

   Another advantage of doing this is to delay the accumulation of magical energy in their bodies, thereby prolonging their working time in the northern fortress.

   The only trouble is that the traffic load is a bit heavy.

   With the large-scale development and application of the energy reaction chamber, its scope of influence is increasing day by day.

  With the energy reaction chamber as the center, within one kilometer, it is an uncompromisingly hardest hit area. Unless it is necessary, even staff with a pass will not set foot here.

   Except for the Warlocks above the control level and the warcrafts that have been transformed and stable back to ancient times. For them, this is an out-and-out heaven.

  Soaking here is a lot of benefits for them. I didn't even watch Sean run here whenever he had time.

   Soaking in this environment every day, even if you don’t practice, both your physical fitness and the magical power in your body will increase slightly.

   One kilometer to five kilometers is the conventional hardest hit area.

   This is also the industrial area of ​​the Northern Fortress. Whether it is a biological anomaly research institute, an incubator room, or an arsenal, they are all located in this area. If it weren't for the flying formations that require an open field for training, it is estimated that they will also be located in this area.

  Choose to do this, of course, to reduce costs. Energy transmission pipelines, which are piled up with various metals, used to be scarce in this area. Of course, they have to use their fingers to use the budget.

   It is incidental to reduce the influence range of the energy reaction chamber.

   As mentioned earlier, as long as the magical energy is not taken into the charged gems or organisms and taken out of the northern fortress, it is not consumed. The strong adsorption power of the energy reaction chamber will **** them back back.

   In other words, they are floating in the air before they are sucked back into the energy reaction chamber. If they encounter a living body, they will naturally go inside.

   There is also no way to live in this area. Except for work, they will leave here during breaks.

   Five to ten kilometers, it is a medium zone and a garrison zone.

   Mainly those where the garrison is located. They need to be garrisoned all day long, and there is no way to leave their posts lightly.

   But at this concentration, the harm to ordinary people is not so severe.

   In essence, the magical energy is more good than bad for the human body.

   But there is a saying called "Xu Bu Fu". When there are too many good things to digest, it will cause side effects. The same principle as ginseng, if it is not used well, it can directly make up for the dead.

  Appropriate magical energy is beneficial and harmless to the human body, especially when combined with high-intensity training, it allows ordinary people to break their physical limits.

   The physical quality of the soldiers of the Northern Legion is second to none in the Eternal Night Army, and is comparable to the Skullcrusher McGee's Skullcrusher Corps. The production rate of knights and knights is naturally the highest.

   The boundary between a knight and a warlock is not so clear. Although one is to temper one's own physical strength and the other is to temper one's own bloodline strength, the first thing to do is to start with your own flesh.

   This kind of boundary is more blurred in the northern fortress. As long as you can increase your strength, who cares if this energy is originally unique to the warlocks?

   Now this has become a training place for the major legions of the Yongye Army. As long as they are not particularly sensitive to the magical energy, they will find time here every year for more than three months of training.

   Ten to twenty kilometers, it is a mild area and also a residential area.

   This place is most suitable for people to live in. Even those who are very sensitive to the power of magic can enter and leave here freely.

   Living here for a long time has a lot of benefits. Just saying one thing makes people unable to refuse-prolong life.

   This is absolutely nothing to brag about, but it's real. The truth and the warlock will delay the aging of the body, a truth.

   The satellite cities of the Northern Fortress are all in this area.

   The main residents here are the families of the staff working in the northern fortress.

   This is a benefit for working in the northern fortress.

  The aim of Yongye Army Leader is that as much as you pay for the territory, the territory will return to you as much as possible, and resolutely put an end to things that make the leaders shed blood, sweat and cry.

   You have paid your health and life for the construction of the territory. At this point, Yongye Army Leader cannot repay it in person, but can only repay it to their family members.

   This is the advantage that Yongye Junling has been advocating the concepts of family, clan, and territory. When a person puts these collective concepts above their own interests, they will be fearless for the family and territory.

   Yongye Army Leader has also been actively setting an example in this regard, whether it is the Hall of Heroes or the placement of the martyrs' families, they have done quite well.

   This is where the morale of the soldiers of the Eternal Night Army can always stay above the level.

   From 20 kilometers to 50 kilometers, it is the radiation affected area.

   This place will be more or less affected by the energy reaction chamber, at least those warlocks with a certain level of ability can clearly feel the difference here.

  The magical energy here will all flow in one direction-the energy reaction The boundaries of these areas are very vague and not static.

  Especially with the large-scale development and application of the energy reaction chamber by the Yongye army leader, the coverage of the hardest-hit area is constantly expanding. Basically, the energy transmission pipeline will pass, and the surrounding will immediately become the hardest-hit area.

   This is also no way. It’s impossible for Yongye Commander to avoid environmental changes without using the huge boost of energy reaction chamber, right?

   It is a matter of the distant future to pollute the forces that are just starting out to the Yongye Army leader.

   I can’t even talk about pollution first and then treatment, because at their current level, they don’t even have the qualifications to cause pollution.

  Moreover, from which point of view is the pollution of the energy reaction chamber?

   If you stand from the perspective of ordinary people, this is truly energy pollution.

   But from the point of view of warlocks and monsters like Sean, this is not only not a pollution, but also a kind of progress, a general trend for the entire world in the future.

   Sometimes right or wrong is not absolute, it depends on what is dominant.

Now that the Yongye army is dominated by ordinary people, it is natural to limit the impact of the energy reaction chamber to a certain extent. When will those who adapt to the high concentration of magic energy environment brought by the energy reaction chamber dominate, they will also It's the moment when everything is turned upside down.

   Now that this is too far away, three or two generations do not need to make a choice on this issue.

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