The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 5: teaching

The Andis giant bear’s character of bullying and fearful of hardship makes its ranking lower than that of the boars and cattle, but it also makes its hunting difficulty soar. The probability of a single bear hunting success is far higher than that of collective hunting, but the former The risk factor of is much higher than the latter. The bear hunting road is covered with bones. In addition to the large demand, the Andis giant bear leather muscle has been in short supply. Shaun has seen it several times before, but they are all finished products. The owner regards it as a life, even if it is incurable and loses his life, he is not willing to sell the heirloom, and has not been able to get it.

   With these two pairs of supreme leather tendons, it won’t take long for Sean’s effective range to extend out nearly 100 meters.

Leather bone, between cartilage and hard bone, grows around bones, especially the most developed joints. In addition to enhancing the weight-bearing capacity of bones, it also has protective capabilities. Its toughness and restorability are amazing, and its practical value Compared with the previous two, it is a medicinal material that is blindly effective. Grinding its ingredients, plus a few other mild herbs, can be formulated into a medicine called bone-strengthening powder. It has a miraculous healing effect, adding boiling hot water, steaming for one hour, and then using it for bathing, which will obviously help bone forging.

   There are three reasons for the price difference compared with the previous two.

First, the output is relatively large, especially for large hoofed species, such as the four-horned high-back mountain cow, which can pick out 20 to 30 kilograms of things. Although the output of a single animal is not higher than that of the Andis giant bear, The number of the former is only tens of thousands of times that of the latter. It is very rare for the Andis mountain people to hunt the Andis giant bear, but it is commonplace to hunt the four-horned high-backed mountain cow. When accumulated, the number is relatively large. .

Secondly, the taste of this kind of thing is very bad. After it is cooked, it will chew like wood slag. As long as it is not a famine, the Andis mountain people seldom take this stuff to satisfy their hunger, most of which are used to boil glue or feed the dog—— Sean has reservations about this. It is not so much that the taste is bad, it is that the Andis mountain people can't eat it. If this thing is paired with seasonings, it is simmered with ox hooves or ox head for a day and night. It will melt into a gelatinous shape and remove the bones. After cooling, it will be a strong gelatinous meat. The taste is only stronger than aspic. It can be stored for half a month even in midsummer, and its nutritional value is naturally very high. High, very suitable for teenagers who are growing bones. It is a must-have dish on Sean's table.

The three are that its efficacy and value are not well known. The reason why Sean likes to call this world quasi-Medieval is because many parts of this world have similarities with previous Europeans in the Middle Ages, including the extremely backward medical environment. On the one hand, many people regard disease as the test and will of the gods. They would rather ask God than seek medical treatment. In most places, witch doctors do not separate their families. In other words, for those who regard bloodletting as a routine treatment and plant ashes. The priests and wizards of hemostatic medicine, might as well choose to ask God for insurance.

In order not to be killed by those quack doctors, Sean started to learn to walk again, and used the medical knowledge of the previous life, the traditional Chinese medicine herbal remedies and the alchemy taught by his mother to explore the art of art. He lingered on the bed for five or six years. When the conventional medical treatment was useless, he could only embark on the path of unconventional treatment. God also prayed, Buddha worshiped, and the folk remedies of traditional Chinese medicine, which are known to be able to create miracles, did not. Knowing how much he tried, in desperate situations, human beings always burst out with unimaginable potential. In just five years, he read all the famous books of Chinese medicine and tried hundreds of home remedies.

Now think about it, how stupid the original behavior was. Even if the wisdom of the ancients is strong, it is impossible to predict the medical problems hundreds of years or even thousands of years later. What's more, as the environment changes, people are changing and medicine materials are also changing, so-called miracles. In many cases, the blind cat encountered a dead mouse. It was normal if he couldn't catch the mouse. When he died, Sean didn't catch his own mouse—if he could catch it, he wouldn't be here.

   The medical miracle did not appear, but Xiao En encountered an even greater miracle, a subject that proved that ancient and modern Chinese and foreign countries wanted to confirm, but there has been no substantial evidence-soul.

At least Sean defined this incredible thing that happened to him, but he really asked him to describe what the soul was like, and he couldn't say it, because he neither saw a white light falling from the sky nor experienced a strange illusory scene. , I haven't seen the gods and Buddhas in the sky, it's as if I slept for a long, long time, and then opened my eyes, it has turned upside down.

The similarity of the two worlds still allows Sean’s previous theoretical knowledge to be useful. Supplemented by the various classics of this world and the alchemy taught by his mother, practice is the main thing. After more than ten years, Sean has formed A set of plausible medical treatments of his own. If Sean dared to use this set of medical treatments in his previous life, he would be arrested and thrown into jail before long, and he would be named a murder doctor.

But in this world, it is not a simple genius to describe. Bone-strengthening powder is just one of the experimental products combining the theory of Chinese medicine and the alchemy and herbalism of the warlock. Medicine, the body is less resistant to drugs, or the medical effect of herbal medicine is really much stronger than that of the previous life. Although it can't keep up with the technology-purified medicine, it can make some people with stronger perception easily feel the effect of the medicine.

The most important thing is that Sean has enough opportunities to test various formulas and medicines. The so-called Chinese medicine is largely empirical. The importance of theoretical knowledge is far less important than experience. The process of practicing medicine is testing medicine. In the process, once a certain kind of Chinese medicine with special effects on a certain disease is discovered in the process, then this doctor will soon be praised as a genius doctor. If he can’t find out, the Chinese doctor will be a cure for minor diseases at best. The quack of disaster.

This is also the reason why in previous lives, the older the TCM doctors, the more popular they are. They have a higher chance of holding special remedies discovered in the course of years of practicing medicine. Of course, there are still a few such doctors, and most of them are still famous for old TCM Old liar.

   The reason why a miracle is called a miracle is because it is scarce. If there are more, it is a formal treatment, and no one thinks it is rare.

   Sean’s current weird slaughter method is the habit of using prey as an anatomical test. Understanding the texture will not only help self-study medical skills, but also benefit his personal training.

   "Don, come and see and found something good." Marshall exclaimed in surprise.

"What? Bear yellow? Good thing, such a big bear yellow is really rare. With this thing, the efficacy of the medicine we prepared this time has increased by 30%, but the adjuvant prepared this time is for strengthening the bones and muscles. It's not completely matched, it's a bit violent. Forget it, keep it first, and collect some adjuvants that match the nature of snake venom and ground mulberry anthers, and mix them into Xionghuang ointment. Whether it is applied externally or internally, it has a miraculous effect on detoxification." Sean is also very happy about the unexpected gain of this gadget. Although it is similar in nature to bezoar, its efficacy is obviously different. Bezoar has a mild temperament and takes effect more slowly. It is still effective in dealing with chronic poisoning. Violent poisoning, people die before it takes effect, but Xionghuang has a strong temperament, and basically works on the spot. Although the side effects are greater than that of bezoar, who cares about life-saving medicine at critical times.

"dinner time."

   For half-sized children who are now growing up, this word is their favorite to hear.

In fact, as early as when they were steaming in the pot, their minds were not on Sean's side. The Andis Giant Bear Meat was not considered high-quality meat. The meat was too old. Even after special treatment, it still tastes better. It has a savory taste, but the scent of wild green onions, wild garlic, and wild vegetables is nothing to say. The fragrance is a bit exaggerated, but there are still tens of meters. If Sean had not forbidden them to eat non-ten mature food, they would have been early I can't help but take the chopsticks.

   "Let's have dinner!" Sean did not continue to embarrass these half-size boys who have been hooked and caused Long live Sean. "

   "Long live Tang!"

   The liberated half-boy cheered, picked up his rice bowl and chopsticks, and rushed up, the posture was like fighting.

   "You are too used to them." Marshall was a little dissatisfied with Sean's indulgence. "It will make them dependent."

"It's not a bad thing to leave some good memories while young, at least it will become the driving force to go further in the future. They are already independent enough." Xiao En sincerely sighed that in the previous life, such a big child was still in the elders. Acting like a baby in his arms, he is the little emperor of a family. He comes with clothes to open his hands and eats to open his mouth, and his limbs are not diligent. They don’t know how to distinguish the grains. It’s like they have to grab food from wild dogs since they are not sensible. The teacher learns by himself, struggling to survive.

They were lucky to meet Sean. Not only did they have food, but also things to learn. There were more orphans and abandoned babies like them, who lingered like little mice, and then disappeared silently in the mountains. In the middle, they walked silently, just as they came silently.

Suffering is the catalyst for precocity. Even Marshall is only fourteen years old this year, but he is steady and methodical in his work. Even a 30-year-old young man in his previous life is not ashamed. Of course, Sean doesn’t count. It was a young man with an adult soul, and he could be Marshall's grandfather at the age of two generations combined. With his unique identity, when he was infancy, those adults no longer looked at him like children.

   It is precisely because he has seen what real bear children are that Sean is tolerant of these children. In his eyes, each of these children is a good kid who is motivated, hardworking, and well-behaved. Sometimes being well-behaved and hardworking makes people feel distressed.

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