The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 499: Comprehensive test

"Shen Xinjing, this is just the beginning, remember this feeling, not only know how to open, but also know how to close." Xiao En said in a deep voice.

Everyone shows shock and ecstasy in different ways. Especially after so many years of tempering, Sean is no longer the ordinary person who has almost lost control in the face of the village being slaughtered, but a person who is not happy or angry. Lords who easily flow to the surface, especially the kind of great joy and great compassion.

At this moment, the ecstasy in his heart was not inferior to Ferdinand, but he did not show the slightest.

Although Ferdinand wanted to do what Shaun said very much, he was so emotional that the great knight couldn’t control it completely. Not to mention turning on the leopard speed again, even his movements were completely out of shape, and he almost hit. Not to mention on the mage tower, his hands and feet turned into shunkuan, he couldn't even walk, and he fell to the ground.

A great knight fell down without being sick or injured.

No one would believe this incident, but it did happen.

"Let's take a break!" Sean also knew that in this case, he couldn't continue the experiment.

Ferdinand didn’t feel ugly at all. His emotions were still in a state of high excitement. After he got up, he jumped to Sean and said: "Lord Lord, I have just performed a similar spell. Feeling the magical energy in my soul, in my body, and surging around me, this... this is really incredible.

How did Lord Lord think of such a wonderful idea?

Well, Lord Lord has been studying the soul consciousness area recently. With Lord Lord’s cleverness, it is not surprising to think of this wonderful usage.

Does Lord Lord know what this means?

This means that I can construct other magical circuits in my soul consciousness, and use this to cast spell-like abilities. As many magical circuits as we have in the army, how many kinds of magical circuits I can use at that time! Isn't this the same as the warlock?

And what I represent is a possibility. Everyone with a strong enough soul consciousness can use this method to cast magic..."

Ferdinand talked endlessly, not so much to talk to Sean as to himself, or it was more appropriate to vent.

He could think of things, how could Sean, the initiator, fail to think about it?

This can be seen from the fact that Sean solemnly told him the corresponding confidentiality clauses before the test.

It now appears that Sean’s solemnity at the beginning was not that he was too nervous, but a normal reaction. At least compared to himself, Sean was too calm from beginning to end.

This is an unprecedented trial to break the monopoly of spells by warlocks.

It is not an exaggeration to give any shock and evaluation.

Sean was not infected by Ferdinand’s excitement. Leopard always had a peaceful smile on his face. Until Ferdinand vented that excitement and excitement, he continued, "Let’s continue!"

"Good!" Ferdinand failed to drive Sean's excitement, but was infected by Sean's calmness. He accepted the fact that everything happened and started to cooperate with him in a new round of experiments.

The body secretes too much hormones and seems to still play a role in the body. If Ferdinand started again, if he was divinely assisted, he not only remembered the feeling of the magic circuit surging in the soul, but also successfully mastered how to close the magic circuit. It is to cut off the integrity of the magic circuit and prevent the magic energy from continuing to flow.

However, a gradual process must be followed in the middle, otherwise it will be a big burden on his soul consciousness. Those out of control magical energy will explode in his soul consciousness. Fortunately, Sean has been escorting by and discovering the situation. No, I pulled away the magical energy around his body in time, otherwise even if his head is not exploded, he will be injured, the soul.

It seems that this brand-new way of using magical energy is also dangerous in the process of cultivation. When experimenting, you still have to uphold bold assumptions and carefully verify it, otherwise you will accidentally give yourself to If you die, you will lose more than you gain.

After seeing that Ferdinand had mastered the situation, Shaun couldn't wait to drag him back to the consciousness space for the next stage of experimentation.

After all, Leopard Speed ​​is just a kind of magic to enhance itself, this can also be done with enchanting equipment.

The real key point should be the unique attack technique of the warlocks.

The Yongye Army led the development of enchanting equipment, and it has been six or seven years now, but all the equipment they build are auxiliary knights or defensive, and there is no long-range offensive enchanting equipment.

It's not that they don't want to, but they can't.

Engrave the magic circuits of offensive spells such as fireballs, wind blades, and water bombs on the enchanting equipment.

Can it work?


However, the soldiers reluctantly urged it out, no more than two or three meters apart, and they collapsed automatically.

Not only is this pure attacking technique too expensive, but also because of problems with cohesion.

The reason why the attack spells displayed by the warlocks are condensed and not scattered is because they are controlled by their soul consciousness.

On the contrary, those auxiliary spells can further amplify the fighter's own combat power and appear to be more effective.

Only in this way, Ferdinand can successfully display offensive spells, can he truly be on par with warlocks.

With the leopard speed at the bottom, the attacking magic circuit becomes familiar.

This time, Sean chose the fireball technique he was most familiar with. The circuit of the spell was simplified and compressed to the extreme, but the condensed fireball was the most powerful.

It didn't take Ferdinand long to form a magic circuit in the soul consciousness.

The display process was also much smoother than Leopard Speed. There was no need for Sean to point out, and there was a big fireball in Ferdinand's hands.

But there are two more difficult problems.

The first is the issue of its own flame tolerance.

Warlocks from the fire system like Sean are not only naturally compatible with fire spell energy, but also have a certain degree of fire resistance. Although they can’t be completely fearless of flames, they can at least play with flames for a short time. Got burned.

Ferdinand is not a half-dodged ordained person. The first time he shot, he was burned by the fireball he formed.

The second problem is the gathering of magical energy in the process of casting.

Previously, when Ferdinand used Leopard Speed, he did not expose this problem due to continuous consumption, but this kind of offensive spell that instantly consumed a large amount of spell energy was exposed.

In the process of using Ferdinand's spells, the spell energy consumed is not entirely his own. The spell energy integrated into the soul spell loop is just a lever to pry free spell energy.

In other words, the whole principle of casting magic is the same as that of a sorcerer, but the main power does not come from itself, but uses the soul magic circuit to extract and transform the surrounding body. There is a conversion speed problem in the middle, which leads to the magic The casting of spells is delayed, especially offensive spells.

A big fireball took Ferdinand three seconds.

Don't forget.

He is now in a mage tower with extremely strong spell energy. What if he is replaced with a normal environment or a spell energy desert?

I am afraid that the power will be greatly reduced.

In any case, it is an indisputable fact that Ferdinand can perform various spells like a warlock, which confirms the possibility of Sean's new path.

The small problem exposed in it can be ignored.

As long as it is feasible, there is always a way to think of.

The most feared thing is to stop at the first level, there is no possibility of continuing.

No need for Sean's request, Ferdinand is like a kid who finds a new toy. He happily starts to experiment with various magic circuits, and forgets his own work and the construction of the mage tower group.

Fortunately, his two apprentices, Lei Zhe and Vito, have worked hard in the consciousness space in the past few months. They not only learned rune mathematics and rune literature, but also mastered magic architecture. The rest is a matter of experience.

This Ferdinand was also helpless, so he could only go to the construction site for training. Some of the non-core tasks of the mage tower group could be thrown to them and let them practice their hands.

Anyway, the architectural drawings of the mage tower group have been taken out. They only need to follow the construction. Xiao En will go over and take a look if there is nothing to do. Even if he makes a mistake, he will at most demolish and rebuild. This is a must for the apprentice to mature. By the way.

During this time, Ferdinand dedicated himself to Sean to conduct various experiments.

The ability of ordinary people's soul consciousness to conform to culture and cast magic is just the beginning, proving the feasibility of this new discipline, but where is their upper limit?

Soul consciousness can't infinite talisman culture, can it absorb magic energy infinitely?

If this is the case, it would be more terrifying. As long as they are given enough time, these people who can transform their soul consciousness into culture will be almost omnipotent.

Obviously this situation does not exist. Everything has an upper limit. Even if Sean's soul consciousness is in a state of infinitely strengthened, it also has its own upper limit, let alone an ordinary person.

In just two weeks, Sean and the others have tested out the upper limit of Ferdinand's soul consciousness.

More than two million basic runes.

This is not the quantity in the consciousness space of the mage tower, but the quantity in reality.

If it is in the consciousness space, the soul consciousness is in a strengthened state, and the number of basic runes condensed is still large. This is related to the strengthening multiple provided by the perception strengthening magic circuit.

But these more condensed basic runes, once Ferdinand's soul consciousness returns to his body, it will collapse, become the purest magical energy again, and return to the mage tower.

Unless he can often squat on the mage tower and use it to conduct magic research like Xiao En, otherwise, in the consciousness space, it is meaningless to strengthen that part of the soul consciousness talisman culture.

The reason why Xiao En can drink cold boiled water now is that even the Yiyiji Energy Reaction Chamber is ready to be built if he wants to, and he is ready to build five as soon as he gets started.

It is still cheaper to strengthen the soul consciousness of the mage tower.

The strength of the soul consciousness in his normal state is calculated according to Ferdinand’s, starting at 2 million, the soul consciousness enhancement multiple of the wizard tower is calculated as 10,000 times, and Shaun still has 20 billion basic runes, and one only needs 200 million. The soul energy reaction chamber that is not available is not a trivial matter, and it is not a burden at all.

This is still the lowest multiple.

Although Sean is just a whisperer, his soul consciousness is born an adult, and because the soul beast card has played with soul consciousness for so many years, there is absolutely no way to measure the strength of soul consciousness by common sense, let alone an ordinary champion knight. , Even if it is the double peak of Darnell, I am afraid that Sean will be worse in this area.

Not to mention that he has been squatting in the mage tower for a while, using all soul consciousness.

Soul consciousness is like human power. It is not a consumable item. If it is used frequently, it will not decrease, but will become stronger and stronger.

Not only does Shaun now have no concept of the strength of his true soul consciousness, even the strengthened one has no concept.

Even with this crazy use now, it still doesn't touch the bottom line.

In other words, there is no bottom line about how much Sean's soul consciousness is and how many things he can do at the same time.

Sean often focuses on one thing, not limited by the strength of his soul consciousness, but by his main consciousness.

There is no way, although Xiao En has designed small soul programs, but the functions are simple, and there is no way to replace the main consciousness to deal with some more complicated things. He was not a programmer in his previous life, and his understanding of this is limited to fur.

It is not so much past life experience as it is a disguised application of the rune mathematics learned by Speaker Abner, which uses variants of basic runes and magic circuits.

If Sean is really allowed to play computer programs, he will have to learn from the beginning.

The soul consciousness enhancement multiple provided by the mage tower is even more unknown. This can only be calculated after Sean detects the strength of the soul consciousness in the enhanced state and the non-enhanced state.

Their current research focus is not on Sean, Ferdinand is the focus of their attention.

Sean's soul consciousness does not have any reference now, even if other mage towers are built, his state will be unique in a short time.

The perception enhancement of other mage towers is the same as the small rooms in the three-body mage tower, which are all controlled by Sean.

Looking higher, Sean has nothing to do. This is limited by the hardware, so the magical energy flowing in the small room is so great.

To keep a low profile, that’s what he said in one sentence. How many times the soul consciousness can be strengthened is directly related to the circulation speed and total amount of magical energy. He only needs to limit the magical energy flowing out of the energy reaction chamber. Just transport it.

Ferdinand has two million basic runes.

It sounds like a lot, but what needs to be If it is purely conventional magic circuits such as Leopard Speed, Wolf Attack, and Juli, it only needs a few thousand to tens of thousands of basic runes. .

Even for offensive magic circuits such as fireball, water polo, and ground stab, the number of basic runes may be more, but it is only about 100,000.

It is not difficult for Ferdinand to put them all into a magic circuit and integrate them into his mind.

But neither Sean nor Ferdinand can satisfy this.

If only to this extent, Ferdinand is at best a great knight in an enchanted suit, plus a few attack spells, that is, dominate the great knight class. If you want to wrestle with the champion knight, then Don't think about it, even ordinary champion knights can beat them to the north, let alone champion knights wearing enchanted armors led by Yong Yejun.

It’s not that Sean and Ferdinand have big hearts, but Ferdinand’s soul consciousness comparable to the champion knight’s is placed there. It is already the most top-notch. If his soul consciousness is completely in line with the culture, the fighting power that erupts will still be incomparable. For the Champion Cavaliers, then the significance of such a new discipline will be much smaller.

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