The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 63: Gather

   There are two sides to everything.

   The nobles and nobles under the command of Manyu, including Duke Bourg, didn’t care about Bastille, they just didn’t trust him, Kleist the sly fox. They had to wait for their own people to verify the accuracy of the news before they could take action.

   The sly fox Kleist was invited into the Ducal Mansion again, two weeks later, and at this time, the news that Bastille had been captured by the Andes mountain people had spread all over the streets of Solo City.

   Some people say that this time the Andis mountain people dispatched tens of thousands of troops. The heads of the people killed in the Bastille were rolling and blood flowed into rivers. The entire Bastille was sifted.

   Some people also said that a traitor appeared inside the Bastille, opened the city gate, and let the Andis mountain people in. From top to bottom, they were completely slaughtered.

It is also said that the Andis mountain people who captured the Bastille were not ordinary Andis mountain people who were enslaved by them, but came from the group of wild and blood-drinking barbarians who were mixed with the Kentana Icefield, each of them eight feet tall and waist circumference. Eight feet, covered with a foot of long black hair, walking like flying, with infinite strength, once it falls into their hands, life is better than death, and the corpses of the Bastille soldiers become their food.

   It is also said that the Andean army is gathering. The Bastille is now crowded with people, almost nowhere to stand. It will not be long before they will come like a flood, reappearing the tragedy of people thirty years ago.

   All kinds of rumors are flying all over the sky. Even if Kleist the creepy fox stays in the hotel without leaving home, he has heard no fewer than ten versions, and one is more mysterious than one.

  , especially the term locust, evoked the sensitive nerves of some middle-aged and elderly people who had come from that era. One by one, nervously, they began to pack their belongings. After a little turmoil, they were ready to take the whole family away.

   More people are excited, especially those young people who are eager to make contributions.

Over the past few years, the general environment has been relatively stable. Although there were some turbulence in the interior, they were all small troubles. Before they could form a scale, they were strangled by the Duke of Borg. The last legion battle with thousands of people has already happened. It was ten years ago, and this is not good news for young people who are eager to get rid of their origins by military service.

   Now Bastille allows them to see the hope of war, and they run excitedly one by one, advocating the necessity of war, while trying to join the army, hoping to take this opportunity to show themselves, gain military merits, and get rid of the current state of life.

   The entire territory of Solo City is filled with a breath of war.

   The life of Kleist, the sly fox, has not been easy for the past two weeks. The two guards of the Duke's Mansion who sent him back did not return. They were to protect his safety in name but actually put him under house arrest.

During this period, there were many nobles and nobles who visited him with various names, but all of them were very proud and arrogant. They wanted to get first-hand information from him, but didn’t trust him and didn’t want to get too much with him. relationship.

   The only posture is relatively low, Paleste, who is a soliciting intent, is a big pit. Unless his forehead is kicked by a donkey, how can he be rashly involved in a vortex of military leadership's inheritance?

   Entering the Ducal Mansion again is a completely different experience.

Compared to two weeks ago, the Duke’s Mansion is obviously a lot more lively. It is expensive to go in and out, the leather boots are shiny, you must look at the sky at sixty degrees, walk like a measurement, and you must cough twice to mix the breath before speaking. , Speaking a pure opera aria, it seems that not doing so is not enough to show their noble status.

There are many familiar faces among them, apparently people who have visited him in the past two weeks. Compared with the poker faces we met last time, there are fake smiles on their faces this time to show off. Own affection.

   Obviously this is the so-called second-ranking military minister of the Duke’s mansion that is in effect on his body. This may also be the only role of this title. What kind of military minister is a military minister who has only observers but no right to advise?

   Regardless of whether the capital is the capital or the capital, the faces of these people are exactly the same.

When the Duke’s Mansion’s war convening order was issued, the local noble lords responded much faster than the creepy Fox Kleist expected. When many local nobles participated in the war meeting in the Duke’s Mansion, the private army had already assembled. Finished, on the way to the capital.

   What the Andis mountain people did in the Bastille pierced the lung tube of the entire Manyu army and touched their fundamental interests, so they could not help but worry.

   In the mid-sleep and half-awake of the creepy fox Kleist, the argument for conquering the Bastille has been settled. In this process, his use is nothing more than describing the information that is about to be bad.

   As to how useful the intelligence he controlled two and a half weeks ago was still reserved, Kleist the creepy fox had no idea.

   He has personally seen the terror work efficiency of that weird Andis mountain army. For half a month, there are not enough tiles left to demolish the Bastille, and it is possible to build a more magnificent defense system.

But these words can only be stuffed in their stomachs, because no one believes them. In the eyes of these noble lords, the mountain people in the Andes Mountains are synonymous with barbarism, poverty, backwardness, and ignorance. They are still in an uncivilized state. , Can win the Bastille must rely on cliché crowded tactics.

The surprise attack described by   , in their view, was simply an exaggeration to cover up his incompetence, which was also the main reason for his distrust.

   As a little baron with a fat head and big ears said, "A group of monkeys who have just come down from the mountain, what tactics do they know?"

No matter how loud your voice is, it is impossible to wake up people who are pretending to be asleep, especially those who are self-righteous and smart. Facing such a person, Kleist the fox can only choose to be silent. Naturally right, as to whether there will be any accidents in the future, it is their own business.

   What is clamoring in the Duke’s Mansion is the dispute about the Supreme Commander.

"The fall of the Bastille is related to the entire industrial layout of our military leader. The daily loss is more than 10,000. This is the top priority for our military leader for more than ten years. I think this kind of important event is not enough to show that the non-duke is sitting in person. We are bound to gain confidence and momentum, and by the way, we will also show off our majestic and mighty military posture to those around us, so that they can stand by themselves and dare not mess around."

The person who put forward this proposal seems to be full of good intentions, and actually contains murderous intent. Not to mention the degree of danger of going to the battlefield. Just talking about the horrible size of the Duke Borg, it is only the Kodo behemoth of the Kentana barbarian. He, after a long journey, has to kill him half his life.

"How can a group of uncivilized savages be worthy of the Duke's leadership? As far as I can see, the Duke is in charge of the capital, and it is more important to maintain stability in the rear. We are the leaders of the Manyu army, and you can choose any general. With this great responsibility, as long as we can win a beautiful victory in the Bastille, our military leadership will naturally be out."

   Naturally, there are people who slapped a horse and take the initiative to relieve Duke Borg, even if the other party does not see him like this kind of grandeur.

"I think it would be more appropriate for Lord Philip to take the place of Lord Duke. For the past ten years, Lord Philip has been garrisoning in the blood fort. He has made outstanding achievements. Mention the name of Mann’s kindergarten teacher Philip Phelan. The Odin orcs were also shivering, and he led the troops. If the famous saying goes without saying, it will be invincible and invincible."

"You said that Lord Philip was stationed in the Blood Fort in Fracture. It was thousands of kilometers away from time to time. Could it be that our army is gathered and waiting for the coach to be in place? What's more, garrison in the Blood Fort in Fracture. That is the top priority of the entire league. Every winter, it is the time when the group of beasts is the most powerful. If Lord Philip is called back at this time, isn't this for others to watch the joke of our Man Yu army leader? The army leader is so scarce to deal with a group of uncivilized savages and need to be transferred thousands of miles away? You are not ashamed, I am ashamed!"

"Why should you stay close? Lord Patreme is in charge, and he is in charge, and he can also represent the Lord Duke. In recent years, Lord Patreme has grown up, and you are all obvious to everyone. They are steady and have a lot of work. Father-and-brother style, what is lacking now is only the opportunity to experience, when that time, he will be equipped with a stable general and a small Bastille will not matter at all."

The commander-in-chief is selected between the first heir and the second heir of the Faerun family. As for the desert lion Duke Borg, I am eager to try and want to go personally, but his direct line, from top to bottom, does not A supporter of is self-evident, your physical condition is already like this, so don't take the guy's work.

   The two remaining factions can be regarded as evenly matched, the two factions are in disagreement, and each is blushing, as if the contention is not an interim commander, but the supreme ruler of the Manyu army.

In truth, Philip, the first heir of the Faerun family, has the advantage. His name was killed during the war with the Odin orcs, not to mention the leader of the Manyu army, even in the entire Byron The league is also a well-known young talent.

His biggest disadvantage is that he himself is not in the capital, and in the broken blood castle thousands of kilometers away, even if he receives news, he rushes back without stopping, at least two weeks, let the whole army wait here, Obviously it is unrealistic, when a heavy snowfall will come down, this battle will not be fought this year.

At the beginning, when he proposed that he personally lead the troops on the expedition, Duke Borg still looked interested. After this resolution was completely rejected, he became like Kleist, dozing all the time, wandering around the sky, his heart was not impatient. What was revealed directly, but also indirectly showed that he had long been troubled by this heir dispute.

   This group of **** who have no eyesight are so longing for him to die early? He is still in his prime, and it will not be a problem to sit in this position for another 30 years. Is it early to find a new master for himself now? Even if the new master is his two biological sons.

   "Patlem!" Duke Borg supported his body hard, making his body more correct, and made the final decision.

It’s not that the following argument has resulted, but that he is too lazy to continue listening. Anyway, it doesn’t matter who the two sons are in command. They are just a nice name. The one who really controls the army is his general, who is remotely controlled by him in the capital. command.

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