The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 7: real time monitoring

In this process, most of the energy of the flame comes from the high mountain cold iron pine arrow shaft. The power that Sean consumes is mainly used as a catalyst to accelerate its decomposition and combustion and a stabilizer to control it. It’s not impossible to change to an ordinary arrow, but the consumption is not directly proportional to the power. The energy contained in an ordinary hardwood arrow shaft is only one-tenth of that of a high mountain cold iron pine arrow shaft. When it is pushed 100 meters, the energy dissipates. Almost there, the power is relatively limited compared to ordinary arrows, and the energy consumed in this process is indispensable, at most, it doubles the number of Sean's casts.

   Without the help of external force, even with the help of the brand of fire, with just one arrow, he would be able to drain his energy and fall into a deep coma.

As for the imaginary portal, the doomsday forbidden curse that is more terrifying than nuclear bombs does not exist in this world. Sean once learned from his mother about the strength of the most powerful control-level warlock. It is a human-shaped nuclear bomb. Even if it is a long distance away from a human-shaped missile, the strength is between the guard level and the school level. In layman's terms, it is to face a 100-person guard with an entire organization. There is a battle strength, but if you replace it with a fully organized school guard, you can only flee, otherwise you will be consumed alive, and this premise is still based on the ordinary army, if it is replaced by a large number of knights and knights The elite knights can deal with the first team is quite remarkable.

This kind of situation only exists in hypothesis, and it will never happen in reality, because every control-level warlock, even if it is not a lord, will be a high-powered person with countless followers around him, and he usually has the opportunity to shoot. It's so pitiful.

   These are all very far away for Sean. So far, the warlock he has contacted is his mother Elena alone.

   Judging from the series of characteristics displayed by magic power, it is more like radiation from a scientific point of view, absolutely involving the atomic level, because only this level can complete the transformation of a thing in an instant, releasing a lot of energy in an instant.

Radiation is actually a neutral word. The reason why it is notorious and disillusioned in the past life is because of the chain reaction of nuclear weapons and their special killing methods, radiation pollution, and the deliberately exaggerated spread, which makes people feel psychologically There was terror and fear, and he kept away from all radiation unconsciously.

   But radiation is everywhere. As long as there is a place where energy flows, there is radiation. Every living body is a radiation source, but this kind of radiation is in a microscopic state, and it is usually not felt at all.

   But this is only Sean's conjecture. If he wants to really verify, with the world's extremely backward technology, the road he has to walk is not a little bit long.

   So far, the brand of fire has two main uses.

The situation similar to the smart terminal just now is one of them. It looks full of science fiction, but it has nothing to do with computer programs. It is pure magical power. The mark of fire is far more than just a little exposed, but It is entangled with Sean's blood vessels, densely covering every tissue in his body. If you look at it the other way round, the Fire Brand is actually the vascular tissue that has been transformed by magical power.

The mainstream view in this world is that it is not entirely without reason for the warlock to pass on the bloodline. Whether it is cultivation or use, it has an inseparable relationship with the bloodline, especially when the warlock is not proficient in the perception and control of the magical power at the beginning. Apprentices usually exercise their bodies like knights and warriors, and they are full of energy and blood, which has a multiplier effect on controlling the power of warlocks.

In the practice of a sorcerer, strengthening and transforming blood vessels with magic power is the first step. Only specially strengthened blood vessels can withstand the surge of violent magic power-the fire power controlled by Sean is the most obvious The representative of, if he dared to introduce the undiluted flame power into places other than his right hand, the violent flame power would destroy all his blood vessels along the way, and finally burst his heart.

This is one of the foundations for the speculation that Sean’s magical power is a kind of electromagnetic radiation power of the human body. The electromagnetic energy in the human body is a concept, and the material energy gathered by electromagnetic energy is another concept. Electromagnetic energy can change the body. The ability to withstand a certain kind of energy is called elemental resistance if it is exchanged in the terminology of earth magicians. Elemental resistance can only be infinitely close to the theoretical limit, but there is no way to achieve real immunity.

Take Sean as an example. His resistance to flame and temperature is obviously much higher than that of ordinary people, so it is so high that he will not be burned by ordinary boiling water in a short time. This is the result of persistent training since childhood. As for flame, don’t even think about it. Even the most ordinary firewood emits a flame temperature as high as 800. If Sean is brain-damaged and runs into the fire, there will only be one result-burning himself alive.

  The sorcerers are not in direct contact with the magical power in the process of casting spells. Even if they are in contact, it is instantaneous. Before they cause harm to themselves, they release energy.

The benefits of using magical power to strengthen and transform the body are obvious. It not only makes the sorcerers more powerful, but also more compatible with the magical power, making it more handy to use. The complete magicalization of the body is the most basic to become a manipulation-level sorcerer. Claim.

Whether it is electromagnetic radiation or magical power, this power is inseparable from the cell structure of the human body, which makes every warlock's perception of himself far higher than that of ordinary people. The slightest change cannot escape the perception of magical power. The process of studying magical power is also a process of studying their own body. This makes them more efficient than knights when they cultivate their bodies, because their cultivation is more effective. Targeted.

The branding makes this ability more real, and the direct connection with the brain allows it to share part of the brain's resources. A high-end, atmospheric, and high-end intelligent biological computer came into being-the body is the hardware, the brain It is the software and the core processor, the blood vessel is the data cable, and the magic power is the data carrier-this is the perfect collision of Sean's past and present lives. Compared with the imprint of his mother's magic book, he looks taller. a lot of.

The most amazing thing is that branding takes up brain resources obviously unconsciously, just like human breathing and heartbeat. Although they exist, they usually don’t feel it. If you want to, you can tune it out—this information includes not only The current and the previous ones. As long as Sean wants to, he can even recall his physical state at the moment he was just born. Affected by memories of previous lives, the brand of fire describes him in a pattern that is the most understandable for Sean. Physical condition-game data.

The six main attributes of strength, agility, physique, intelligence, will, and perception are a comprehensive value of physical coordination. This value is not static like in the game. It is a real-time monitoring data. What you see is only the current state. Sean's best form.

  Before analyzing Sean’s physical and mental state through the six main attributes, one needs to understand a standard-the measurement benchmark of the brand of fire. If there is no measurement benchmark, these values ​​are just a bunch of meaningless numbers.

The benchmark of the Fire Brand is set by Sean. The theoretical value calculated with the help of the Fire Brand, that is, the attribute values ​​of the best condition that Sean had at the age of eighteen in his previous life are all set to 1-this The standard does not necessarily apply to the native residents of Asahan, but it is the most direct, appropriate and applicable to Sean.

   After understanding this concept, looking back at Sean's attribute value, the meaning is fully revealed.

   Strength 1.8, Agility 1.75, Constitution 1.65, Intelligence 2.65, Will 3.15, Wisdom 2.85.

   Although Sean was not considered a good sportsman in his previous life, he was not outstanding in his studies, but at least he had sound limbs and a clear mind. After 16 years of training in the socialist education assembly line, he was considered to be a middle-class player in all aspects.

   But compared with this life, it is completely scum.

Strength, agility, and physique are three hard indicators of the body. The age of fifteen is more than 1.6 times the age of eighteen in the last life. This is the reason why Sean deliberately controlled his physical his age Neither the bones nor the internal organs are fully developed. Appropriate training is intended for their growth. Excessive extreme training will cause irreversible damage, and the gains outweigh the losses.

At the age of thirteen, Sean once had an eight-week extreme training, and only gained 0.8 attributes, of which nearly half was will, strength, agility, and physical fitness were very few. After that, Two sessions of regular recovery training (eight weeks each) were also carried out, and it took nearly a hundred pounds of medicinal materials to adjust the body—compared to the intensive training that can gain 0.3-0.5 points of attributes in each session. Overall, Extreme training is not cost-effective, at least not cost-effective for him now.

The limits mentioned by the brand of Fire are not exaggerated, but the real limit-Sean’s physiological limit, which is fed back from the monitoring data of the brand of Fire, is to squeeze out every trace of potential as the final training purpose, not so much exercise. It is better to say that it is to exercise people’s will, because in the later stage, extreme exhaustion will greatly reduce people’s perception ability, and more often they are supported by will. The result of relaxation is failure. If it was not for Sean’s previous life and illness After several years of fighting, he honed his will to be extremely tough in pain and despair. Last time I was afraid that he would give up halfway. Before all the physical indicators reached 2, Sean was not ready to start extreme training.

  Intelligence, Will, Perception, the three softwares are eighteen blocks away from the previous life, nearly three times the average.

Compared with the first three items that can be directly reflected, these three items are a relatively vague concept. They are like the core memory of a computer. Although they are invisible to the naked eye, their influence is everywhere. The three items are closely related in many places.

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