The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 822: Ripple effect

That was howling of despair before the seed of the shadow died.

I don't know if it's an illusion, the golden light on the heroic banner seems to have become a bit brighter.

A figure of Ruoyouruowu appeared on the banner of the heroic soul. It was the self-appointed Odin orc with a relaxed and relieved smile on his face. He waved his hand silently at everyone, which was a farewell, silent. 'S submerged in the heroic banner.

This situation made the surrounding Odin orcs stunned and thoughtful.

They seem to have seen this kind of situation, and those Fractured Blood Cavaliers that once rushed out of Fractured Blood Castle to rescue them seem to be in this state.

If they exist in that state like them, death doesn't seem to be that unacceptable, and it is those Odin orcs who are in a state of being inferior to death.

With the first case, imitators soon appeared.

An Odin orc who was also caught in the burning, had long been tortured and gave birth to a desire to die.

It's just that he didn't have the luck of the previous one, and he didn't have a weapon hidden in his body. For a while, there was no way to pray.

He directly rushed in front of the Odin orc, drew the cleaver from his eyes, fiercely inserted it into his own eyes, followed the footsteps of the former, and looked like a sacred light of purification.

The burning Odin orcs around who could not find a weapon for self-decision changed their begging from killing me to giving me a weapon.


A short knife was thrown into the court.

It was like a rock falling into the river, causing ripples.

Suddenly, the sound of clanging was endless.

On the ground around the Heroic Banner, there were more or less short-arm weapons.

Human hearts are grown in flesh.

Seeing them suffering so painfully, they will involuntarily give birth to a thought, or not as good as dead.

But if they let them kill them, this kind of decision seems more difficult, and the closer the people are, the harder it is.

Compared to handing them a weapon and letting them decide on their own, it is relatively easier.

If they are in the same environment, they also like their people and can help them in this way.

Needless to say the rest.

Most of the Odin orcs who are in a burning state will embark on the path of self-understanding.

Because of this internal combustion, it is not simply their flesh that burns, but also their souls.

Compared to the tearing pain from the soul, this physical pain is nothing.

There are also some of the more severe symptoms, even with the help of the Heroic Battle Banner, it is difficult to regain self-awareness, and it is trying to attack the surrounding Odin orcs.

For such people, there is no way to be soft-hearted, and kill them directly, which becomes the best choice. This does not require the command of the people above, and the people below do it directly.

For his own people, those Odin orcs are still soft-hearted, but for those animals parasitized by the Seed of Shadow, they are not so kind.

As long as you show symptoms, killing them cleanly is the safest choice.

It's just that the chance of the heroic banner absorbing their souls will be greatly reduced, after all, this matter is closely related to their souls.

War horses have the highest probability, ordinary cattle and horses are second, and sheep are the lowest. Basically, there is no one in a hundred.

Suddenly, around the twenty heroic banners, a large slaughterhouse was turned into a **** slaughterhouse. The corpses of the Odin orcs, cattle, horses and sheep were pulled out by carts.

At the end, everyone was numb. Except for the first time they passed the test of the Heroic Spirit Banner, they were a little nervous. The lives and deaths of the others could no longer cause their feelings to fluctuate.

Ulan Bari's face darkened.

Less than a third of the Odin orcs were cured.

Let him have a kind of feeling that he was always pitted by Sean.

But there is no alternative.

After all, Sean's treatment is open and transparent.

From the beginning to the end, people didn't take any action against those Odin orcs, so naturally it was impossible to do anything.

Those heroic banners only reacted to those who were infected, and for those who were not infected, there was only harm and no benefit.

When the three-day and three-night test was completed, Sean could carry a side full of the heroic banner back on the spot.

Under normal circumstances, a flag full of heroic souls can hold 10,000 heroic souls.

The specific upper limit is closely related to the power of the law possessed by the Heroic Spirit Banner.

The more the power of the law, the stronger the effect of the heroic banner, and the more heroic souls can be accommodated.

Shaun was about to carry it back. The two heroic banners of Broken Blood Castle were the worst of the twenty. They had 750 points of power and the upper limit was 15,000.

However, these 5,000 heroic souls are not entirely Odin orcs, they only accounted for one-third, and the rest are the souls of war horses, cattle and sheep.

Even so, Ulan Bari's face was still as black as an iron pot.

Not only because the Odin orcs parasitized by the Seed of Shadows far exceeded their imagination, but also because they were frightened by the terrifying power of the Shadow Mother.

The shadow tentacles raged for less than two minutes. At the beginning, Sean and the others were involved in most of their energy, and they did not target them at all.

If the shadow tentacles, as soon as they get started, take them to take the main attack direction, their losses will be even more serious.

There was also a suitable candidate to command the Orc Heroic Legion that was about to be formed.

He was a captain named Sidney, who was once a warrior trusted by Ulaanbaaji.

He was not parasitized by the Seed of Shadows, but in the previous war, he was bombed by the gunpowder barrel of the Broken Blood Fort and lost an arm and a leg. He was a waste man who could neither ride a horse nor open a bow.

After receiving the promise from Ulaanbaa Day, the captain voluntarily gave up his life, entered the battle flag of the heroic soul, and transformed into a heroic soul.

This is a matter of their West Odin Empire, Sean did not intervene, just watched indifferently.

If Ulaanbaaji had the ability to transform all the disability and persuasion of the West Odin Empire into heroic soldiers.

Not only would Shaun not refuse, but he would be happy to see it happen. The enemy they faced was too strong and too short of high-quality troops. Now the more heroic soldiers are given to him, the more he can do. many.

This kind of persuasion to persuade his loyal soldiers to commit suicide, even if there is nothing worthless, Xiao En can watch Ulaanbaa day indifferently, but he will never do it to his own leaders or advocate his own leaders.

True or good, or hypocritical.

This is Sean's most basic bottom line, and he is not prepared to violate it.


There is another good news for Ulaanbaatar.

The remnant under his leadership, not only did not lose further strength due to this inspection, but instead rebounded substantially.

Because his think tank Chief Skambari, he has made a trick to turn waste into treasure, and sent people out to publicize, and Sean brought a cure.

Attract the tribes that gave birth to the two hearts, as well as the broken Odin orcs to return to camp, and regroup under his banner.

The effect is surprisingly good.

Because the Seed of Shadows has entered a period of high outbreaks one after another, the tribal chiefs who are ready to rebel and stand on their own will be overwhelmed.

Even if they are dedicated to death, the people below will persecute them, bow their heads again, and return to Ulaanbaaji, looking for an antidote.

As long as they are willing to return, Ulaanbaatar will have countless methods to rectify them and bring them back under their own banner.

Pieces together, the main force of the West Odin Empire, Ulaanbaaji abruptly glued it to half of its original strength.

Although the strength has plunged greatly, I am afraid that even one-third of the previous strength may not be able to be used, but the total strength here does not seem so miserable. With the help of Hari Chagai, he can once again stabilize the West. The situation of the Odin Empire, put it under your control.

This situation did not exceed Sean's expectation. This was the price he had to pay for helping the Ulan Bari army to get rid of the threat of the Seed of Shadows.

Even after Ulaanbaaday knew that Sean had cheated him, there was no way to settle accounts after the fall.

"I suggest that Chief Hari Chagai's army should be checked again." Before leaving, Sean dropped a new proposal.

"Why?" After these three days of seeing it with his own eyes, Hari Chagai no longer questioned the truth of the matter, but his prejudice and doubts about Sean are still there, and any opinions he put forward are instinctive. Rhetorically asked, "My warrior didn't fight that monster, and it's impossible to be parasitic."

"Who said that the Seed of Shadows can only stay in the body of a host?" Xiao En faintly replied, "These cunning guys, in order to avoid our screening, are likely to be transferred to different soldiers. , Maybe monsters have penetrated into your soldiers long ago, even our inspection this time, it’s not 100%, maybe there are still loopholes, transferred to the soldiers who have been inspected, avoid The fish that slipped through the net for inspection."

"Those monsters can be transferred between different soldiers?"

"Why didn't you say it earlier?"

"Are you deceiving the crowd again?"

As soon as this remark came out, it was not simply a question of Hari Chage's jumping up, even Ulaanbaaji and Skanbari were awkward.

If it was the fact that Sean had just said, they would be greatly reduced by their busyness for the previous three days and nights.

"Can I say I forgot?" Sean didn't give Ulan Bari and the others a chance to get angry. He carried the soul-filled banner of the heroic soul, soared into the air, and left a sentence, you believe it or not, anyway The treatment method, you have mastered it, and went away cleanly.

"This **** is deliberate, absolutely deliberate. How can this kind of thing be forgotten? How can it be forgotten? What do we mean by believing it or not? He is deliberately delaying our time and allowing us to waste more on the same thing. Energy." Ulaanbaaji snarled furiously, "I knew this guy is a bastard, a **** through and through."

"Your Majesty, what do we do now? Do you believe what the **** said? We have lost too much time here, and within a week, we will run out of food, and the longer we delay here, Byron People have more time to gather forces. We have missed the best time to attack. According to the exact information ahead, the thirty new regiments formed by the Lancelot royal family and the Holy See in the west have all given up on the Gemini Peninsula. The mission is to go north collectively. The former regent Princess Sophia, who has been married to the Yongye army leader, also raised a banner to the south and recruited soldiers and horses. The remaining blood cavalry has sworn allegiance to him..." Harizha covered his face There is a gloom that cannot be concealed.

Before being temporarily recalled, he was leading a hurricane advance on the Lower Western Front.

Now I can only watch and be trapped here immobile, saying that there is no resentment in my heart is false.

But in the eyes of Ulaanbaaji, the kingship is obviously more important. He needs the Tiger Claw Tribe to return to help him maintain the stability of the kingship, and even give up part of their good situation in the south.

"I know, I know all of them, but the moment we accepted Narentoya's proposal, the situation was out of control, but we didn't know it." Ulan Baj sighed heavily, "This kind of thing Regardless of whether it is true or not, we must be true. Our current situation cannot withstand another civil strife, but it is also urgent to go south in a comprehensive way. This matter will be carried out on the road to the south. I believe that even if there is a fish that slips through the net, it will affect It’s not as big as before, and there is no need to be as big as before."

"Your Majesty’s opinion is stable. Lord Sean is also a friend and enemy of us. When facing the evil god, he is a firm comrade-in-arms. However, despite the overall situation, there are irreconcilable contradictions. He calculated that we are too normal. However, we were negligent, but on the other hand, we thought that without the help of the other party, we would not even have a chance to re-stabilize the situation. Generally speaking, this time we are still more profitable." Skambari continued to do so. Look at things in the big picture.

"I understand this. It's just that he was disgusted by his little tried his best to suppress the anger in my heart," Regarding the proposal of uniting the soldiers and attacking one point with all their strength, What's the answer from Chief Hai Ridong? "

"Rejected." Skambari replied, "He thinks it takes too much time to call back and mobilize troops. It is better to attack separately according to the current situation. At the same time, he also persuades your Majesty to let us not wait for the slander of the blood fort. The fog disappears, it is directly reduced to zero, and it seeps in from the fortresses at various passes, and it will not be too late to regroup when it reaches the south."

"Unexpectedly, this will be able to get rid of my restraint directly." Ulaanbazh sneered, "Since they don't listen to our advice and insist on kicking the iron plate led by the Yongye Army, let them go. Bump, to help us weigh the opponent's strength, but the matter of going south requires a long-term consideration."

"What do you mean by your majesty?" Hari Chagai and Ozile Hok were shocked and asked quickly.

"You have just said that we have missed the best time to go south. Even if we cross the broken pulse defense line, we will face the Byron Alliance that has awakened and united. Expanding the results will be difficult, even It is likely to be dragged into the quagmire of war, the bigger the weaker."

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