The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 851: ?Goddess request

Latest website: It is no longer simply wrapped around them, but like a straw, deeply inserted into their bodies, greedily drawing their power.

Soon those emerald green rattans were stained with the unique gray of the shadow master, and a large amount of shadow energy was flowing along the rattans to the body.

The sky-reaching giant tree obviously has a super powerful ability to purify shadow energy. During the transmission process, those shadow energy are purified and become the source of power for its continued growth.

The shadow mothers bathed in the emerald green light, like snow under the blazing sun, are melting rapidly.

Under the double attack, the nine shadow mistresses, like living octopuses put in the oven, jumped and struggled frantically.

But to no avail.

Now what the two sides are competing is the depth of their own skills.

It is these shadow masters who can support the indigenous gods to exhaust the last trace of energy.

Before that, it was completely purified.

Sean guessed that the situation should be biased towards the former.

Because the native gods have the confidence to use this trick to destroy these shadow mistresses, there is no need to wait until now, and use it from the beginning.

as predicted.

With the extraction of a large number of plane laws, the stability of the entire C-362 plane was greatly reduced, causing more violent internal shocks, which in turn affected the sky-reaching giant tree based on it.

The binding ability of the tree vines was significantly reduced, and the number of vines that were forcibly torn off by the shadow mistresses began to exceed the number of new vines.

The disintegration of the indigenous gods is also nearing an end.

Although the shadow mothers have melted so badly, the shadow tentacles of the last four or five people have been roasted, but they are still struggling with vitality. For a while, they are not life-threatening.

boom! boom!

One after another, two more peripheral shadow mistresses broke free from the entanglement of the sky-reaching giant tree, and fled without looking back.

laugh! laugh!

The two emerald green branches condensed into the substance, shot from the depths of the disintegrating native gods, directly submerged in the bodies of the two shadow mistresses, and then burst apart.

The two shadow mistresses were abruptly blown into seven dollars.

A weird scene appeared. The seven shadow masters did not rejoin together, but as if they had born their own consciousness, they screamed and fled in different directions.

While escaping and squirming, new subjects and shadow tentacles are growing out, becoming relatively smaller shadow masters.

At first glance, the number of these shadow masters seems to have increased and the threat is even greater.

But think about the chaotic fighting nature of the Shadow Master, they can no longer work together like a whole, the ability to break through the barriers of the plane is greatly reduced, and the threat is naturally less.

In the face of these divided shadow masters, no matter it was the native gods or the sky-reaching giant trees, they were already unable to pursue them.

Can only focus on the remaining seven.

The cane keeps sticking out, winding and winding, drawing and drawing.

As if there is no upper limit, the sky-reaching giant tree keeps growing and then grows.

The rattan straw is so fast that it can absorb the shadow energy, and it has far exceeded the absorption and purification ability of the sky-reaching giant tree. Its whole body is covered with a layer of gray, and it is continuously spreading.

What made Sean stunned even more.

The direction of the giant tree growing in the sky is the energy siphon column where it is.

Sean instinctively chose to escape.

That's the one who can eat even the shadow mistress, one that eats six or seven.

When a leaf fell from above, it was possible to smash this little ant to death.

But the problem is.

Ants survived the disaster because they didn't attract attention. Once they were caught, no matter how fast they run, they can't be too big for others.

Xiao En had just reacted here, and the branches of the sky-reaching giant tree had already stretched out of the energy siphon column at the other end.

There is no need to say the rest.

The sky-reaching giant tree has no roots and branches at all, and the stretched out cane has a strange energy-swallowing ability.

Even the shadow mothers looked like they were about to be absorbed by it, let alone energy siphon pillars.

For the energy here, it absorbs and utilizes more thoroughly.

Where is the energy really.

Where did the rattan of the giant tree spread to the sky.

Soon the balance of the energy siphon column was broken, the energy was turbulent, and the whole collapsed.

The crazy energy pulled Sean and slammed it outward.

This made Sean couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

The giant tree in the sky is too scary now, it is better to stay far away.

But the breath was half relieved, and he raised it again.

Because an emerald green cane stretched out, directly through the window of the energy siphon column that had not been closed, and stretched out.

The target was Shaun.

When this is discovered.

Sean stopped resisting altogether and waited quietly for the other party to entangle him.

As a result, the Shadow Matriarch had no resistance in front of it. This vine looked weak and unbearable from a distance. In fact, when it was in front of it, it was far stronger than the Shadow Matriarch's shadow tentacles, and it spread at an amazing speed.

Still the same sentence, he had been able to watch the game for so long before, but people hadn't noticed him at all. Once he noticed him and made targeted shots, how could he run away.

Secondly, Xiao En was sure that once the giant tree in the sky deliberately targeted himself, it would definitely be the instruction of that native god.

Goodwill is more likely than malicious.

As a god, especially a **** with guardian duties, even if the camp is not lawful and kind, it is guarding neutral.

According to Sean's observations during this period, the former is more likely.

Her temperament predestined that she will not kill innocents aimlessly.

as predicted.

The moment the cane was wrapped around the body of the law, a soft and kind female voice rang in Sean's mind.

"Dear guest, you don't need to panic. I don't have any malice against you, but I have something to entrust. Therefore, you don't need to panic what happens next."

The feminine and kind female voice did not use any language that Sean knew, but the meaning was clearly and unmistakably conveyed to Sean's mind.

Xiao En was not surprised, if the other party didn't even have this means, then he would be ashamed of its identity.

The owner of this voice, don't ask, it must be the previous native god.

Her voice is definitely of the seiyuu level, just listening to it makes people feel good, and there is a feeling that she should be this voice.

A huge force was tearing at Sean's soul.

Shaun was taken aback, and instinctively wanted to resist.

But the words of the other party just came to my heart, and the gathered power dissipated, following the other party's strength.

Xiao En only felt a flower in front of his eyes, he was already in a green space.

Xiao En looked around and realized that the emerald green space in front of him should be the same as his own consciousness space. It was a virtual existence of energy, and everything he saw was what the other party wanted him to see.

Not far from Sean, there was a person standing. This person was not someone else, but the native god.

"I know you have a lot of questions, but there is not much time left for us, so when asking questions next, it's best to focus on the key points." The native **** smiled and nodded at Xiao En, and said straightforwardly.

"Understood!" Although it was the first time for Sean to have contact with each other, he felt like an old friend. He couldn't resist at all, and he didn't even feel awe. "I don't know how to call it?"

"I believe you have guessed my identity. I am the first ancient **** born on the plane of Abigail. The first and last guardian here was born to protect this world. You can call me Abigail. Er, it is a pity that the world I guarded is coming to an end, and my mission and life are also coming to an end." The native **** Abigail said of his upcoming destiny, calmly.

"Born to protect this world? You mean that you were born because of this plane invasion? The previous running dogs of the Shadow Master said that our plane has not yet given birth to its own native gods. Do you know what the reason is? Or is it that our plane will also be born with guardians like ladies?" Xiao En asked the information in his hands.

"There are many kinds of gods, including the primitive gods at the beginning of the world.

There are also true gods whose powerful lives from outside enter the main plane.

There are also gods of faith born from the beliefs of local people.

There are also ancient gods like me who were born with a special mission.

No matter what kind of gods, no matter whether her nature is good or evil, their existence is the biggest imbalance in the laws of the plane and the biggest destroyer.

In a balanced and stable plane, there will be no gods and no gods will be born.

If the balance of the plane is destroyed, various gods will be born, including ancient gods like me.

The birth of an ancient **** is the most helpless choice of a plane.

When it appears, it means that this plane has reached the most critical juncture.

Even if the ancient gods defeated the invaders, it would bring devastating turbulence to the entire plane.

Before long, new invaders will be recruited, and the ancient gods have to wake up again.

Everything will enter a vicious circle until the entire world, together with the ancient gods, is completely destroyed and swallowed. "

The explanation of the goddess Abigail is not incomplete.

Let Sean have a clearer understanding of the so-called gods, and their feelings are divided into species.

This ancient **** sounds more like the plane's final counterattack, and the Gaia will spawned.

As for the description of the vicious circle, Sean has already witnessed it with his own eyes.

When the ancient gods began to fight and mobilized a large amount of plane power, the inner world still didn't know what the turbulence and collapse would look like. For the aboriginals in the plane, it was definitely a disaster.

In this way, Sean shouldn't expect his own ancient guardian **** to be born from his plane.

Because this thing is obviously a double-edged sword that kills a thousand enemies and hurts 800.

Before killing the enemy, hurt yourself first.

Even if it is really going in the **** mode, it should not be the ancient god, but the kind of belief in the gods and fighting through the power of faith, the impact on the plane is relatively small.

This is obviously a long time later.

This thought was just a flash, and Sean was forgotten.

He still has a little understanding of the gods now. Through the rare opportunity in front of him, he can learn more about the gods and find the best way is king.

"What does the lady need me to do?" Sean was also straightforward and asked the biggest question in his mind.

He didn't think that the native goddess took time and effort to pull herself over at the last moment, just to talk to herself and give her benefits by the way.

There is no such thing as a pie in the world, even if it does fall, there are traps hidden behind it.

The other party pulled himself over, definitely asking for something.

Although it is not clear, what this powerful existence needs from him.

Abigail replied unceremoniously: "The collapse of Abigail's plane has become a foregone conclusion, but I just used the method of losing both sides to trap most of the invaders and gain the last buffer time. You need to go to the plane of Abigail to save the surviving souls, bring them into your plane, and give them a chance to rush into the cycle of reincarnation and become human again."

"This is a mutually beneficial proposal. If all the surviving souls of Abigail's plane can be brought into my plane, not only will they have the opportunity to be reborn, it will also benefit my plane. In the future, when facing invading enemies, we will have more counterattacks."

The knowledge of the origin of the plane made Sean instantly understand the true plan of the goddess Abigail.

She knew that there was no way to keep her homeland, so she simply moved the residents inside to a large immigrant, which also played a role of guarding in disguise.

When the time comes, even if the other shadow masters come here, they will only occupy an empty shell.

And these souls who carry a lot of plane origin are also eager for their own planes.

If you can bring back a lot of souls from the plane of Abigail, once released, the law of the plane is by no means as simple as rewarding yourself with a little power of the law, and giving yourself a part of the original matter so that you can master more plane power~ is not impossible.

What's more, he has a second world he created, and he also has a desire for a large number of souls.

Will it be directly given to the plane at that time?

No matter how it is calculated, this is a business that is beneficial and harmless to you.

But soon, new questions came to Sean’s heart and said: “Why did the lady choose me? With the lady’s ability, it shouldn’t be difficult to send those souls directly to our plane, right? No matter what, from your position. With your help, it’s easier to do this by selecting the strongest? Why do you postpone it until now."

"If things are really that simple, I have already done it." Goddess Abigail replied, "After all, they are souls born from two planes. If I forcibly send them into your plane, there will only be one. , Will be treated as an intruder by your plane, forcibly obliterated, and become the purest source. This is no different from our plane being swallowed by your plane. What I want you to carry with you is the complete soul. The more complete the soul , The more the quantity, the better."

"Does this make a difference?" Sean asked, raising his brow.

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