Liu Weiyang didn't know that immortal cultivators could generally only focus on manipulating a magic weapon before they reached the distraction period.

If multiple magic weapons are manipulated, it will inevitably be divided into main attack and harassment.

Therefore, the yellow big sword is actually just to harass.

His combat experience was seriously insufficient, but he accidentally hit and bumped, forcing the gray-robed old man, a righteous Yuan Infant Zhenjun, to vomit blood.

Sometimes this is the case, when the conventional things are broken, people who are accustomed to the old fashion, can not keep up with the pace of the times for a while, and naturally have to be beaten.

The gray-robed old man thought that he had fallen into Liu Weiyang's trap, and now the Origin Flying Sword was damaged, and he was not lightly injured by the reaction.

So, he was angry and fearful at the same time.

He wants to run!

The older you get, the more afraid of death, it's no joke.

It was hard to cultivate to the Yuan infancy stage, and with two thousand years of lifespan, he could still live for hundreds of years.

If you break through the out-of-body period, the lifespan is as high as 5,000 years.

He doesn't want to die here, and he can't die here.

Liu Weiyang expected the sturdiness of the flying sword, and seeing the flying sword click, the light on his body suddenly dimmed, even the strength was close to nothing, and the old man vomited blood.

Even if he didn't know what was going on, he knew he was doing the right thing.

Seeing the earthy yellow flying sword strike again, Liu Weiyang grabbed it again and hit his knee again.

The earthy yellow flying sword broke directly, but Liu Weiyang expected that the scene where the old man vomited blood again did not appear.

The old man was thinking about how to escape, but his reaction slowed down again, and the earthy yellow flying sword broke.

For a while, he couldn't tell whether Liu Weiyang meant it or not.

Seeing that Liu Weiyang was chasing after him again, and wanted to break his own life flying sword, the old man could no longer hold back.

He concentrated his mind and pinched the magic seal in his hand, wanting to use the greatest strength to retract his original flying sword.

Under the blessing of the Royal Sword Technique, the white light flying sword that Liu Weiyang had never lost burst out with violent sword qi, and the strength of the struggle suddenly increased several times.

Without noticing for a moment, the flying sword broke away and turned into a stream of light and flew into the old man's body.

Liu Weiyang was taken aback, and raised his hand to punch.

The old man ignored his head and tail, and was hit by Liu Weiyang's punch, and the black stone mountain on his body suddenly exploded.

On his inconspicuous-looking gray robe, some formation patterns appeared, and it collapsed instantly.

The old man was afraid, completely afraid.

The flying sword was directly grabbed by Liu Weiyang, allowing him to find that Liu Weiyang's body was terrifying.

The spell can't withstand Liu Weiyang's brute force, even if it is found that Liu Weiyang's use of power is very rough, no matter how high the skill, it seems to be of little use under absolute brute force.

Even if he wanted to escape, he found that he didn't fly as fast as Liu Weiyang at all.

Gritting his teeth, the old man shouted fiercely: "Die for the old man!"

Liu Weiyang was shocked in his heart, seeing that the old man began to seal again, thinking that he was going to use some big move, Liu Weiyang instantly shot with a flying knife.

The gray-robed old man turned into flying ash, which was unexpectedly smooth, and even easier than when he was in Jindan before, killing the three people who caused him to suffer the calamity of innocence.

Feeling that the energy coming back was abnormal, Liu Weiyang quickly released his spiritual sense to check.

I saw a sword light cutting through the sky, and the speed was unbelievably fast.

On the tail of the sword light, a bare-assed child like a small fetus hangs, disappearing at the end of his spiritual sense in the blink of an eye.

Even though he tried hard to expand his spiritual sense, even covering a radius of tens of thousands of kilometers, he still let the child run out dragged out by the sword light.

That speed was so fast, definitely more than thirty or forty times the speed of sound, that he couldn't catch up at all.

"Yuan baby, that must be Yuan baby....

Damn, actually let him run, damn it!

I don't have the spell of an immortal cultivator, it's too much of a loss, otherwise I might be able to intercept it.

No, if I had just given him a glimpse of it, it might have worked.

Unfortunately, the first time I saw this situation, I made a mistake!

Liu Weiyang tried hard to sum up his mistakes, and to sum it up, he still didn't understand the spells of high-level immortal cultivators and immortal cultivators, and then he was seriously inexperienced in battle.

"I have to learn the spells of immortal cultivators, even if I can't learn it without Spirit Root, then I must know myself and others.

If I had thought before, the damn old man probably wouldn't be able to run away! "

Painfully determined, Liu Weiyang decided to try to learn the spells of immortal cultivators, if they can't learn it, then they must also understand the common sense of immortal cultivators, especially high-level immortal cultivators, what are the common magical powers.

When it comes to learning spells, or understanding common sense, is there a better place than inside the Qinghui Sect?

Liu Weiyang withdrew his spiritual sense, explored the location of the Hall of Exercises, and instantly crossed the long sky.

In the eyes of his heart, the runes and lines of various formations were vividly remembered, although he didn't know what these represented, Liu Weiyang broke through ten thousand laws with one force, turned into a demolition team, and entered the Hall of Gongfa all the way.

At this time, there was no one in the Hall of Exercises, and many disciples were also running for their lives, and Liu Weiyang did not pay attention to it.

Those people, it doesn't matter if they kill or not, he doesn't want to become a murderous maniac.

To put it simply, it was nothing more than that several of the outer disciples were executors.

Related to the demise of his mountain village, it may be just that.

The real culprit is the ruler of the Qinghui Sect.

The common sense of cultivating immortals and the practice of battle methods are more important, so Liu Weiyang came to find this first.

But his spiritual sense also found that the four Golden Pill Immortal Cultivators who had been affected by the aftermath before were now gathering in the belly of an unnamed mountain, looking at what formation they were anxiously arranging.

Liu Weiyang realized that when he had swept all the exercises in the Hall of Exercises, it would not be too late to clean them up.

District formations, this Qinghui Sect has been in existence for countless years, so two or three formations can be a little threat to themselves, what is their temporary arrangement?

But when Liu Weiyang used brute force to break all the formations and enter the Hall of Exercises, he suddenly widened his eyes and roared angrily: "Damn, it's miscalculated again, it's actually the legendary teleportation array!"

At this moment, his spiritual sense found that those four guys from the Golden Pill Period were actually standing in that formation in unison.

After the formation was activated by the seal, a white light rushed out into the sky.

After the white light, the four disappeared without a trace.

This performance is obviously the legendary teleportation array.

They all blame him, they don't know much about immortal cultivators.

If he had known earlier, he would have thrown out his throwing knife at the first time and killed those four guys.

At this moment, Liu Weiyang couldn't wait to slap himself.

Knowing that the magical spells of immortal cultivators were emerging one after another, he was still negligent!

After thinking about it, Liu Weiyang gritted his teeth again and said, "Flee, I see where you guys are fleeing."

Fear is not a punishment.

When I know enough knowledge about immortal cultivation, I will definitely make it impossible for you to escape!" "

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