At the same time, on the other side.

Fu Hua and Bronya are also constantly moving forward, trying to cut off the connection between the doll and the human life outside.

However, Fu Hua can't do this now.

After all, Yu Duchen is gone.

But, there is still the Herrscher of Consciousness. As long as she can use the power of the Herrscher of Consciousness, she can cut off the connection.

So, Fu Hua began to calm down, and in the depths of her consciousness, she felt the heavy chain.

Fu Hua: "Listen to me, if you can hear me--

Kiana is in danger now, I need your help."

Herrser of Knowledge: "...Hey, old antique, you two come to bother me all day long, aren't you annoying!

First it was Kevin's little brother, then a bunch of inexplicable wooden men, now it's good, even you come to bother me?"

Fu Hua: "Please, I really need your power this time."

Herrser of Knowledge: "I know, you have become one of their wooden men?

Oh! I think so too, your failed life is still easily crushed by them."

Hearing the complaints of the Herrser of Knowledge, the audience smiled knowingly.

"I'm used to seeing the Herrser of Thousands, now I think Shibao is quite cute."

"Shibao! I need you!"

"Why do I feel that the Herrser of Thousands may not be able to argue with Shilu?"

But under Fu Hua's deception, the power of the Herrser of Knowledge was gradually letting down its guard.

But in the current situation, there is no room for a long tug-of-war.

So, while the knowledge treasure was loose, Fu Hua gritted her teeth and made up her mind.

"I'm sorry--!"

Seeing the moment when the Herrscher of Knowledge was relaxed, Fu Hua pulled the chain hard.

"Old antique! You--!"

The moment the power was restored, the barrage began to laugh happily.

"It's a scam by the mother, is it a scam by the mother?"

"My poor little Shi, I was finally persuaded, but I was deceived again."

"It's so interesting that a man over 50,000 years old bullied a little Shi who was only a few months old!"

Seeing this scene, Alysia came to Hua with a smile.

"Oh, it's wrong to deceive children. Hua must learn how to coax children in the future."

Although she said so, Hua is just a girl now. It's really a bit early to talk about coaxing children now, right?

The Herrschers of their era may not be as easy to talk to as those above.

But it seems a little wrong. Even through the screen, they can imagine how angry the Herrscher of Knowledge must be now.

"Crying and making a fuss, so pitiful."

As the plot continues, Kiana finally follows Himeko to the bridge.

At the end of this bridge is a gate.

Himeko: "Be direct. There are always many people around you who will always support and protect you. Among them, I am also included.

My journey ends here.

From here, Kiana, it's your way."

Kiana: ...

"After leaving that door, everything will disappear, right?"

Himeko shook her head.

"I don't know. But... I think so."

Himeko smiled, "Remember to say goodbye to everyone in St. Freya for me.

Tell Mei that I support her choice, but don't be so harsh on your friends next time."

"I will."

"Tell Bronya that I am very happy to see her growth now. She will definitely become an excellent leader in the future."

"I think so too."

"Tell Fu Hua that although we can't meet again in the future, whether St. Freya is still there or not, she will always be the monitor of everyone."

"Yeah. ”

“From now on, Theresa will be the only one left to take care of you. You all should be obedient and don’t make the principal angry.

It’s best to help her more. Although she likes to show off, she actually works harder than us.”

“I know.”

“Oh, by the way, I remember that Ragnar is also the teacher of Rita and Orchiddale. If there is a chance, convey her will to them.”

“No problem.”

“Finally, tell yourself, Kiana... I will always be by your side.”

The two of them stayed there for a long time, looking at each other for a long time without saying a word.

“I didn’t cry, really, I really didn’t cry.”

“Fu Hua plays the resurrection match every day, why can’t she play the resurrection match for Teacher Jizi?”

“It’s like honey mixed with bitter gourd, the aftereffect is so strong that I’m talking nonsense.”

“I choked up, my Jizi…”

“Crazy, crazy, ah ha ha ha, so sweet! So beautiful!”

“Jizi really can’t bear to leave Kiana and the others, but there is really no way...…”

“Really Gu Li, if you don’t like us, you can do us, but you can’t just keep cutting us into pieces, right?”

“Please, Teacher Jizi, really, don’t leave, okay…”

“I’ve been crying like a dog. This Kiana, I will always be by your side. It really makes me cry so much.”

Jizi still looked at Kiana gently and smiled gently.

“Kiana… don’t take it too seriously.

Just treat this as a dream. When the dream wakes up, everyone has to move forward.”

Kiana: “…”

Jizi: “Don’t be afraid of saying goodbye. Saying goodbye to the past is to move towards the future.”

Kiana’s voice was filled with tears.

“I understand… Teacher Jizi… I understand…”

Somewhere, a music anchor who was watching the live broadcast here, after hearing the addition of BGM, he slammed the table hard.

“BGM! Music! ”

Another child has gone crazy.

Kiana clenched her fists.

“…I’m sorry…

…I’m sorry…Teacher Jizi…

…I know…I know I should say goodbye to you with a smile at this time…I should walk out of that door bravely…

…I know this is just a shadow of memory, and reality is where I should go back to…

…But I still can’t help but think…

…As long as I don’t walk out of that door…will time never pass…will this moment never change…

…I don’t even have the chance to say goodbye to you…

… …I obviously still have a lot to say to you…I haven’t fulfilled those boasts…

…This is a dream…Dreams will end…I know…

…I will go back…I will defeat the Thousand Herrschers…I will take Mei home…

…The 11th Herrscher, the 12th Herrscher…even the Herrscher of the End, I will defeat them all…

…I will turn this imperfect story…into what we expect…

…I just…want you to see it all…”

Himeko gently stroked Kiana’s head, her eyes gentle.

“Of course I can see it.

Kiana, as long as you wish, I can see it.

Because I am in your heart.”

“You remind me of my childhood. At my mother’s funeral, I cried so hard that I hugged my father and refused to leave. In the end, it was just me and him.

After a long, long time, my father touched my head. I looked at him, and there were also red bloodshot in his eyes. Unlike me, he shed silent tears.

But he said - it's okay, Jizi, mom will turn into a star and watch over us in the sky.

My father never expressed this, even his words of comfort were so clumsy.

But until now, I still believe what he said. "

"Kiana, as long as you believe... I will turn into a star and protect you in the night sky.

Even if the torch will go out and the moon will lose its light; this unchanging glimmer will also light up the way forward for you.

So, don't be afraid.

I haven't left you.

Becoming the power for students to move forward is the most romantic destination for teachers. "

"When you are confused, just look up at the starry sky.

I would like to be there and light up the whole night for you. "

"Thank you, Teacher Jizi.

... I should go. "

The white light lit up from the end of the world.

"Well, go ahead.

Take a step forward, Kiana, just move forward boldly.

I will always bless you and watch over you. After all——"

Jizi smiled.

"You are my student of Wuliangta Jizi."


"My defense is broken! I can't bear it anymore! I am crying..."

"I didn't cry before, but this sentence broke my defense..."

"Sister Jizi!"

"This time, it is really the last lesson."

"I can't help it, I really can't help it... Teacher Jizi!"

"Cao, it broke my defense!"

"The knife is numb! Cry! The child is stupid!"

Everyone at the scene had tears in their eyes.

They were not sad, but they were sincerely happy for Kiana.

"Even though Teacher Jizi is no longer here, she still cares about her students. She is really a good teacher..."

"Let alone Kiana, even I can't forget this Teacher Jizi." ”

“After I brought Teacher Jizi into Captain Himiko’s body, I wanted to cry even more…”


Kiana heard Teacher Jizi’s proud speech, her face was full of tears, but she still smiled.


Teacher Jizi…”


“I’m glad to be your student. It’s my honor to meet you.”

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