After that, the core of the Ruler of Rule became the bait, Amber appeared, and Theresa and Yulandel met, which made people enjoy watching.

After they finished their discussion, they entered the town. Under the reflection of the old days, they actually met Otto five hundred years ago.

Seeing Otto's appearance five hundred years ago, the people present exclaimed.

Because in the conversation with this Otto five hundred years ago, they did not feel any conspiracy and mockery, nor did they feel any feeling of playing everything in their hands.

It was as if he was Otto five hundred years ago.

Especially when hearing Theresa calling him grandpa, the unnatural feeling was even more surprising.

They collected a lot of data in this town later, and took them to the church in this town again.

Here, they saw the statue of Saint Kallen.

And this so-called Otto five hundred years ago, facing the statue of Kallen, told a lot.

His tone was dull, and it was obvious that he was very sad about this matter.

But at this moment, Otto's familiar voice returned, making everyone's scalp numb instantly.

Afterwards, Otto sorted out the whole thing.

And the final core bait of the entire Ruler of Domination is himself.

It was himself back then.

The saint died because of him, and he made his people live like zombies.

And this desperate mentality is definitely a temptation and trap that the core of the Ruler of Domination cannot refuse.

Listening to Otto's cold and ruthless words, everyone's heart was chilled.

"Is this the first time you have seen me do this?"

"For example... I saved someone's life five hundred years ago, but I still pulled a gun on her five hundred years later. This is what Otto Apokalis would do."

Hearing this, the barrage couldn't help it.

"Fu Hua: Thank you! You saved my life and you shot me!"

"Red Kite Immortal, I didn't lie."

"Fu Hua: You..."

"Fu Hua: Do you think you are humorous?"

Otto's words continued.

"Oh, are you angry because of what I just said? Then I can apologize-

Because in my opinion, it is not a shameful behavior to be cautious.

I know you are not a child anymore, Bianca.

Over the years, you have adhered to your mission, choosing to tolerate the darkness of this world and the necessary evils I have created... I must say that this is not shameful.

In this matter, you have shown maturity and perseverance that are not in line with your age. Because of this, I will tell the world without hesitation-you, Youlan Dell, are my best in the past five hundred years. A student."


"Okay, okay, stop being upset, my good children. Theresa too, why are you staring at me like a murderer?

Your grandfather is not a devil, and he will never kill people at will.

In the past, I did do something excessive to you and your subordinates for some unavoidable reasons——

But my child, don't you realize that all those bad things are now in the past?"

Seeing Otto's words, the words on the barrage became more and more intense.

"It's bad, brothers. The more I listen, the more I want to whitewash Otto. This guy is poisonous!"

"I always feel that this guy wants to provoke them. I don't know if it's my illusion."

"Why does he feel like he's going to curse?"

"What exactly is Otto going to do? Why does he feel like he's dying? Will he do something scary again soon?"

"Isn't she a smiling crazy beauty?"

"It's so wrong, it's totally wrong!"

"What he said always gave me a dark feeling."

"I'm really impressed. What he said made me feel so complicated!"

No character has ever brought such a brain-burning story and sense of separation to the audience. This guy is too elusive.

Even in their civilization, he is a top politician.

However, what happened next made them confused about what this guy was going to do.

Otto threw the gem to Theresa.

Then, under the eyes of everyone, he gradually walked away.

"I don't understand. I don't understand at all."

"I'm so confused. I won't say anything. Let's just keep watching."

Everyone decided to calm down and keep watching.

They had already figured out that the story in this scene was about Otto's story.

When Yulandel and TheresaAfter they came back, Otto's signal came in.

"Good afternoon, friends of Hyperion, and my Valkyries... everyone. Is the research on the Herrscher Core going smoothly?"

After seeing Otto's figure, everyone stared at the man in front of them solemnly.

"Okay, okay, I really don't have anything to trouble you Hyperion. I just have a task to hand over to the S-level Valkyries of Destiny."

"So, for most of you, this should be the last time I talk to you. After all, I will be on the road soon."

"Is Mr. Walter also connecting with everyone? I'm sorry that I didn't let you have a happy Thanksgiving in New York that year.

For so many years, I have always wanted to express my apology to you, and even imagined many ways: such as finding a monument to kneel on the spot and perform a tearful performance for you.

But since so many years have passed... you don't really need this kind of pretentious ceremony, right?"

Looking at Otto's words, the audience was angry and laughed.

"Why does this guy make people want to beat him up so much?"

"Fuck, Otto definitely did it on purpose, probably just wanted them to beat him up!"

"He's really crazy about stepping on landmines, landmine master!"

"So rude, too sarcastic, killing people and hurting their hearts."

"This guy is really going to piss me off, but with this look, it's really hard not to suspect that he has a problem..."

Yulandel frowned slightly, "Bishop, regardless of whether what you said is problematic or not...

The Herrscher of the Void - no, the Herrscher of the Fire - she has her own name.

She is not What K423, she is Kiana Kaslana. "

Otto shrugged indifferently, "Okay, Kiana Kaslana. It's indeed no problem. After all, the real owner of this name has become like that ten years ago."


"Brothers, there is something wrong with this sentence!"

"Take a small notebook and write it down, write it down..."

"Too deliberate, too deliberate, there must be something we don't know about the things that happened back then!"


After the bishop stepped on everyone's mines, he left with a smile.

Afterwards, Yulandel found Li Suchang, and they also got to know Otto better during the chat with Li Suchang.

Otto has only one goal from beginning to end, which is to resurrect Kallen.

But his plans are still like fog, making it impossible to see clearly.

While Theresa was exploring the town, Fu Hua and Kiana set out on the road to find Otto.

Not long after the two separated, a striking flame shot up into the sky.

Seeing this, Fu Hua immediately came to Kiana's side.

In front of Kiana, a familiar figure was standing here.

"Rakshasa, how come your plan went wrong again? Even the agreed opponent is different...

Wait... Xixi, you can only defeat me another day, the Grand Master is here!"

After Fu Hua saw the other person's face clearly, her face changed slightly.

"Why, it's you?"

Li Sushang smiled and looked at Fu Hua, raised his hand and twisted his fingers, and said: "Grand Master - Chiyuan Grandmaster, long time no see."

Seeing that the two knew each other, a wave of waves was immediately raised.

The two had never thought that there was such a relationship.

Fu Hua signaled Kiana to go first, and she would face her granddaughter.

But in this battle, Fu Hua was almost unable to defeat the girl in front of her.

However, she had an opportunity, enough to make the girl in front of her lose her fighting power.

Li Sushang saw that her grandmaster was going to decide the outcome with one move, and her face became serious.

"The wonders of all things are expressed in words"

"It cannot be antagonized by form"

"Master Chi Yuan, you really have to be careful with this sword."

As soon as the words fell, the moves that Fu Hua was so familiar with appeared in front of her eyes.

As soon as the sword was released, everything in sight was swept up in it.

Only a bit of black gold remained in the torrent that washed away all things.

Fu Hua's eyes slowly opened, and she whispered four words.

"Grasp of the Great Void."


After the fight, Li Suchang stopped, and she looked at Fu Hua, who had fallen, and sighed.

Fu Hua had already found herself.

And Li Suchang did not have the desire to pursue victory or defeat.

"Master Chi Yuan, you have indeed started over again."

As she spoke, the girl took a few steps back, leaned on the edge of the viewing platform, looked into the distance, and guessed what the Rakshasa was doing at this moment.

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