Under their gaze, his soul drifted away, drifted into nothingness, drifted into the final fate.

On a piece of red scorched earth, Otto, who was still alive and in a state of disgrace, walked with difficulty towards the imaginary tree that was far away but seemed within reach.

At this moment, Otto was invincible in everyone's eyes.

He was a real man.

No matter what he had done before, at least at this moment, he was decent.

Everyone on the barrage was repeating these few words.

"Goodbye, Otto."

"Otto is a real man."

"Goodbye, Bishop."

"Goodbye, Bishop."

These short farewell words have perfectly contained everyone's emotions.

These short words contain the complex but respectful feelings for Otto.

He is a respectable man who is worth remembering.

Among the fire-chasing moths, all of them were staring at Otto, who was following them closely. Their hearts were already very complicated.

No one had ever thought that Otto would actually have such an ending.

At this time, some people thought of the two things that Gu Li had said before.

One is that Ji Zi will appear again.

Obviously, she appeared, although it was a little unacceptable, but she still appeared.

The other thing is that they will admire Otto Apokalis very much.

Obviously, judging from the current state, Otto is really difficult to evaluate. At least in this aspect, they really admire him.

"What a stubborn man."

Mobius looked at Otto's embarrassed appearance, and she made the first evaluation present now.

Everyone agreed with her words.

A stubborn man, a man who has been stubborn for five hundred years.

A man who convinced everyone.

Now all they can do is to quietly watch the last moment of his life.

Because at this moment, any sympathy for him is an insult to him.

With the highest respect, watch this man's end.

In the picture, Otto's weak voice sounded in everyone's ears.

This weak breath made everyone's expression dazed for a moment.

Because in their memory, Otto seemed to have never been so weak, and never so fragile.

Perhaps, this is the real him.

"Life... is such a fragile thing.

When I was a child, my sister died on the battlefield...

They told me that her soul was immortal and her spirit would ascend to heaven.

Generation after generation, humans are always happy to deceive themselves with such lies.

Believe in the so-called afterlife, believe in the eternity of consciousness.

They pretend that death does not exist in the world... until death suddenly invades their lives and falls on the people they love.

Even at this time, they will even deceive themselves more - believe that love can transcend everything, firmly believe that love can be eternal.

Indeed... love, and even more extensive emotions, can all trigger miracles...

But the creator of miracles can only be the people who are still alive at that moment.

As an ordinary person who was deceived by them... I also imagined that the human soul exists in a higher dimension;

I imagined that one day, the person I love, she can return to the world with a new body and live in a better future.

Unfortunately, the rules of the world are not like this...

Death is indeed the dissipation of consciousness, the end of everything. Conclusion——

We cannot continue the starlight that has already dissipated.

Unless... we reverse time and awaken the silent island of graves; re-inject the evergreen water of life into the past that buried everything, the road of dichotomy will be unfolded there again, and the choice of life and death will form two worlds from now on.

And the price... is nothing more than the death of one person, the destruction of one person...

... and the collapse that was originally intended to kill us.

It's a pity that when I realized this truth, Otto Apokalis, he was already a world-famous The evil man, he has been hated by the power he needs most.

However, it doesn't matter. She has proved that anger out of love has the same power as love.

And behind such a hero - Theresa, my dear granddaughter, you are becoming a great leader...

In time, you will make people forget your grandfather, and let his merits and demerits be lost in history and disappear in gossip.

Just... eat some fruits and vegetables other than bitter melon occasionally.

You always stay up late, your bodyYou should supplement more diverse nutrition.

Do you know... Grandpa sewed the Archbishop's shoulder coat for you for tomorrow's coronation ceremony...

If you don't mind, then use it to start your own era and wash away the stains that Grandpa left on it.

... Theresa.

My old friends, the Red Kite Immortal, the Ruler of Reason.

They are truly good people and will definitely help you find your own way.

And Bianca, my last student...

I manipulated your life and planned your fate. I cultivated you with my true love, and at the same time, I took you as a chess piece and asked for whatever I wanted.

Do you know... everything I showed you in the last ten years was just so that someone could erect a monument without words for me after this extinction.

I don't need anyone to evaluate me...

After all, these long and short five hundred years are just everything a man can give for his own wishful thinking.

He has now reached the end of his journey - what he wants to accomplish, what he wants to witness, what he wants to redeem...

They have taken root in the tree of imaginary numbers, waiting for the lost messenger to deliver the last message before everything ends.

That moment, not too early, not too late, it will become a requiem across death, it will become a hymn of miracles.

The world will revolve for only one person at that moment...

Let the imposed sins vanish, let the ended will continue to move forward.

I will take the meanness to the grave;

The light will reach the future because of you.

I fooled my friends, fooled my loved ones, fooled the world and the rules above it...

Just to give the only real you a second life.

I'm back...Karen. "

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