"My story?"

Alicia wiped the tears from her face, a look of joy appeared in her eyes, her eyes stared at Gu Li's eyes, and there was a little expectation in her tone.

"Well, it belongs to you, and your story."

"Really! Then I have to watch it carefully. I guess I will be so radiant, lovely and charming in the future♪~"

The people in the seats around naturally have good ears, and Gu Li did not suppress his voice, so they all heard what he said to Alicia very clearly.

Hearing that there is also their story in it, everyone became curious.

So what happened in the future that there is still their story.

Did they all become fusion warriors and live for 50,000 years?

Alicia's situation is unclear, but the last time I took a quick look, she did appear in front of Kevin and Meiyi. Maybe Alicia has also lived to the present civilization.

If it is Alicia, then everyone will understand it.

After all, now Alicia is the most beautiful flower of the Fire Moth and the strongest warrior.

However, Mebius and Mei have a lot more things to think about.

The story of Alicia is a story about them together.

But from the words, Alicia is the real protagonist.

So, Gu Li, will your arrival have anything to do with Alicia?

The scene in the live broadcast room did not make everyone wait for a long time.

The picture soon returned to Meiyi.

In front of Meiyi, what she saw was a rather strange building.

The rubble and ruins circled around the tower, forming a bird-like grid, as if declaring that it was the center of the world.

What is that? Meiyi thought about the scene in front of her.


The voice that she was not used to heard sounded without warning, like someone whispering in her ear, and like a shout from afar, as unpredictable as this scenery.

"How does it feel?"

Raiden Mei replied, "It's a wonderful sight... Is this a building from the First Civilization era? What is it used for?"

"How is it? It should be very avant-garde for you, right? But in my era, it was just an ordinary house that could be seen everywhere on the roadside."

"This sense of dislocation between the times is also one of the pleasures of exploring the paradise of the past. Before encountering more incredible scenes, just look forward to it~"

When Alicia heard her voice interacting with Mei, she felt an unreal feeling.

"Wow, it's really my voice. Can I meet Mei again in the future? I'm so excited! I really want to touch the horns on Mei's head~"

When Alicia's voice appeared in the live broadcast room, everyone present was still amazed even though they had already prepared.

After all, this kind of dialogue between two civilizations does have a strong sense of separation for them.

Especially since they witnessed the growth of one of them with their own eyes, and the other was a warrior they knew, this was very... weird.

After the voice of Alicia appeared, the audience in the live broadcast room was obviously more excited.

After all, Alicia's figure had already appeared in front of everyone.

The charming pink fairy lady attracted countless fans at the first sight.

So when Alicia's voice appeared, the barrage became intense.

"Ahhh, it's this voice, the pink-haired lady!"

"So what's the name, I want a name!"

"Just hearing this voice makes me feel extremely happy. I declare that this is my new wife!"

"Go away, don't you look at what you look like, she is mine!"

The barrage in the live broadcast room can be seen by everyone present.

So when everyone saw the unrestrained words on the barrage, their eyebrows jumped.

The audience watching the excitement outside really didn't know the real situation, but these warriors of the Fire Moth had unparalleled rich experience with people who admired Miss Alicia.

A beautiful girl like Alicia, as the most beautiful flower of the Fire Moth, naturally attracted countless young warriors to express their love.

But in the end, all the warriors who went to express their love were rejected without exception.

Then the most terrible thing happened.

After they were rejected, no one complained. Everyone cried and excitedly said that they had to work harder, and then maintained a more respectful relationship with Alicia.

This is simply a miracle, okay? !

Instead of turning love into hate, everyone liked Alicia more. If this is not a miracle, what is it?So the jokes on the barrage seemed a bit ironic to them.

What kind of girl is that? How could you, a bunch of people who only know how to YY, say that she is your wife?

This is the rule of law that saved them.

Then, a scene that surprised them appeared.

Ai Lishiya, who had never had any close contact with other opposite sexes, was holding Gu Li's arm at this time, pointing at the big screen with a smile on her face to share her joy with him.

This scene directly broke the defense of many soldiers on the spot.

However, Ai Lishiya and Gu Li, who were in the center of the sight, did not care about the surrounding sight at all. Ai Lishiya said happily: "The building above is the architectural style of our future period. Now it seems that there are indeed many similarities."

Everyone nodded when they heard it.

These buildings in front of them are actually very similar to them.

It's just that they are all smudged with a layer of pink, which looks a bit strange.

In the picture, Meiyi is asking at this time.

"What is my goal? To defeat someone, or to find something?"

"Goal? No goal, this is just an attempt, or... teaching?"

"No Herrscher has ever stepped into this place, and I have never taught a Herrscher. For you and me, this is... how should I put it, a first experience?"

After Alicia explained clearly, Mei nodded slightly, and then looked at Alicia.

"I roughly understand the situation... but there is still one most critical question, who are you?"

"Are you kidding? I just introduced myself a few minutes ago."

"Really... are you teasing me on purpose? How can you do this to a girl you just met?"

"You have a cute face, but your mind is unexpectedly naughty."

Seeing Alicia's interesting expression, everyone's love for her has reached a new level.

Only Mobius snorted softly, and then said that she was really thick-skinned.

"Then, Raiden Mei's adventure in the paradise of the past begins!"

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