Mobius always felt that what he was experiencing now was intentional by Gu Li.

What do you mean by aunt? What do you mean by bad person? This is all fake, okay?

Didn't you see that those who came out of my institute didn't have any so-called bad reviews or bad comments?

It's infuriating.

Mobius sat in his seat, silently sulking.

In response, Gu Li said that it was really none of his business.

Because you will be like this in the future!

In the live broadcast room, Raiden Mei returned to the familiar hall.

Mobius still called her a big sister.

Just when Mei felt confused about Mobius's series of actions, Alicia came out to rescue her.

It was just a normal chat, but when Mobius said the three words "betrayer", everyone's expressions froze.

The weight of these three words really needs no further explanation.

At this moment, everyone's eyes fell on Alicia.

In the picture.

Alicia: "Betrayer? What are you talking about? I'm not Su, and I can't see what will happen in the future."

"But I believe in myself and Alicia, just like I believe in everyone here, including you."

"Hey, wait... Could it be that... Betrayer refers to Mei? Don't think so! I still have you in my heart."

Mobius: ...

"Listen carefully, the new girl... ah, no, it's the big sister who can send electricity, you must be careful of this person."

"In the paradise of the past, she is always the least trustworthy one, even if it's just a little bit."

Mei: "I won't accept the answer that anyone gives me, I will find it myself."

Mobius: "That was just a kind reminder just now. But you'd better be smart, otherwise, you will pay the price for it sooner or later."

"Yes. We... have all paid the price for this."

This part of the plot exposed Alicia's big thunder.

Now, Alicia was inexplicably labeled as a traitor.

Even Alicia in reality was slightly affected.

"Although I still want to laugh at Mobius, this traitor is very curious."

"In the end, did he betray the Fire Moth? Or did he betray the Warrior?"

"Isn't this the legendary Pink Cut Black?"

"Suddenly, I started to feel a little suspenseful. One doesn't look like a good person, and the other looks too much like a good person. I don't know which wife to believe."

"No, don't you have your own wife?"

The word "traitor" made everyone feel a little overwhelmed when it appeared.

After all, Alicia now seems to have no trace of betrayal, so the appearance of this word now really makes people feel a little uncomfortable.

Many speculations came to everyone's mind, but they were all smart and didn't say anything.

Whether it is a traitor or not, in the end, all of them will know what kind of person Alicia is.

It's too early to draw a conclusion now.

Especially since it was said by Mobius, the credibility of this statement was halved.

If Mobius knew what they were thinking, he would be speechless.

When the picture of the paradise changed, Klein's voice also appeared in everyone's ears.

Suddenly, several people sitting around Klein looked at her, and Klein couldn't help shrinking her neck.

I didn't expect that I could also enter the paradise of the past life. This was a pleasant surprise.

As the plot continued, Klein obviously played a very important role here. After this series of operations, even Mobius couldn't help but look sideways.

"It seems that I should find a way to let Klein, this child, enter my research institute."

Mobius began to think about how to let Klein join her.

In the live broadcast, Klein was small, like a small Mobius, or a seaweed spirit, at least very cute.

"Little Pechoin is really good looking!"

"It's really cute, is this really a person?"

"It should be a certain form of existence. After all, I remember that Dr. Mobius was a beautiful woman with a great figure. Here, she has become a girl. It's not strange."

But from here on, Mobius began to seduce Mei step by step, always controlling the distance between them.

Finally, at the last moment, Mobius finally revealed his true face.

What she did to Mei during this period was to enable her body to adapt to Mobius's consciousness as soon as possible, so as to achieve the conditions required by Mobius.

Mobius, want to getGet the Herrscher body of Raiden Mei, and thus achieve a resurrection in a sense.

And all of this is in the body of Gray Snake. The technology that is believed to be able to save Klein, she, Raiden Mei, has already seen it.

Mobius's plan was exposed, and she slowly told the other party what she wanted to do.

A sick smile appeared on Mobius' face, "Why don't you hurry up and say goodbye to your own consciousness and Raiden Mei?"

"Let you see... a real fusion warrior."

The battle is about to start.

This battle was seen clearly by everyone present.

The true strength of Mobius, a fusion warrior, shocked all the warriors and the people of the Fire Moth.

But despite this, Mobius was still a step away and was defeated by Raiden Mei.

Although he was defeated, this also allowed the people of the Fire Moth to see the true strength of the fusion warrior.

They were amazed to see a fusion warrior who could rival an almost complete Herrscher and a researcher.

This fusion warrior project must be promoted at all costs.

The potential is too great.

At least this is necessary when there are still many Herrschers.

When Dr. Mobius fell to the ground, Klein stood in front of Mobius and looked at him.

"It's all over, Dr. Mobius."


"No, maybe I shouldn't call you that anymore."

Mobius: "Klein... why... you should understand me... you knew I was going to do this 50,000 years ago... you never opposed me..."

"Why... now... you are going to hinder me again..."

Klein stared at the embarrassed Mobius in front of her, she was silent.

After a moment, she slowly said, "Because, the real Dr. Mobius... had already given up on this plan when she told me about it."

Mobius: "The real Mobius? Klein, what do you mean?"

"I... am the real Mobius."

Mobius was relieved after seeing this.

If this is fake, then it's easy to explain. Then the behaviors that she saw in the live broadcast, which were so strange that they couldn't be stranger, would have a sufficient explanation.

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