When the term "13th Herrscher" appeared, everyone started to go crazy.

Especially the Fire Moth, who was almost going crazy.

The 13th Herrscher is right next to us, and we didn't even know it? !

"Oh my god, oh my god, 13th Herrscher?! Isn't that a Herrscher?! How can he be a comrade-in-arms with a fusion warrior?"

"Calm down, brother above, didn't you see that Mei and Kiana are also Herrschers? Aren't they also fighting for all the beauty in the world?"

"But doesn't it mean that the Herrschers of the previous civilization have no human consciousness? What's the matter with Alicia?"

"Fuck, if you ask me, it's just a cute and charming girl, so she will naturally do the impossible!"

"13th Herrscher! Then the fourteenth one is the so-called Herrscher of the End, right? Is Alicia the last Herrscher before the End? ”

“But didn’t Kiana say that after the Herrscher of Constraint, there should be the End? Isn’t Constraint the twelfth Herrscher?”

“It’s over, my brain is going to explode.”

“Don’t worry about it, no matter what, that’s Alysia! I’m Alysia’s dog!”

“What’s behind this door? Is it a knife or a knife?”

“All the previous evidence can show that Alysia is the biggest secret in this paradise, but we didn’t expect it to be so big.”

The researchers and senior executives of the Fire Moth started a heated discussion.

There is no way, these thirteen heroes are too important to them.

And now there is a thirteenth Herrscher who has entered their Fire Moth from the beginning, which may seriously hit the confidence and reputation of the Fire Moth’s warriors.

After all, they all came to the Fire Moth because they hated the Herrscher and had their homes destroyed by the Herrscher.

If everyone knew that there was a Herrscher in their base, what kind of demonstration would break out, they dared not even think about it.

But now there are still many things that need their headaches.

Aponia's commandments, Qianjie who tore the Herrscher with his hands, Observer Su, and the thirteenth Herrscher Alicia, these are all their headaches now.

But what is certain is that after this live broadcast, the entire Fire Moth will undergo an unprecedented rectification and reform.

"It's really a headache."

One by one, the powerful councillors began to have headaches.

Mei looked at the stairs and the door in front of her that radiated holy light, and she was silent.

Mei: "Qualification... Everything you did before was to help her test me?"

Aponia: "I also have my own selfishness, but that's all. I have been waiting for someone like you to come, and now I have achieved my wish."

"Go, she is waiting for you."

Mei: "..."

She turned around, but did not take a step immediately.

Mei: "Can I ask another question, Aponia?"

Aponia: "Please."

Mei: "When we were fighting just now... those words you said were actually from the heart, right?"

"That kind of... hatred."

Aponia: "If I give you a positive answer... maybe you will lose your trust in Yingjie."

"But... just think of it as a thank you on behalf of Gray Xiu."

"Yes, I am always pessimistic about humans. In my opinion, some people being wiped out from the world is their natural ending."

Mei: "But you haven't done any subjective evil."

Aponia: "I'm different from you, Miss Mei."

"Her departure... certainly made me realize the significance of the process, but as I have proved before, humans cannot change."

"To this day, I still value the results more."

"But ...This does not conflict with the care I have given to everyone."

"To embrace with a heart of denial...is also an embrace. I am not an exception, I just don't hide it."

"What is a hero in my eyes? As a noble person, he sacrifices his life for the survival of the despicable."

"Even if you know that there are people you hate and hate your existence in the group you want to protect, you still have to stand up."

Mei: "You seem very dissatisfied with this."

Aponia: "Because I am not a hero, but...sometimes I believe that everyone needs to be saved."

Aponia: "Okay, please leave as soon as possible."

"Remember the possibility I mentioned before? Since those moments I preserved...the only thing worth passing on here will see the light of day again..."

"Then, this paradise of the past...will also be thrown into its final fate.""Let's... say goodbye for now."

Abonia stopped talking, and at this moment, everyone's breathing gradually began to quicken.

Behind the light and shadow gate on this step is the real secret of the entire paradise of the past that they have been pursuing.

It is also everything that Abonia wants to protect and record with all his might.

[Before me]

[No creation exists in the world]

[If there is something eternal and immortal]

[Then it is sinking in my body]

"Open the door to the end."

"...a noble and pure soul."

Mei reached out and pushed the door open.

In front of her eyes, the light gradually faded.

In the flowers not far away, on the wooden bench, butterflies danced.

"You are finally here."

Alicia's voice echoed in everyone's ears.

For some reason, everyone's hearts were filled with deep excitement.

And Gu Li's eyes were slightly red.

"Let me introduce myself again."

Soft butterflies flew over the flowers around her.

"The second Fire Chaser."

"Alicia of the Inscription of [True Self]."

"And the other identity."

"You should have guessed it a long time ago, right?"


"When you really come to the Thirteenth Herrscher..."

Alicia smiled gently, with a mischievous smile on her face, and said to Meiyi: "Hey, how do you feel?"

Everyone at the scene heard this voice belonging to Alicia at the scene.

Everyone heard it and turned back to look at Alicia.

Alicia was standing with her hands behind her back at this time, looking at everyone happily, and said with a smile: "How is it, how do you feel?"

Gu Li looked at Alicia's posture, he reached out and wiped his eyes, and a bright smile appeared on his face.

"Just like the first time we met."

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