The appearance of the evil Vivi officially revealed the reason why several people disappeared in this paradise.

Seeing the evil Vivi without any guilt and the crazy smile, anger gradually took over Meiyi's mind.

"How should I introduce myself to you?"

"Long time no see?"

"Or... first meeting?"

Just when the audience's anger took over, the perspective suddenly changed.

The perspective shifted to Su, who also came to a conclusion in Mobius's venue and his memories.

The real murderer is Vivi.

When Su came to Vivi's place, he could no longer capture Vivi's whereabouts.

Vivi also told Meiyi the origin of her personality in front of her.

"So, the real Vivi was devoured when Mei came in for the second time?"

"What did Mei bring in, the Herrscher?"

"That's right, it must be the Herrscher, otherwise Vivi wouldn't have failed so easily."

"What kind of Herrscher could have invaded so silently?"

"I just want to know, were Alicia and Kevin really killed by Vivi?"

"So that's what Abonya said."

As Vivi described her evil thoughts, Mei clenched her fists, looking at Vivi and speaking word by word.

"Since you mentioned so many of your own ideas, then... do you know what I'm thinking about at this moment?"

"She is gradually advancing her plan, a conspiracy that may endanger reality."

"But for me now, none of this matters."

"I'm thinking about... only one thing."

She slowly closed her eyes, trying to piece together the syllables that had gradually faded in her memory with more concentration.

Padovich: "It's very simple... I want to make friends with Mei."

Mei: "(I haven't... given her an answer yet...)"

She didn't open her eyes. She knew what was spreading all over her at this moment.

Mei: "And you... let my friend sacrifice for such a ridiculous reason..."

"Then, you are also prepared to pay the corresponding price, right?"

Mei was surrounded by lightning, and the power of the Herrscher of Thunder was completely released by her.

The complete Herrscher of Thunder descended in front of Weiwei, his eyes were cold and full of anger, and he drew his sword and pointed it at the other party.


Padovich: "Wow, Mei looks so handsome when she draws her sword!"

Padovich looked at Mei on the big screen with sparkling eyes, and a feeling she had never had before rose in her heart.

She has been an orphan since the Dusk Street.

She has never had her own friends, so she has always lived with cats.

Seeing on the big screen that this sister Mei who she would meet in the future actually treated her as a friend and fought with this bad-looking guy for her, little Padu was deeply impressed.

"So, after the live broadcast is over, let me take you to fight the bad Vilvi. I am the best at this!"

Alicia volunteered to grab the little hand of the cat and said this to Padu Felice.

Vilvi turned her head away and pouted.

She was really caught by Alicia. Until now, she still couldn't figure out why Alicia knew her location at that time.


After the fight and conspiracy between Mei and Vilvi, Mei finally felt the strange feeling on her body.

On her body, it was what she felt when she saw the will of collapse.

This strange feeling was another Herrscher.

But when Mei found out about this, it was too late.

Mei completely lost consciousness in front of Weiwei.

At Eden and Aponia, something happened that made everyone's pupils shrink.

Half of Qianjie's body had disappeared, and the whole person stood numbly in the dark place.

Cold data kept flashing on his body.

At this time, after hearing Eden's last call of his name, all his feelings disappeared.

Qianjie's consciousness had completely dissipated, and this body could come here only by his last instinct.

Seeing this, Aponia had to devote all her body and mind to find the embers of Qianjie's consciousness in order to get more information.

With the help of Eden, Aponia entered Qianjie's consciousness.

Aponia came to Qianjie's consciousness and saw those monsters.

When she defeated those monsters, she came to Qianjie's last consciousness, and he's words rang in Aponia's ears.

"You came too late... Aponia."

"He escaped."

After seeing Qianjie and talking to him, Aponia already knew the reason why the whole paradise was in this situation.

And learned the news that Qianjie and the other party were fighting head-on.

Recalling Qianjie's previously scarred body, the barrage began to sigh.

"Brother Jie is worthy of being Brother Jie, one memory and one data, chasing the virus, and the virus can't beat it!"

"Brother Jie, my Superman!"

"I can only say that Brother Jie is too familiar with his companions. How much he believes in Aponia, he will make such a move."

However, Qianjie's figure began to flicker frequently in front of everyone's eyes.

At this time, even Qianjie in his mind has become ethereal.

After Qianjie felt this feeling, his tone was rarely weak and calm.


"Is this my own end? How ridiculous..."


"Go away after you're done watching. If you're the one watching me die... it's too disgusting."

Seeing this, Abonya tried to keep Qianjie's last thoughts, but when she looked at her hands, she fell silent.

"Anyway, thank you, Qianjie. At least... you let us know what kind of enemy we are facing."

"I'll be there soon."

Qianjie: "Humph, that's right. You and I... should both go to hell. When the time comes, see if you can [ask] me to do something."

"...But don't come too early. I don't want to take the same bus with you."

Abonya: "Well, okay. I... look forward to it."

"Then, goodbye, Qianjie."

Qianjie: "Wait."

"Promise me one more thing."

"This time... I proved Ying's innocence, right? My body... is the proof.

"She... has never been a betrayer."

"Go tell them - tell everyone!"

"I earned this innocence with my own hands, not their charity!"

Abonya: "Yes, Qianjie, Ying is not a betrayer, either then or now."

"Next, it's time for me to atone. I will make up for the debts I owed in the past."

Qianjie: "Humph, it's good that you know you owe something. Go away..."

"Let me..."

" quiet for a while."

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