After that guy left, Yingmei and Paimeng came to Wanwen Collection House. They looked at Ji Fang, the boss at the collection house counter, and said.

"Hello, we want a copy of "The Record of the Guardian Immortals and Yakshas"!"

At this time, the boss Ji Fang felt a little strange, "Huh? When did this old book become a bestseller?"

"It's rare that young people like it. Go to the bookshelf and look for it yourself."

After the two found the book on the bookshelf, they opened it, and the picture turned, and an animation appeared in front of everyone.

At the same time, the voice of the emperor appeared with the picture.

[In the ancient times, Liyue was full of miasma and monsters. ]

[The rotten body of the defeated demon god spread hatred and resentment to the world and turned into monsters. ]

[Whenever the monsters are restless, plagues, ghosts and mutations will follow. ]

[So, the King of Rock summoned the Yaksha among the immortals to eliminate the monsters. 】

【They swore to the King of Rock that they would kill to protect the Dharma. 】

【Eliminate many sufferings, and so on for years...】

"Is this the origin of Yaksha and Karma? He explained so many things in just a few words. Gu Laozi is really good at it!"

"Oh my God, is this the profoundness of Shenzhou's history? These pictures shocked me!"

"What do these words mean? I have learned Shenzhou language for five years, but I still don't understand it. What should I do?"

"Hahaha, there are so many mysteries in it. They don't understand the five elements!"

"Five Yakshas, ​​I have seen them all from Fushe's perspective. Now it seems a little tearful."

The picture continues, but the content changes.

【They are also bound by karma and polluted by the hatred of the demon god. 】

【Or they fall into fear and go crazy. 】

【Or they kill each other and die. 】

【Or they go astray. 】

【Of the five most powerful immortals, three Yakshas died, and one is missing. 】

【After thousands of years of disasters, only one demon-conquering great sage still exists in the world. 】

【Only the floating light of Guyun Pavilion and the flute player of Dihuazhou on moonlit nights still remember his figure. 】

When Yingmei put the book down, the barrage exploded at this time.

"This is five hundred years after yesterday. Now only Xiao is still alive in the world. Fushe is still dead. Cry!"

"This is the fate of the Yakshas. How painful it must be for Xiao in these five hundred years."

"But the Yakshas have guarded Liyue for thousands of years, but few people know about them. Look, the boss said that young people now rarely pay attention to this kind of book. If Xiao also leaves, who will remember this history?"

"You are right, so who is the flute player? The person who can help Xiao calm down is definitely not an ordinary person!"

"Gu Li: Guess!"

Yingmei and Paimeng are talking about Yakshas.

When Paimeng said, 'It's so pitiful to guard Liyue for thousands of years, not only without any reward, but also to endure such torture. ', many Xiao fans in the barrage broke their defense.

"My Xiaobao!"

"Xiaobao wuwuwu..."

Just when Ying was about to expose the so-called immortal's identity, she saw the infected hillbillies attacking them.

Ying did not hesitate at all. The long sword in her hand flashed out. When she was about to take the lead in solving the problem, the infected hillbillies suddenly ran away.

Seeing this, Ying did not rush to chase them, but came to the front of Tianjun first.

After the chat, they looked helplessly at the guy who was still stubborn in front of them, and then went in the direction where the hillbillies fled.

After they came to the front, the hillbillies had all lay down, and among the group of hillbillies, only a young man stood in that area.

In the conversation between Ying, Paimon and Xiao, they learned that Xiao was the demon-conquering saint.

So they decided to go with Xiao to solve a place of karma.

After solving the problem and finding out that it was the matter of the Heavenly Lord, they decided to retrieve his Unrestricted Talisman and expose his true identity.

Before doing this, Xiao had to perform a spellcasting ritual called [Sleepwalking in Various Realms], so they began to look for materials.

Yingmei and Paimeng came to a dilapidated temple in the southern part of Tianheng Mountain, where there was an important item for casting spells, the incense burner.

Here they had a conversation with the gentleman named [Bronze Sparrow], who lent the incense burner to Ying.

The collection of the Seven Star Lamps was much easier.

Not long after, they quickly collected all the items they needed.

When they returned to the temple again to look for the Mr. Bronze Sparrow, they heard his voice coming from a statue.

At this time, everyone realized that the figure of the Bronze Sparrow was an illusion.

"It turns out that he has passed away a long time ago..."

"He is also a Yaksha.Are you from the tribe? They died in battle thousands of years ago. How tragic was the war thousands of years ago..."

[I was originally a small fairy among the Yakshas. The Rock King Emperor gave me the fairy name Tongque. Thousands of years ago, I was weak and died on the battlefield.]

[Today is my death anniversary. It is my last wish to see Liyue today, so I am presumptuous to perform a spell here.]

[By the are from the Great Sage who conquers demons, right?]

Paimon was surprised, [So you know each other?]

[I can feel his breath from you...and, the breath of karma is getting stronger and stronger...]

[Alas, has he been enduring such pain for thousands of years?]

[It really makes me feel ashamed.]

"Don't say that. Didn't Mr. Tongque sacrifice his life for Liyue? ”

[Life is precious... but compared to what the Great Sage who conquers demons endured, death is nothing more than a way of living comfortably.]

At this moment, the emotion expressed by Tongque shocked everyone.

The people of Shenzhou were especially deeply touched by this, as if something had been hit in their hearts.

"If death is considered a way of living comfortably, then how painful is the karma on Xiao's body? I dare not think about it anymore..."

"So, sometimes the pain of insisting on living is more painful than the pain of dying, because this pain will accompany them every day for the rest of their lives."

"Whether it is Tongque who sacrificed his life for the country, or Xiao who endured the erosion of karma all the time, they are all heroes, all heroes of Liyue."

"Tongque's wish on his death anniversary is just to take a look at the prosperous Liyue today, to see the place he protected with his life."

"I'm sorry, I thought of something touching, I'll cry for a while first. ”

There were more and more comments like this in the live broadcast room, but everyone in front of the screen fell silent.

Because they all thought of something, which needed them to digest.

"This plot is very well written."

Hua looked at the scene in the live broadcast room with emotion.

As a Shenzhou person, Hua felt more deeply about this plot than others.

Therefore, after seeing the content and spiritual core of this picture, she couldn't help but mobilize her emotions.

At this moment, everyone in the live broadcast room could feel this spirit.

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