It really is the time to call me at the end of the broadcast...

Gu Li silently complained in his heart, but his hands were not idle. He answered the phone and put it to his ear.

"Hello, sister."

"Are you still at home now?"

"Of course, what's the matter?"

"Stay at home, don't go out."

After saying that, Gu Yu hung up the phone, leaving Gu Li with a confused look.

"What does this mean?"

Gu Li looked at the black screen of the phone and said silently.

However, judging from the other party's urgent voice, it seemed to be a very urgent matter.

"Could it be Honkai energy?"

After thinking of this possibility, Gu Li shook his head again.

He had checked his sister online. Currently, she is the CEO of several listed companies with a lot of assets.

If it is placed on an ordinary person, this is already a very powerful woman, but if it is placed on the fire-chasing moth in a world organization, then it is a little less conspicuous.

So, Gu Yu should have nothing to do with the Fire-Chasing Moth...

Just as he was thinking this, his door was suddenly opened without any warning.

Gu Li, who thought it was Gu Yu who had arrived, did not look outside the door immediately. He said, "What's the matter? You sounded very anxious on the phone just now."

Before he finished speaking, his body sensed a strong sense of danger.

Almost in an instant, Gu Li's body instantly fell behind the sofa beside him, and then a violent explosion sounded behind him, shaking his eardrums.

Gu Li looked at the computer behind him that had been blown up, and his heart couldn't help but ache.

My newly bought 6090 graphics card!

Damn, who is it!

Gu Li bravely showed one eye from behind the sofa and looked outside the door.

Outside the door was an automated grenade launcher, standing at the door at this time, and there was no one around.

Damn, you want to kill me with just an automated weapon? !

Is this the Fire Chaser Moth coming to kill and silence people?!

Gu Li didn't have time to think so much now, because the grenade mouth had locked onto the sofa where he was hiding.


Gu Li didn't care whether anyone had discovered that he could control the Honkai energy this time. He waved his hand, and a pink-blue Honkai energy condensed shield blocked him.

The micro camera on the automated grenade flickered slightly. After seeing Gu Li wave his hand to create this strange shield, she controlled the howitzer to fire, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but rise behind her back.

"Finally, I found it, the evil organization and the mutants they created through human experiments!"

Wei Wei remotely controlled his weapon in a dark little house, with an excited look on her face.

She found something wrong since the first Honkai, so she has been looking for the cause of these disasters.

Until a while ago, she finally found a clue, and then discovered that there was an organization called the Fire Moth, which always appeared at the disaster site, which made Wei Wei come to a conclusion.

These disasters were caused by the so-called evil organization of the Fire Moth.

So when she found that Gu Li, who was broadcasting live, used Honkai energy, she immediately determined that this person was the mutant of the Fire Moth for human experiments.

Especially after seeing the pink and blue Honkai energy, she was even more certain.

Because the pink-haired woman was also this color, they must be in the same group!

A howitzer fired, and the whole building began to shake.

Fortunately, this is a three-story building with no neighbors living around, otherwise these few howitzers would have killed the neighbors around.

Gu Li rolled out of the smoke and dust in a mess. There was not much damage on his body, and most of the shock waves were blocked by the broken Honkai energy barrier in his hand.

Even so, he was not feeling too good.

At this moment, his eyes flashed with coldness and anger.

He wanted to live well in this world, but someone wanted to drag him down, which made him very unhappy.

The howitzer stood on the ground, and suddenly several machine guns broke out of the ground and pointed the muzzles at Gu Li.

Just before the muzzle fired, Gu Li's eyes flashed, and he exerted force on his feet, and the collapse energy around him gathered into pieces of crystal.

He clenched his palms, and a straight knife condensed from the collapse energy appeared in his hands.

Bang bang bang!

The gunshots rang out, and he blocked the bullets with the collapse energy.

He raised his hand and the knife fell, and several machine guns were directly scrapped by him.

At this time, the howitzer fired again, Gu Li's eyes condensed slightly, and the collapse energy in his hand condensed, and a huge four-leaf clover crystal barrier blocked him.Boom!

The powerful impact force knocked Gu Li back.

But then, a straight knife broke through the smoke and exploded the last grenade on the howitzer.


The explosion sounded, shaking the ground into dust.

Gu Li slowly stood up and patted the dust off his body. He looked at the howitzer that had been blown into a big hole by the explosion, and the micro camera on it that was not easy to find. He opened his mouth slightly, then turned and left.

Just after he left, the camera broke at the same time.

Wei Weiwei was shocked to see the figure that had disappeared on the computer.

Because of the last lip shape of the man she assassinated, she felt a chill on her back.

"I know you, Wei Weiwei."

Why does he know me?

Wei Weiwei rarely fell into deep thought.

This matter was really incredible to her.

She had never seen him in her memory, so how did he know her?

"Expert, you analyze it."

【Expert】 Wei Weiwei came out and said calmly: "I think we have to run away now, because all the alert robots outside have lost contact."

"Oh, then I'll see him next time!" [Magician] Wei Weiwei raised her lips and took over the right to use the body.

In terms of escape, [Magician] Wei Weiwei is easier to operate.

"Then, a grand curtain call, let's start like this!"

After saying that, Wei Weiwei disappeared from the spot.

Immediately afterwards, a sky-high explosion sounded through the clouds.


Gu Yu, who was driving on the road, looked ugly after hearing the explosion.

"Oh, don't be so serious, it will make your skin worse!"

In the co-pilot of Gu Yu, a pink girl was comforting Gu Yu.


Gu Yu smiled bitterly.

No one expected that his brother suddenly had the power of collapse.

Last year, the result of his examination showed that he still had no adaptability to Honkai.

But even with such a result, today during the live broadcast, it was seen that the report clearly stated that no one with Honkai adaptability could control Honkai to create crystal flowers.

And now the explosion sounded from Gu Li's residential area, which made Gu Yu's car speed up again.

Alicia felt that her confidence in Gu Li was greater than that of his sister, which made Gu Yu unable to describe what this feeling was.

When the two of them finally arrived after rushing, Gu Yu saw the collapsed building and the ruins on the ground as soon as he got out of the car.

Her heart tightened, and just when she wanted to go to find Gu Li, a familiar voice came from the grass beside her.

"Sister is here?"

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