Kakata stood in front of Abatoi's body.

He placed all the parts he collected on Abatoi's body with his completely uncoordinated mechanical arm.

Those few scattered parts were all given to Kakata by them before.

When they saw this scene, they understood.

It turned out that Kakata had been collecting parts for this reason.

In his limited understanding, whenever his body was damaged, Abatoi would always take out parts to repair his body.

Therefore, Kakata would think that Abatoi's body was damaged and needed parts to repair it.

This scene made everyone present silent.

Kakata placed the parts on Abatoi's body, and a huge mechanical eye scanned Abatoi's body back and forth.

But when he found that Abatoi's body still had no changes, he stretched out his mechanical arm again, swung the parts placed on Abatoi's body, and tried to repair Abatoi.

But no matter how he tried, Abatoi would never wake up.

He extended his mechanical arm and touched Abatoi's face, but there was no reaction.

At this moment, his emotions had surpassed the machine and he became a real mechanical life.

His eyes, which he used for observation and detection, burst out some sporadic sparks, as if he was crying.

A whole huge machine was curled up in the corner like a helpless child.

Everyone who saw this scene was heartbroken.

"He is sad..."

This was what everyone thought.

Perhaps Abatoi's research project finally had results at this time, but he could no longer witness this magical moment with his own eyes.

Life is like this, fragile and full of miracles.

Just like what Tinari said, Kakata is now like a child, imitating what adults have done.

And everything Kakata did was just imitating Abatoi's previous behavior in order to save him.

At this time, everyone thought of the words they saw in the video tape at that time.

"In the experiment some time ago, I successfully added the [instinct] of life to you. When energy is insufficient or parts are damaged, you will prioritize the survival command. Actively replenish energy and replace parts."

Paimon: "That's why it keeps snatching mechanical parts... But, no matter how hard it tries, it can't actually be repaired, right?"

Tinari: "Yes, but the important thing is that it has the idea of ​​wanting to repair Abatoi."

"No one knows how this idea came about, but this idea itself even suppressed the [instinct] set by Abatoi for it."

Seeing this, the barrage began to soar.

"This is the miracle of life!"

"Perhaps it doesn't have the complex emotions of humans, but it knows how to take care of its master. When it tried hard but found that its master could never wake up again, I'm afraid he was also very sad."

"When it had emotions, it was no longer a machine, but a living life."

"I think Kakata knows that some of the parts it collected can also be used by itself. Obviously, many parts of its body are damaged, but it still brings all the parts to Abatoi. But Kakata doesn't understand death!"

"From the moment he defied the instinct of life, he can no longer be called a machine."

At this point, Weiwei, who had been watching, was suddenly touched.

Mechanical life...

Not only Weiwei, Mobius and Mei were also moved and thought.

Unlike these three geniuses, Kevin was crying like a child.

This made Mei, who wanted to think carefully, take out a handkerchief and hand it to Kevin. She just sat beside Kevin and looked at his tearful face, with a slight smile on her lips.

Hua, who was emotionally dull, was also wiping tears at this time.

What a good story, but why can this guy write so many stories with knives?

Ying's sister Ling also cried after reading it.

It was hard to suppress her emotions, but when she saw the empty house behind her, she couldn't help crying again.


Back to Gu Li's live broadcast room.

Looking at everyone's broken defense on the barrage, Gu Li laughed heartlessly.

Just as he laughed out loud, he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Sure enough, when he looked at the barrage, overwhelming complaints appeared in front of him.

"My, you still have the nerve to laugh, what's your mentality!"

"I can't stand it anymore, is there anyone powerful enough to tell me his address, I must send him some 'gifts'!"

"II know this guy must have some psychological trauma."

"My stars..."

With this smile, the live broadcast room became more popular, which made Gu Li laugh and cry.

"Hey, my computer is out of oil. I'll go add oil to my computer. See you next time! "

After saying that, he immediately ended the broadcast at the speed of light without waiting for the netizens to attack.

Looking at the live broadcast room that suddenly went black, the netizens were angry but did not leave.

Who made them have such a host?

You can scold him, but his story is really interesting.

No one dared to scold him too much, what if he just stopped broadcasting because of his true temper.

Since the live broadcast is gone, it is time for the first batch of guys who have been "released from prison" to come out and heat up the topic online.

So, on this night, the popularity of Gu Li's live broadcast room story on the Internet was surprisingly high.

Perhaps because the previous plots took too long, many viewers did not like them very much.

But when these three short stories came out, those who were not interested in long stories suddenly began to watch them curiously.

After they finished watching, another group of fans appeared.

In this way, a kind of The phenomenon of human-to-human transmission once made netizens who didn't know the inside story tremble.

Gu Li turned off the live broadcast and took a deep breath as usual.

He looked up at the system panel in front of him.

Because this live broadcast was played with the legendary mission of the original god, and there was no follow-up, the rewards would be issued directly after the live broadcast.

After this period of live broadcast, his current mood value can be said to be making a lot of money.

Adding up back and forth, it is a full 6 million, which is really pleasant to watch.

This does not include the mood value of this live broadcast. If it is added, he dare not even think about it.

[Task completed, evaluation: SS]

[Event: If you are trapped in a windless place, traces of the past, Guo Hu's chapter]

[Summary: You bring wind, I will bring seeds. You bring rain, I will let it sprout. You bring miracles, I will let it become a towering tree. ]

[Task reward: Improved sensitivity of the five senses. ]

[System store has been updated. ]

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