"Is this the power that can change the world..."

Member of the Council of West Havel lit a cigarette with trembling hands, took a deep breath, and slowly exhaled the smoke.

"Report the situation."

"Report, this collapse has caused the greatest damage to the Far East and Shenzhou, especially Changkong City and Canghai City. In addition... Changkong City has confirmed that the death toll has reached 99%."

The palms of the people in the conference room trembled.

Everyone present thought that the collapse was just like the first and second Herrschers. As long as they took out their most powerful weapons, they could let them die in hatred.

However, the heavy blow of the third collapse shocked all of them.

This disaster has indeed exceeded their initial psychological expectations.

After hearing the news from Changkong City, Gu Yu's pretty face turned pale in an instant, and she almost sat on the ground.

Gu Li, still in Changkong City...

In Changkong City.

Gu Li supported his body and climbed out of the ruins of an entire building.

In his arms, there was a disheveled Mebius.

Thanks to Gu Li's protection, Mebius was not seriously injured except for some embarrassment and some minor scratches.

When Gu Li carried Mebius out and did not see any serious injuries on Mebius, he was relieved.

If Mebius died here, then his sin would be great.

As one of the founders of countless cross-era research in the early stage, if Mebius died here, the loss would be too great.

Mebius finally stood firm on the scorched earth full of ruins. She coughed a few times, and there was no panic or shock on her face.

Her eyes were full of understanding.

Is this the first scene of the collapse? It turns out that the collapse is caused in this way.

Mebius looked at Gu Li beside her, and her eyes were full of inquiry about Gu Li.

What a freak.

She turned her head to look at the ruins of the entire building behind her. She admitted that she was somewhat surprised.

After all, being able to crawl out from the ruins of an entire building intact was obviously beyond the scope of humans.

No matter how powerful humans are, they can't have such strength.

Gu Li was in no mood to care about Mobius's mood at the moment. He was in a daze.

He had some sense of his physical condition in the past few days.

After all, it was a system upgrade, forcing himself to sleep for a period of time to speed up the system upgrade.

But he didn't expect it to be so sudden, which scared Alicia.

Also, why was Mobius here? He remembered that when the third Herrscher came, Mobius stayed in the First Research Institute.

Then, how long had he been sleeping? Why did the third collapse break out as soon as he woke up? He remembered that there was a gap of several months after the Eden concert? !

Could it be that he slept for several months?

Gu Li's eyes began to move around, which made his pupils shrink sharply.

Now, the whole Changkong City can hardly see anything familiar.

The street in front of his door used to be bustling with people.

The old man and woman who walked their dogs every night.

Under the power of the collapse, they all disappeared.

The familiar streets in the past have now become a ruin, with countless broken walls blocking the middle of the road.

The scorched earth mixed with weak electric currents makes people feel like the end of the world.

Yes, now is the end of the world.

He has been avoiding, avoiding the collapse.

He always thought that as long as he stayed away from the center of the collapse, and then hid in the fire-chasing moth until the present civilization, everything would be solved.

He got so many [talents] and [props] just to survive in this chaotic world.

He didn't want to die, that's all.

But when the collapse really broke out in front of him, where could he escape to?

He was a little confused now.

Everything he was familiar with turned to ashes in front of him. Was this how it felt...

Mobius frowned as he looked at Gu Li, who was standing there in a daze for some reason.

Standing here in a daze now was not a good thing to do. The most important thing now was to run out first.

As the central city of the third collapse, they had to leave as soon as possible, otherwise they would be hit by the first wave of missiles.

She still had a lot of experiments to do, and she couldn't die here.

Just as Mobius was about to pull Gu Li, who was in a daze, away, Gu Li suddenly said, "Can I walk by myself for a while?""Ah? Are you crazy? The third Herrscher is in Changkong City now. Aren't you afraid of death here now?"

Mobius screamed, his eyes looked like he had seen a ghost.

Gu Li shook his head, he squatted down, and then picked up Mobius horizontally, holding her in the form of a princess hug.

Mobius felt his sight horizontal, and then a warm breath wrapped her.

She didn't have any shy expression or psychology, she looked at Gu Li, "What are you going to do?"

"Take you to the safe zone first."

As soon as the voice fell, without giving Mobius a chance to continue asking questions, he exerted force on his feet, and left the place in an instant, leaving a cloud of dust.

His speed was so fast that Mobius in his arms even felt like riding a pickup truck.

Her eyes were much brighter at this time.

At this speed, you are really not a human now.

Abandoning the human body and gaining more powerful power, this is what Mobius has been pursuing!


Very eager.

Mobius' eyes were now full of curiosity for Gu Li.

Just as she was thinking about these things, Gu Li had stopped and put Mobius on a seat whose roof had been lifted.

"In less than a minute, someone will come. You wait here for a while. I'll go take care of something."


Gu Li turned his head and looked at Mobius.

"... You can't die."

Gu Li turned around and waved his hand.

"I just want to confirm some things. Don't worry, I cherish my life more than anyone else.

If I didn't want to die, then this world, even if it collapsed, couldn't take my life away."

Gu Li left.

He left very freely.

Mobius sat there and watched him go away, rarely showing a smile.

"We found Dr. Mobius. He is not seriously injured. The medical team is coming!"

When the surrounding soldiers gradually came to Mobius, they all trembled after seeing his smile, and a chill rose from the bottom of their hearts.

He witnessed the third collapse with his own eyes, and he could still laugh so happily.

Should we say that he is worthy of being Dr. Mobius?

Mobius didn't care about their thoughts. She was now staring at the direction where Gu Li could no longer be seen, and she walked down from her seat gracefully.

"Give me a satellite phone."

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