The audience did not ask Gu Li to open the reward channel in a rage, and they were unwilling to say more nonsense to affect the viewing experience.

The timeline continued to lengthen, and came to the moment when Ying and Funina were alone together. Everyone's eyes stayed here for a moment, and all the audience were curious about what Funina was going to say to Ying.

Funina took a deep breath, and she said with confidence: "Nothing, I don't have anything to say. I am the god Funina, everything will be fine!"

"As an audience, you should bear witness to me until the curtain call."

After seeing this sentence, countless audiences' eyes became wet again.

"At this moment, she is the real water god!"


Perspective change.

They came to Villette.

If nothing unexpected happens, the next climax will come.

Even though they already knew the final ending of Fukalos, they still felt a strong reluctance in their hearts.

When the plot reached this point, they all knew it.

"Destroy the throne of the water god. If I'm not mistaken, do you mean..."

Fukaros smiled softly and said, "Of course, I want to return what originally belonged to you."

Vilet was silent, sad in his heart, and the sadness in his eyes could no longer be concealed.

Here, he already knew all of Fukaros's plans, but he was still very sad.

After seeing that Violet was silent, Fukaros walked lightly to Violet, slightly turned his body, and asked obediently: "What's wrong, are you sad again?"

"The power of the ancient dragon is about to return to your hands, and the Water Dragon King of Teyvat has such an expression?"

The audience can see that Fukaros is constantly teasing Violet, trying to get him out of the sad atmosphere.

But the more this happened, the sadder Violet became.

Similarly, when all the audience saw that Fukaros, whose life was in the countdown, was still comforting Violet, the water element in their eyes surged again.

"She really is. I'm crying my ass off."

"From five hundred years ago to now, you've done so much, and all this is just to be able to [sacrifice yourself]?"

There is only ease and comfort on Fukaros's face now, without the slightest sadness, everything is so natural.

"I never thought so. At this moment, I am still complacent about successfully deceiving the heavens!"

That Villette bowed her head and remained silent.

Seeing this, Fukaros danced lightly and stretched out her hand, with a smile in the corner of her eyes.

"Shuilong, Shuilong, don't cry."

At this moment, many viewers broke their defenses.

"Ahhh, I have endured for so long, why did this simple sentence make me burst into tears!"

"Did you notice when you were going through the plot before? There is this sentence in the nursery rhyme of Fontaine. Is it because of Villette?!"

"God, I declare that this is God. Who dares to oppose me to fill his brain with water elements!"

Fukalos turned sideways. Tianli and Egolia have the same sin.

"Egolia stole the power of the primordial fetal sea, and the law of nature stole the power of your ancient dragons."

"Since I am the god of justice, returning the power that originally belonged to you to you is the way to implement justice and live up to the name of justice."


"In other words, [existence] is the justice of Egolia... and for me, justice should mean [continuation]."

"Breaking the prophecy and letting the people of Fontaine survive should be the justice that is above all else at this moment."

"Now, whether it is me or all the people of Fontaine, we have been carrying this [sin] for too long..."

Fukaros, after hearing what Villette said in the end, put her hands behind her back, like a naughty girl, slightly tilted her head, and looked at Villette with a smile in the corner of her eyes.

"Oh, it looks like the execution time is almost here."

"I am a sinner.

It's time to prepare for the curtain call."

"It's easy to say, but facing death, I am still a little scared."

"Perhaps, this is the rare commonality between gods and humans."

"Goodbye, Violet.

I hope you like your role in the past five hundred years."

This sentence deeply touched Violet's beating heart.

Fukaros danced gracefully on the stage that belonged to her under the giant sword of water light.

This was her role and her mission.

She was worthy of the name of the water god and Violet.

At this last moment, people seemed to see the brilliance of human beings from her.

On the other side, FuninaDancing on her own stage.

Gradually, the two figures merged into one, making countless audiences tearful.

The dance stopped.

The holy sword belonging to the water god fell.

Took away a god who loved him.

There is no Fukaros in this world anymore.

The departure of Fukaros took away the position of the water god, and the pure ancient dragon power floated around Navilete.

At this moment, Navilete stretched out her trembling right hand and lightly touched the pure energy.

The other part floated away, floating to the body of Funina who was crying alone on the throne.

"Thank you for your hard work, Funina."

"Please live happily as a human being as I dreamed."

At this moment, Fontaine rained heavily, and Navilete, who obtained the complete ancient dragon power and became a complete dragon, flew high into the sky.

The rain washed over his face, and he couldn't see his face clearly, and he didn't know whether it was rain or tears.

He raised his head and looked firmly at the Fontaine left for him by Fukaros.

"Supreme Judge, that Villette declares here.

I will forgive all your Fontaine's sins."

A water column filled with the power of the ancient dragon rushed straight into the sky, and all the heavy rain in the Fontaine was instantly injected with the power of the ancient dragon.

The curse dissolved in the water completely dissipated at this moment.

At this moment, countless spectators stood up and shouted loudly regardless of the eyes of others.

"Gu Li, my God!"

"My Funina, my Fukaros, I love them so much!"

"I burst into tears, why does Gu Laozi have such a good writing style, I, an old fan, don't understand!"

"I can't stop crying, especially Fukaros's apology to Funina at the end, I can't help crying every time I think of it."

"My God, I am a citizen of Fontaine, come and save your devout believers!"

For a while, hundreds of thousands of bullet comments were squeezed into this small live broadcast room.

Gu Li's live broadcast popularity has reached a terrifying 90 million, with more than 300,000 people online, and these people came to watch the live broadcast through various channels, just to see Gu Li and Funina, who convinced countless big anchors.

The vast majority of the audience present were howling in the live broadcast room, and the bullet comments were rarely harmonious.

"The story will be passed down through the ages, and the dance will never end. God loves the world, and Fumen will last forever."

Gu Li sighed heavily. He had just recovered from this emotion. After all, Funina and Fukaros, who were comparable to gods with their mortal bodies, were really moving.

Even though he already knew the plot, he couldn't avoid being emotional again.

On the hot search list of the entire platform, the words [Funina, Water God] have already ranked first, which shows how much shock this time brought to them.

This made everyone on the entire platform pay attention to this emerging anchor and content.

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