With the help of Jizi, Kiana successfully sealed the second Herrscher in her heart.

But this seal is only temporary, and they still have a long way to go.

A few dozen days ago, in the Far East, Gray Snake and Cocolia made a deal.

Walter's voice was also heard from the gem on Bronya's chest.

Just when everything was going smoothly, the video stopped abruptly.

This sudden end caught everyone off guard.

"No, it's over? What about the next thing?"

"Damn, this method of breaking the chapter, why do I look so familiar."

"Don't say it, don't say it, the feeling at that time came up again."

"So, when will the live broadcast be started again, I'm so anxious!"

Gu Li also wanted to start the live broadcast, but the group of kind-looking doctors and nurses didn't seem to want to let him out.

Just when Gu Li was thinking about whether to sneak out, there was a conversation outside his ward, and then the sound of footsteps going away.

As soon as he pushed the door open, Gu Li looked closely and saw that it was Mebius.

Mebius looked at Gu Li sitting on the bed, her eyebrows raised, and said: "Are you in good mental state? Why, do you want to be discharged from the hospital?"

Gu Li nodded hurriedly.

He is really well now. His physique is special. If the doctors here can really find out anything, he might as well find a piece of tofu and kill himself.

Seeing this, Mebius threw him a folder.

Gu Li took it and opened it, looking at the words on it suspiciously.

"You enter my first research institute, and I ask you to leave this place full of chemical alcohol smell immediately.

You should be able to accept this condition."

Although Mebius said this, her eyes never looked at Gu Li, but kept staring at the fruit basket beside him.

Gu Li saw several strange conditions on this document. He raised it and asked: "Isn't it too obvious to cooperate with Dr. Mebius in any experiment?"

Gu Li's eyes were full of helplessness.

You want to study me, at least write it a little more covertly in the document...

"Ahem." Mobius coughed lightly, and then said lightly: "Just say whether you agree or not. Anyway, if you don't get my nod, you won't be able to leave this hospital in a short time."

"Damn, this is a threat!"

"Whatever you think, the only way for you to leave is now in front of you. It depends on your choice."

Gu Li cursed and took out a pen from the drawer beside him.

Go out first, and after my next live broadcast, Mobius will not be able to keep me. Am I still afraid of this paper condition?

After signing her name with a few strokes, Gu Li looked at Mobius, who was surprised, and asked: "Can I go out now?"

Mobius picked up the signed document, flipped through it and found that it was indeed signed, and nodded.

"Let's go, I'll take you out myself."


After going through layers of formalities, Gu Li finally returned to the room assigned to him.

Looking at the simple layout of his room, he shook his head.

"By the way, is there a courier in the Fire Moth? Can I buy a courier?"

Thinking of this, Gu Li turned on his mobile phone, clicked on the courier software, and found that he could indeed send a courier. He was amazed and immediately placed an order.

Apart from anything else, the computer accessories must be the best.

It should be said that it is worthy of being the courier inside the Fire Moth. It was delivered to his room door quickly and perfectly within two hours of placing the order.

After hurriedly installing the computer, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Tonight, it is estimated that the live broadcast can be started.

This time, he was too lazy to report to the higher-ups, so he simply sent a message directly.

[Live broadcast will start at 7 o'clock tonight. ]

It was not even a few minutes after Gu Li sent this message that the door was pushed open by someone.

"Are you really going to live stream tonight?"

Hearing this familiar voice, Gu Li nodded helplessly.

"Ailixia, can you knock on the door next time? It's not good to startle a patient like this."

"Oh, didn't you say you were well a long time ago? So this little noise is okay."

Ailixia walked into his room with a smile, sat on his bed without any care, and then she stared with her shining eyes and asked again: "Are you really going to live stream tonight?"

"I've sent a message, how can it be false?"

After getting a glass of water for Ai Lixia, he sat in front of the computer he had just assembled and downloaded the necessary software.

When he had almost downloaded everything, Gu Li suddenly said:"Ailishiya, do you believe me?"

"Well... why do you ask that suddenly?

Of course I believe you. Are you afraid that I will reveal the plot later?"

Ailishiya covered her mouth and chuckled.

Gu Li shook his head and said, "Ailishiya, if you see a corner of the future next, what will you do? Will you believe everything you see?"

Ailishiya seemed to feel Gu Li's seriousness about this matter. She rarely put away her usual playful expression. She sat on the bed and said calmly: "I only believe what I am experiencing now, so who knows what the future will be like!"

Gu Li looked at Ai Lishiya's serious eyes and couldn't help laughing.

At least, he still has Ai Li's support behind him.

What's there to be afraid of?


At 7 o'clock in the evening, the live broadcast room opened as scheduled.

At the moment the live broadcast started, countless viewers poured into the live broadcast room, and the whole live broadcast room instantly became lively.

"Look who I found, it's you, Gu Li! Do you know how long you haven't been on the air?"

"I thought Gu Li was forgotten, but I didn't expect so many people to watch the live broadcast. It seems that Gu Li has strength!"

"Quick, quick, bring the delicious knife to me so that I can taste it carefully. I haven't eaten the knife for so long that my mouth has become rounder."

"Where is my Meiyi? I haven't seen Meiyi for a long time. Did you put her on ice?"

Gu Li looked at the dense barrage in the live broadcast room and smiled gently.

"It's been a long time since we last met. I won't say anything too sentimental. I know what everyone came here to see.

So, let's watch the story behind it together.

Believe me, this live broadcast is a feast for me."

Looking at Gu Li's arrogant face, they all started to make a fuss.

"It seems that there are a lot of knives this time, otherwise this old thief wouldn't be laughing so happily."

"I always feel something bad. From the last video, Kiana is fine for the time being, and Bronya also has a Herrscher core, so will she be stabbed by Meiyi!"

"Meyi, run, there is an old thief coming to stab you!"

Gu Li clicked the mouse in the dense barrage, and the story began to appear in everyone's live broadcast room.

In the picture, Bronya was riding a heavy-duty bunny, and her eyes were firm.

"Seele... Bronya will definitely save you...!"

The picture suddenly turned black at this time, and then Seele's figure appeared in front of everyone.

She lay on the ground and slowly opened her eyes.

"I... where is this...?"

And standing behind her was a lady with long pink ears.

At this time, she was half-squatting behind Seele, her eyes full of concern.

When Ling saw the face of the pink-haired warrior, her breath suddenly stopped, and then a scream resounded in the empty room.


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