
The footsteps were getting closer and closer, and the monster lurking in the shadows was slowly walking towards the two of them.

When Xier heard the noise, she immediately looked behind her.

After seeing the monster behind her, she hurriedly said to Ying, who was kneeling on the cold floor: "...The dead soldiers are catching up! Sister Ying!"

But Ying seemed to have fallen into a bottomless black hole.

Her eyes lost their brilliance, and she shouted Ling's name over and over again.



"If I can be faster..."

Looking at Ying's lost look, Xier raised the sickle in her hand, trying to buy some time for Ying.

But at this moment, the red flames swept over, burning the dead soldiers into ashes and scattering in the air.

After Xier saw the person coming, she immediately stood in front of Ying, staring at the cold man in front of her with burning eyes.

"What are you going to do? Don't hurt Sister Ying..."

"She just wants to protect her sister, her sister is innocent."

Kevin said calmly: "The ability of the 12th Herrscher is to release a large amount of corrosive virus transmitted through the air at the moment of death."

"When we didn't know, the soldiers in the base executed her without authorization, but awakened the Herrscher."

"This crisis of death warriors was caused by her."

"Yakura was wrong, Ling is a genuine Herrscher. Sakura should be responsible for her invasion."

When the barrage in the live broadcast room saw Kevin's words, everyone began to stand up for Sakura.

"No, why? If it wasn't for the military's arbitrary execution, the Herrscher wouldn't have been released so quickly."

"It's the people who are wrong. Why blame it on Sakura? She just wanted to save her sister!"

"When Sakura came here, Ling was already dead. What does this have to do with Sakura? She didn't release the Herrscher herself. It was all the fault of those soldiers!"

"It's obviously the humans who are wrong. I can only say that those guys who became dead soldiers deserve it."

"What kind of logic is this? Sakura is blamed for releasing the Herrscher after death. I really want to punch this guy in the face now!"

Looking at what Kevin did, even Hen, who had been watching the live broadcast, felt that Kevin's handling of this matter was not authentic.

Kevin stared at himself in the live broadcast room and said, this is all slander! The content of the live broadcast room is slandering me!

But now Kevin can't let all netizens know directly that this is slandering him, so the live broadcast continues.

Kevin explained that even if she stopped those soldiers, sooner or later someone else or something else would become the last straw that broke her back.

Seeing Kevin's trembling voice suppressing his endless anger, everyone understood the pain of collapse.

But the current situation still made it impossible for people to like what Kevin did.

Just when everyone was silent, Mei's voice came out of Kevin's headset again.

Now all the controls of the Fire Moth are controlled by the 12th Herrscher.

And the true face of the 12th Herrscher is an ultimate virus with self-awareness...

When Kevin arranged for Seele to take Sakura away, Sakura suddenly asked, "Ling, are you still alive?"

The sudden sound froze the air.

Sakura stood there, looking at Kevin absent-mindedly.

"Kevin, where is she?"

Kevin was shocked, "Sakura...? What do you want to do?"

"I'm going to find her."

Her voice was very soft, but the unquestionable tone in her voice could be heard by anyone.

Kevin's face changed, "Are you crazy? She is no longer Ling!"

At this time, even Xi'er advised Ying.

"Sister Ying, don't go, it's very dangerous there."

"I want to go because it's very dangerous. You won't stop me, right?"

Ying's voice was already crying.

Ling's death dealt her a great blow.

She thought she would never see Ling again, but she never thought that Ling, as a Herrscher, was still in the control system of the entire Fire Moth.

She wanted to go, at least to protect her pride as a sister with her own hands.

"Ling must be very lonely now. She has always been a child who is afraid of loneliness."

"... She needs me."

Xi'er was silent.

The roar of artillery fire and the sound of alarms were intertwined, endlessly. She knew that letting Ying leave here was destined to be a journey of no return.

However, she couldn't say it.

She couldn't find even one reason to stop the girl in front of her.

Kevin scolded angrily.

"Are you crazy, Ying! Ling is dead!"

Ying silently put her hand on the scabbard.

"...Xi'er, I'm sorry."

The blade was unsheathed, and Ying's strike was empty.Time is completely "frozen".

Time lags, consciousness flies away, and everything tends to be still.

In those few short seconds, in this lightless area, she is the only one who can move.

"Our journey ends here."

She passed by Xi'er and whispered the last words.

"I wish you... can reunite with your sister..."


The barrage was silent.

All the audience who saw this were silent.

They could not make any comments on what Ying did.

She is a qualified sister.

She is also a gentle warrior.

But when Ying's sword was unsheathed, they knew what the other party's ending would be.

"I wish you, Ying..."

Alicia put her hands together and prayed to Ying silently.


When time resumed flowing and space returned to normal, Ying's figure had disappeared in front of Xi'er and Kevin.

At this time, Mei's voice came out.

The Herrscher fell into a trap, and Mei was trying to transfer her to the black box.

"...Kevin, what's wrong? Can you hear me?"

Kevin's low voice sounded.

"Sorry, Mei, can you give me a moment?"

Kevin's tone was full of fatigue.

Everyone heard it, and even Mei was slightly silent.

"I have something to deal with."

The picture appeared, Ying leaned against the ruins.

The long knife in her hand was tightly grasped by her, standing beside her.

There were not many scars on her body, but the two people present could feel the speed of Ying's life passing away, which was getting faster and faster.

A ray of light shone in from the hole on her side and scattered on Ying's body. This picture was beautiful and miserable.

At her feet, pink flowers were slowly blooming, but her eyes were already dim.

Ying, who was leaning against the wall with her head down, seemed to have felt something.

She panted slightly and asked weakly: "Kevin... Is there Xi'er..."

The warrior fell in the endless metal ruins, like a lonely flower in the ruins.

Her most cherished pendant has withered along with her figure.

"Sister Ying...! No... No..."

Xi'er looked at everything in front of her in disbelief, her tone full of haste and sadness.

Ying: "..."

"Kevin... I know you are right..."

Kevin: "Mei has sealed the Herrscher."

"She said that at the last moment, the Herrscher's activities became disordered for unknown reasons."

"She didn't miss that opportunity."

After hearing Kevin's words, Ying smiled with relief.

"That's good..."

"I stayed with Ling... until the last moment... until the end... she was still my sister..."

"I kept... the pride of being a sister..."

Kevin: "..."

"You never regretted it until the end, that's enough."

The girl's eyes gradually dimmed, but a smile flashed in the corner of her eyes.

Perhaps, she saw something, something that only she could see.

"...Kevin, I have one last request..."

"I'm listening."

"Xi'er... take her back to our hometown..."

"I promised her that I would take her to the square where cherry blossoms are in full bloom..."

Kevin: "I'll try my best."

Xi'er burst into tears.

"Sister Ying..."

After Ying heard Xi'er's crying, she gently comforted him: "Xi'er... don't be sad..."

"Some things... some regrets... we can't do anything about it..."

"But you... still have people you want to protect..."

"When you and her... stand under the cherry tree together..."

"You will find... that the world is still beautiful..."

"You will find... that your world... still has hope..."

As the words fell, the last bit of light in her eyes disappeared. The world bubble gradually dissipated, and returned to nothingness along with the lives of the warriors.


"But - what about your world..."

This sentence on the barrage instantly made everyone burst into tears.

"I finally know what it means to fight for all the beauty in the world."

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