Many viewers looked at the midnight snacks in their hands and were speechless.

Let's just say, I was having a midnight snack at night, why did he stab me for no reason?

"Fuck! I was eating curry, I seriously suspect this guy did it on purpose!"

"Stop talking, the rice in my mouth is not fragrant anymore."

"Have the pain and taste disappeared? If I were Mei, I would have cried a long time ago."

"It's all knives! It hurts so much!"

Mei left the Helios and came to the place Raven said.

The blow Kiana gave her this time was too painful, so Raiden Mei no longer cared about whether she was trapped or not.

She wanted to gain strength, the strength that could help Kiana survive.

When she came here, Raven took her to a place only one door away from Kevin.

"... I hope you can get the answer you want. Go, good luck."

Raven left slowly.

The iron gate slowly opened, bringing Meiyi into a dim square.

In the shadows, there seemed to be someone's footsteps, quietly, quietly walking towards here -

"You are..."

"Kevin Kaslana, the leader of the World Serpent."

Kevin's calm voice sounded, and for a moment, the oppressive feeling around him disappeared.

Meiyi looked at Kevin's empty eyes.

In that emptiness, it seemed... there was a kind of sadness. A sadness that time could not erase, a sadness that seemed to never heal.

"Raiden Meiyi, you have someone you want to save, but destiny and anti-entropy cannot fulfill your wish.

I promise you that the World Serpent can save that girl."

"What are your conditions?"


The man's words were calm and brief, but they had a heavy power, like a law engraved on an ancient stone pillar, difficult to tamper with and impossible to disobey.


"??? Kevin, is he interested in Raiden Mei?"

"Don't look at the pioneers of mankind with your vulgar eyes. It's obvious that Raiden Mei is useful to him."

"I'm sorry, but I still thought wrongly."

"Where are the Kiana people? Someone is here to steal your wife!"

"Kevin: I need you to improve the food of our world snakes immediately."

In the training ground, Hua saw this scene in front of her, and she seemed to think of Mei, whom she had met briefly before.

Mei and Raiden Mei, from the appearance, are almost exactly the same. Except for the temperament and a pair of glasses, you can't really tell anything from the appearance.

Thinking of this, Hua turned his head to look at Kevin, and his lips slightly opened, "You are not..."

Hua didn't finish his words, but Kevin already knew what the other party was going to say next. The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and a drop of cold sweat flowed down his face.

Not that bad, right?

Although Mei and Mei look the same, he really won't be attracted to a guy with the same appearance, right?

But looking at himself who has experienced despair and is now in such a mad state, he really doesn't dare to guarantee it now.

Damn, what if Mei comes to ask him later, how should he answer?

While Kevin's CPU was spinning wildly, their conversation continued.

Kevin said: "If you want her to live, you must immediately separate the extra core from her body. There is only one way.

I will let you become the Herrscher of Thunder again."

Mei was surprised, "What?!"

Kevin: "You are the chosen Herrscher, and the door to the Tree of Imaginary Numbers will always remain in your body.

When the residual energy of the third collapse is absorbed by that door, you will awaken again and take the power of the Herrscher of Thunder from Kiana.

The new Herrscher core will condense in your body, and the Conquest Gem will disintegrate and disappear. Reducing one core will alleviate her symptoms."

Mei: ...

As long as she can become the third Herrscher, then Kiana's symptoms will be alleviated.

What is there to hesitate about?

However, here, in the live broadcast room, the conversation between Kevin and Mei on the rooftop was recalled.

Looking at the conversation between the two on the rooftop in their youth, a smile appeared on their faces.

Kevin and Mei were slightly stunned when they saw this scene, but they were relieved in the end.

They had already figured out what was going on in this live broadcast, so it was not surprising that they appeared.

The light curtain fell.

Raiden Mei endured the headache and fought with the Quantum Shadow in Changkong City.

As a result, Kiana came to Raiden Mei with Beibeilong at some point.

Listening to Kiana's serious words, Raiden Mei felt a sense of powerlessness in her heart.Rising again.

The strong wind blew, hitting the raindrops on Mei's face. She saw Kiana leaping onto the dragon's back and flying towards the halo in the distance.

She kept calling, but all the sounds were drowned out by the rushing light and disappeared...

Together with the figure that went away, she could no longer see or touch it.

Memories surged up.

On that rooftop, a white-haired girl caught her as she was about to fall into the abyss.

"That disaster made me meet you."

"My life was intertwined with another person for the first time."

"From that day on, loneliness and coldness gradually left me."

"I don't know when, I no longer fear the darkness..."

"... Because I know that there is a beam of light that will always be there."


In the picture, memories surged up again.

"With Mei, it's like having the power of a hundred people!"

"The power of a hundred people... I'm not a superman..."

"No, as long as Mei is by my side, I feel like I've gained a hundred times the power."

Familiar scenes played out one after another, and every sweet scene in the past has now turned into a sharp knife, piercing everyone's heart.

In the sky, Benares was hit by a long sword and fell down in a mess.

Seeing this, Raiden Mei ran away with an anxious face.

However, an imaginary god skeleton fell from the sky and blocked Mei.

When she finally defeated the opponent, the imaginary god skeleton called back time, stood up again, and pointed the long sword directly at Mei.

At this critical moment, Benares came to Mei and blocked the fatal blow for her.

"Benares... No, no..."


At this moment, the surroundings became dark.

A voice that was familiar yet strange to her appeared beside her ears.

"Crybaby, it's been a long time since we last met.

You've changed a lot."

This voice was from the Herrscher of Thunder.

"This is the first time you've come to me on your own initiative. Are you no longer afraid?"


It's really strange, I can't feel afraid anymore.

And all the feelings of unwillingness, self-blame, sadness, pain...all disappeared.

Calm, only calmness remained in my heart.

"Keep going, you will fall into a deeper hell."

It doesn't matter, I can help her leave hell.

"You will say goodbye to everything you have now, to your companions, and to your family."

It doesn't matter, I'm used to being alone.

"You will endure doubts and criticisms, and go further and further on the lonely road."

It doesn't matter, that's the fate I should have faced long ago.

"You will leave her forever..."


"You can never go back to her side, look at her smile, hold her hand. Once you take this step, you can never look back."

"Are you...really going to do this?"


...It doesn't matter.

Everyone is here...everyone...will take good care of her...let me do what I should do...

I have...decided.


Bury me with your own hands, and turn my anger, my wailing, my disappearance, into the power for you to move forward alone.

Go to the whole world and announce the return of the Queen of Thunder...

Go and become, the true Herrscher of Thunder!"

"Goodbye, [Raiden Mei]."

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