The Original Vampire

Chapter 120: prelude

   Cathy, dressed in a black maid costume, walked into the room and put her lunch in front of Colin.

  Of course, there is also deer blood wine that is necessary for every meal.

   Waiting for the food to be placed, Cathy did not step back as usual, but stood by the round table with her hands folded.

   Colin picked up the deer blood wine, poured himself a glass, took a sip, then asked Cathy:

   "What? Any news?"

   Cathy nodded: "Yes, Master Viscount, your family army is outside the south gate of Silvermoon City at this time."

   "Okay, I see." Colin nodded and continued drinking.

  And Cathy still did not leave, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "My lord, tomorrow night the half-elf palace will be...something dangerous. At that time, you can take Miss Vera's body and leave here temporarily..."

   Colin looked up at the little maid and smiled: "I didn't expect you to consider my safety so much."

"This is what I should do."

   "Really?" Colin put down the wine glass, grabbed the little maid by the collar, and pulled her to him.

   Cathy screamed, but stopped her mouth quickly.

   Colin smiled coldly: "Do you think I look like a fool?"

   Cathy shook her head quickly.

   "Then how dare you use me like this?" Colin's tone made the little maid shiver like a cold voice.

   "I...I don't have..."

   "No?" Colin sneered, "You let me leave the palace with Vera's body under the pretext of thinking about my safety. Don't you want me to be a bait for you to attract the attention of the Silver Moon Guard.

   This kind of trick, how dare you do it in front of me?

  Kathy Savoy, listen to me.

   Or, just tell me your overall plan, I can consider cooperating with you.

   Or, let’s just shoot and break up. I’ll go to the old king. I’m sure he would be happy to place heavy soldiers in the palace, just waiting for you to throw in the net. "

   "I...I said...I said!" A little girl like Cathy was Colin's opponent, she was so scared that she almost cried at this moment.

   Colin loosened Cathy's collar, picked up the wine glass again, and listened while drinking.

   "My Lord, our Savoy family has instigated Duke Rutte.

   However, although the duke is named the commander of the Silver Moon Guard, in fact, he has absolute control over only two of them, with a total of 12,000 people.

   The other three wing of the Silver Moon Guard, with a total of more than 18,000 people, are firmly controlled by the Modiwen family.

  Although we are not dominant in numbers, after all, we are in the dark, and the other side is in the light.

   Under the sudden launch, as long as we successfully capture the palace and control the old king and Prince William before the opponent's large forces can fully react, then the Medivun family will not be able to make any waves.

   So, in order to make this plan smoother, we hope you can cooperate..."

   Colin rubbed his chin, silently judging the feasibility of this plan of the Savoy family in his heart.

   "So, you hope that I can leave the palace with Vera's body, so that I can help you share the firepower of the Modiwen family?"

   Cathy looked at Colin's face and said carefully, "Yes. After you leave the palace, you will go all the way to the south of the city. Presumably your family army outside the south city gate will definitely meet you."

   Colin smiled noncommitantly, and then said: "Tell me the deployment and marching route of your troops to attack the palace."

   Cathy's face was embarrassed: "This...I don't know this..."

   Colin rolled his eyes: "Then go and ask Sith. Without this, don't think I will cooperate with you."

   Cathy gritted her teeth and nodded and said: "Okay, I'll go and ask for you!"

   After speaking, he left in a hurry.


   The coffin lid opened and Vera poked her head out: "Colin, are we really leaving the palace tomorrow night?"

   "Why, don't you want to leave?"

  Vera nodded quickly: "Yes! I can't change my clothes here, it's so annoying."

   "That's good. Don't worry, I will arrange everything."

   "Well, I believe you."

   There is probably nothing that inspires a man's desire to protect more than a girl who trusts wholeheartedly.

   A warm smile appeared on Colin's face, and he greeted Vera:

   "Come on, let's have dinner."


   The sun sets from the west to the east, and it is a new day.

  According to the original plan, this day should have been a festive day-the wedding of Prince Tupe and Miss Vera is exactly today.

   But now, the entire Silvermoon City is shrouded in an extremely repressed atmosphere.

   Some people are quietly waiting for the trial of fate, some are gearing up to try their best, and some are ignorantly thinking that this is just a very ordinary day...


"Come in."

  Telder knight pushed the door in, first bowed solemnly toward the coffin placed in the center of the room, and then bowed slightly to Colin: "Viscount Lord, are you looking for me?"

   Colin waved to the Teld knight, and when the opponent approached, he passed a roll of parchment.

   "This is?" The Teld Knight looked at this map of the palace with the deployment of troops and offensive routes, suddenly a little puzzled.

   "Do you know the Savoy family?"

   "I know. They were once half-elf royals."

   "Well, this family is preparing to launch a coup tonight. What you have in your hand is their specific arrangements for attacking the palace."

  Telder knight's heart stunned. He didn't ask how Colin got such a confidential map, but roared with red eyes, "My lord, shall we take the opportunity to avenge Miss Vera?"

   Colin frowned and asked, "Knight Teld, have you forgotten your greatest duty?"

  Telder Knight calmed down and said, "Sorry, Viscount Lord, I was impulsive. I should take care of Miss Vera's body first."

Colin nodded: "Well, you understand. The palace tonight is very insecure. We can't stay here anymore. Therefore, after the Savoy family launches the we will rush. Out of the palace."

   "What about after rushing out of the palace? From which direction do we leave the city?"

   "My family army is now outside the Nancheng Gate."

"Okay, got it."

   Colin shook his head slowly: "No, you don't understand."

   The Teld Knight was stunned, and looked at Colin puzzled.

   "My family army is outside the South City Gate. Of course, the Modiwen family and the Savoy family thought we would run towards the South City Gate.

   Therefore, we must not go to Nanchengmen! "

  Telder Knight then recalled: "Where shall we go?"

   Colin stretched out his finger and pressed harder on the map: "Let's go to the North City Gate!"

   "Okay! I'm going to reorganize the army and prepare for action tonight!"

   "Be careful, don't attract the attention of the Silver Moon Guard."


   Watching the back of Teld Knight disappear outside the door, Colin rubbed his chin and fell into thought.

   However, he is not worried about tonight's actions, but is thinking of another thing.

   Last time in the queen's palace, while the Teld Knight was poisoned and unconscious, Colin stole a lot of blood from the other party.

   But it is strange that these blood did not help him promote to Tier 4.

   However, he did have a fever, so the blood of Knight Teld had no effect.

   It should be that the dose is not enough.

   In fact, this is also one of the reasons why Colin insisted on provoking this coup.

   In addition to creating chaos and taking the opportunity to control the half-elf kingdom by fishing in troubled waters, he also hopes to find the blood of high-level knights in this coup.

   This shouldn't be difficult.

   After all, tonight is destined to be a **** night.

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