The Original Vampire

Chapter 152: Decisive Battle (Part 1)

The dark winter night was cold and silent.

Silvermoon City was like a huge giant beast, quietly crawling under the black night sky.

The eastern army outside the city was constantly mobilizing, and almost all the soldiers were gathered outside the southern city gate.

Such a movement naturally cannot hide the half-elves in the city. Of course, the Marquis of Vincent did not intend to hide it.

Now that this battle has come, the two sides have had a complete showdown.

Colin dug a hole and said provocatively-come in!

The response of the Marquis of Vincent was-just come in!

Because Colin was worried about his hometown in the north, he didn't want to continue to consume it.

The Marquis of Vincent can't afford it at all.

With such a tacit understanding, the two sides are finally ready for a head-to-head duel.

Of course, overall, the situation is better for the half-elves.

But the Eastern Territory had to fight, and they had no better choice-it was better to have a city gate to drill than to climb the wall.

Of course, the Marquis of Vincent knew that the southern city gate was definitely equipped with heavy soldiers, and the black cavalry who did not know where to wander could also shoot out from behind at any time.

But he was still willing to give it a go.

Large-scale cavalry operations like the Black Cavalry will certainly not be chosen at night, as darkness will seriously weaken their combat effectiveness.

Therefore, as long as it breaks through the blockade of heavy half-elves in the southern city gate before dawn, the Pegasus Legion can occupy Silvermoon City and turn defeat into victory.

The moonlight was cold and the atmosphere gradually became depressed and solemn.

As it approached midnight, there was finally a fire in the south gate of Silvermoon City, and then there was a scream of killing.

Not long afterwards, I saw that the stones blocking the city gate were removed little by little, revealing the black hole of the city gate, gloomy and deep, and I don't know whether it leads to **** or heaven.

The eyes of the Marquis of Vincent instantly became fierce, and he ordered loudly: "Pass my military order, siege the city!"


The bugle sounded immediately, and the sleeping earth seemed to wake up instantly.

Countless soldiers from the East chanted slogans and rushed to the open southern city gate.

The decisive battle officially came to the curtain.

Unsurprisingly, the soldiers of the East Territory who had just rushed into the city gate immediately ran into the half-elf army waiting for them.

Countless arrows fell like a torrential rain, turning the narrow corridor into a flesh-and-blood grinding disc, continuously strangling the troops in the east.

However, as soon as the front companion fell, the eastern soldiers from the rear rushed up again, like a tireless and fearless beast, rushing frantically towards the position of the half-elf defending army.

At the same time, the soldiers of the east border outside the city are still setting up a ladder on the south wall, trying to send more troops into the city.

But at the top of the city, they suffered a tenacious counterattack from the half-elf defenders.

Colin's strategy was to leave only one city gate in the east as a gateway to the city, so that he could control the forces that the opponent sent into the city, and would not make the half-elf defenders unable to cope with it.

As for the wall of the South City, it still cannot fall.

At least it can't fall so early.

Queen Aisha also understood that tonight's battle was the final decisive battle, and she personally came to the south gate to boost the morale of the half-elf defenders.

Even Vera followed, hiding behind and casting spells continuously, strangling the Eastern Army that had rushed in from the South City Gate.

At this time, the corpses in the South City Gate had been piled up into a small mound, and even the Eastern Soldiers rushing in from the rear had to climb over the corpses of their companions to rush towards the enemy's position.

The wanton blood flowed together into a stream, where the fragility and cheapness of life were fully revealed.

Seeing that his men were unable to break through the blockade inside the South City Gate for a long time, the Marquis of Vincent became more and more anxious.

He knew that in this battle, he had no retreat.

Therefore, the Marquis of the East, regardless of his subordinates' persuasion, went into battle with his own armor, and led his guards into the southern city gate.

The personal end of the Marquis of Vincent was a tremendous boost to the morale of the Pegasus Legion. After all, he was the eldest son of the Saint-Pros family and the future lord of the East.

Such an identity and reputation were enough to make countless soldiers of the East graciously die for him.

The pressure on the half-elf defenders suddenly increased.

Finally, after more than three hours of **** battle, the Eastern Army finally completely occupied the South City Gate, but for this, they also paid unimaginable huge casualties.

The gate was lost, and soon the southern city wall gradually fell under the control of the Eastern Army.

However, this battle is still not over.

Next, there will be more dangerous and cruel street fighting.

The half-elf defenders turned the streets and alleys of Silvermoon City into a place full of deadly dangers.

Among the wooden houses, spears kept piercing out, stabbing the soldiers passing by in the east to the ground.

Arrows shot out from various hidden corners, making the Eastern Territory undefeable.

The soldiers of the East, who were still immersed in the joy of occupying the southern city gate, suddenly suffered a blow.

The tenacity of the half-elf defenders calmed them down, and gradually realized that they would have to pay a heavier price to truly occupy the city.

The Marquis of Vincent had already stood on the tower of the South City at this time. The battle just now made him stained with blood, and there were several gaps in the armor. Obviously, he was injured.

But he can no longer take care of these at this time.

Calling a messenger, the Marquis Vincent ordered: "Let the soldiers not entangle the defenders too much, quickly pass through the South City area, and capture the half-elven palace as soon as possible!"


"Also, let the big camp outside the city be notified to mobilize another 10,000 people into the city!"


But at this time, Viscount Alston quickly discouraged: "My lord Marquis, the army outside the city can't move lightly! Don't forget, the black cavalry has not yet appeared."

The Marquis of Vincent seemed to see fire in his eyes, and said viciously:

"Of course I know that the Black Cavalry hasn't moved yet! But as long as we occupy the palace first and capture Queen Aisha, Viscount Angley and others, the Black Cavalry will naturally surrender without a fight!"

Viscount Alston moved his mouth and wanted to persuade him again, but he saw Marquis Vincent’s gloomy gaze suddenly turned and ordered: "Viscount Alston, I will limit you to lead your army to capture the palace before dawn. If you can’t do it. Mission, don't come back to see me!"

"Yes..." Viscount Alston's face was sour, he had to take his orders and leave.

Marquis Vincent stood at the head of Silvermoon City, looking at the dark night sky outside the city, muttering to himself: "Viscount Angley, when are your black cavalry going to hide?"

At the same time, Ke Lin was standing on the wall of the palace, looking at the southern part of the city where the fire was everywhere, and the screams were constant, but his heart was extremely cold.

This time, in order to quickly resolve the Pegasus Legion, his plan did cause the half-elves to suffer great casualties.

However, he did not regret it.

This is a life-and-death battlefield that cannot tolerate too much kindness.

Moreover, the half-elves really need such a **** battle to be reborn from the At most in the future, Corindo will compensate this race.

Of course, the premise is that this race will continue to follow in his footsteps and fight for him.

Withdrawing his gaze, Colin no longer paid attention to the ongoing battle in Silvermoon City.

Because next is the moment when the winner is truly decided.


An Eastern soldier who rushed to the vicinity of the palace looked up stunned, and saw a dark shadow spreading its huge bat wings, suddenly leaping into the air from the palace wall, and flying towards the outside of Silver Moon City.

Just as he was stunned, a sharp arrow shot out abruptly from the dark corner and penetrated his throat.


When he fell to the ground, the Eastern Soldier was still thinking about--

Is the figure just now an angel or a devil?

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