The Original Vampire

Chapter 159: Misleading

In the howling cold wind, Colin led Prince Harrison to the top of Silvermoon City.

The snow outside the city has not melted yet, and the glow of the setting sun is being reflected at this time, which looks exceptionally gorgeous.

Ke Linyao pointed to the huge pit outside the city and the eastern prisoners working by the side of the pit, and asked: "Your Highness, do you know what I asked the eastern prisoners to dig for the huge pit for?"

Prince Harrison rolled his eyes, remembering his mother's warning, and shook his head: "I don't know."

Colin said indifferently: "That is their grave."

"Grave?" Prince Harrison looked horrified.

But when he was young, his acting skills were obviously not good enough, and he was immediately seen through by the old senior Colin.

However, Colin did not go to expose each other, but quietly looked at Prince Harrison, as if looking forward to his next performance.

Prince Harrison was flustered by Colin's gaze, and asked quickly: "Your Excellency, are you planning to bury all these Eastern prisoners alive?"

"Buried alive? No, no, that method is too rough, and, with so many captives resisting, it will inevitably cause some damage to the Black Cavalry."

"So, do you have a better way?"

"Yes." Colin smiled mysteriously, "This method is what I want to teach you, a truly powerful mastering technique."

Prince Harrison was suddenly in the mood, looking at Colin with shining eyes, looking forward to his explanation.

At this time, there was a commotion outside the city.

It seemed that the prisoners had a conflict with the overseer, and the two sides were confronting each other.

So far apart, Prince Harrison couldn't hear what the two parties were arguing, so he looked at Colin and asked, "Your Excellency, do you know why they are arguing?"

Colin seemed to know this well, and said lightly: "Food."


"Yes. These captives have worked for a day, but haven't been able to eat a meal. They should be too hungry right now, and they quarreled with the supervisor."

Prince Harrison nodded and asked, "Then what is the'really powerful control technique' you mentioned?"

Colin smiled: "Your Highness, don't worry, please keep watching."

Prince Harrison had to watch patiently.

After a while, the quarrel outside the city seemed to have finally come to an end, and a big pot was lifted out, steaming hot inside, exuding a seductive fragrance.

The captives couldn't help but cheered, as if they were praising the "kind" black cavalry.

However, it didn't take long for the quarrel to happen again.

And this time, the quarrel became more intense, and the captives and the overseers had even started their hands.

Prince Harrison looked confused and asked again: "Your Excellency, why are they arguing again?"

"Because the captives will find that there is too little food, at most only enough for half of them."

As the two talked, the conflict outside the city had intensified. The captives who had been hungry for a day poured anger on the overseers, thinking that they had stolen food.

More and more people joined the battle group, and the blood swayed freely on the snow, reflecting each other with the glow of the setting sun, forming a strange beauty.

Prince Harrison looked at the black cavalry officers who were watching, but did not stop the intention at all, and wondered: "Your Excellency, why doesn't your black cavalry stop these prisoners' riots?"

But Colin asked in his spare time: "Why stop it?"

"They are rebelling against your will!"

"No, they are just rebelling against the overseers."

"Even so, don't you care about those supervisors?"

"Why bother?" Colin suddenly showed a strange smile, "The overseers themselves were picked out of the prisoners, so this is just the people from the East who are killing each other."

Prince Harrison was suddenly stunned.

He opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

Choosing overseers from the captives will inevitably create rifts among the people of the East.

Those captives who worked hard would certainly hate the companions who were selected as overseers, and even this hatred would exceed hatred of the black cavalry.

This is human nature.

Then, Colin deliberately gave them less food, and the captives would not resent the black cavalry because they did not dare.

But they will transfer this resentment to their former companions, and now the supervisors, thinking that these talents are the real perpetrators of oppression.

Once this kind of antagonism and jealousy broke out, the people of the Eastern Territory would kill each other, and there was no need for the Black Cavalry to do it themselves.

Prince Harrison suddenly felt that the Viscount Anglia next to him was a bit terrifying, and this kind of manipulation of people's hearts was really terrifying.

However, it is also very effective.

The battle outside the city is drawing to a close.

Although the overseers did not have to work, had more strength, and still had some simple weapons in their hands, the prisoners had an absolute advantage in number and quickly won the melee.

Thousands of corpses of overseers were randomly dumped on the snow, and there were more prisoners' corpses beside them.

The Black Cavalry did not pay attention to this, as long as the Easterners did not try to rush out of the limited area, they would toss with them.

The captives cheered loudly, celebrating the victory, and then immediately rushed to the big pot full of food.

However, the food is still not enough.

As a result, the scramble happened again.

Piles of corpses were added to the snow.

When the riot finally subsided, the Black Cavalry entered the arena belatedly.

They directed the remaining prisoners to bury the bodies, and then selected a new group of supervisors from among them.

Continue to the next cycle...

Colin looked at Prince Harrison, whose complexion was constantly changing, and suddenly asked: "His Royal Highness, what do you think of those overseers, what do they look like?"

Prince Harrison was stunned, and said in doubt: "What is it like?"

"Does it look like our human nobles?"


"Yes, there are fewer nobles, but they have more power, enslaving a large number of companions who are not much different from ours."

Prince Harrison shook his heart and found that Colin really made sense.

For some reason, an inexplicable panic suddenly surged in his heart, and he blurted out: "But in the real world, how can those civilians dare to resist the nobles?"

"Under normal circumstances, of course I dare not." Colin smiled. "But when they are driven to a dead end, what can't they do?"

"But... but even if they rebel, it is impossible to win! The nobles in reality are not those overseers, not civilians who can defeat them by relying on quantitative advantages."

Colin did not refute this time, but said with a sneer: "His Royal Highness, if you are entangled in the question of whether the civilians can defeat the nobles, you will fall into the trap of this game."

"Trap? What do you mean?"

Colin pointed to the direction of the giant pit outside the city, with a deep gaze: "Think about it, the overseer and the captive, who arranged this confrontation between them, and who is constantly intensifying this confrontation, let them Cannibalism?"

Prince Harrison's eyes narrowed: "It's you!"

Colin laughed loudly: "Yes. Then, think about it again, the overseer and the captive, whether they win or lose, do I really care?"

Prince Harrison suddenly realized: "You don’t As long as they fight on their own, no matter who loses or wins, they have fallen into your trap. What they really should do is to join forces and work together. Against the black cavalry, against you!"

"Yes." Colin nodded slightly, and then suddenly stopped talking.

Prince Harrison thought about this long metaphor that Colin said, and he seemed to have something in his heart.

But suddenly, he was stunned.

Because he thought of the two classes metaphorized by the overseer and the captive in reality-the noble and the commoner.

However, there is another force in this game-Colin and the Black Cavalry!

What they are metaphorizing is...

Prince Harrison suddenly turned his head to look at Colin, and saw that Viscount Anglia gave an unpredictable smile.

He opened his mouth and just wanted to ask the doubts in his heart, but found that there was no way to speak.

Suddenly, the imperial prince felt a burst of boundless fear enveloping him, making him tremble all over.

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