The Original Vampire

Chapter 166: Red eye

Under the cold moonlight, Colin came to a balcony in the Red Fort.

The maids behind them are busy arranging tables and chairs, bringing four glasses of champagne, a few plates of dried fruit, and then leaving gently.

"Sit down." Colin smiled and said to Yimon, Quincy, and the Shire Knight.

"Yes, sir."

"Yes, Master Viscount."

The three of them took their seats and raised their glasses to collide with Colin.

After taking a sip of his wine, Yimeng, the butler, was about to report to Colin about the recent government affairs in Ice Rock City, but he saw Colin raise his hand to stop him.

"Don't worry, this time I came back from Silvermoon City, and there is a doubt that has been lingering in my mind. If I don't solve it, I guess I can't think about other things."

"Master, do you have any doubts?"

Colin rubbed his chin and asked, "Earl Uman's wife is the sister of the former Viscount Su Duo?"


"Then what color is this countess's pupil?"

Yimeng turned his head to look at Quincy. Obviously, this old man who had served as a tax officer in Ice Rock City for decades should be aware.

"My lord, the color of the countess's pupils is blue."

"you sure?"

"I'm sure! I watched her grow up, even if I close my eyes, I can remember her face."

A smug smile appeared at the corner of Colin's mouth, as if a certain conjecture in his heart had been confirmed.

However, out of caution, he still asked one more sentence: "Have there ever been a direct family member with red pupils in the Su Duo family?"

"Red?" Quincy thought about it and shook his head, "No, red pupils are relatively rare. As far as I know, pupils of this color have never appeared in the direct family members of the Su Duo family."

"That's right!" Colin clapped his hands excitedly.

He finally understood what was the little secret that Queen Midella had only revealed in Silvermoon City.

Yimon, Quincy, and Charles looked at each other, obviously not keeping up with Colin's thinking.

Colin explained with a smile: "Earl Uman has red pupils, but the countess has blue pupils, so why did Viscount Lawrence give birth to red pupils?"

Butler Yimon frowned and became even more puzzled.

Quincy also carefully reminded: "My lord, the red pupil of Viscount Lawrence was passed to him by Earl Uman. This... shouldn't be a problem."

"No, there is a big problem!" A mysterious smile hung on the corner of Colin's mouth.

However, Colin was a little worried about how to explain this genetic problem.

There is no Mendel who grows peas in this world. People's understanding of heredity is still very superficial, and they don't understand the difference between recessive genes and dominant genes.

In their understanding, it is normal for a father with red pupils to give birth to a son with red pupils.

But if you understand some basic theories of genetics, you will understand that this is not necessarily true.

The red pupils are very rare, indicating that this is a recessive genetic trait.

If recessive genetic traits want to be expressed in a child, he must obtain a corresponding recessive gene from the father and mother.

In other words, the Count and Countess of Uman must have the recessive gene for red eyes at the same time in order to give birth to a red-eyed son.

Count Uman is okay, their family has always had the red eye gene, but the Suduo family does not!

What's more interesting is that Penny, Earl Uman's favorite lover, is red-eyed!

According to genetic law, two children born with red eyes must be red eyes.

Just like if both parents have single eyelids, then the child must also be single eyelids (excluding factors that isolate the old king and genetic mutation).

Therefore, the pupil color of Uman family heirs is very interesting.

It shouldn't be the red-eyed son of Viscount Lawrence, but it is red-eyed.

But Varla, who was supposed to be a red-eyed bastard, has blue eyes.

Colin was also worried that he had remembered it wrong, and confirmed to Yimen again: "My brother-in-law Valla, what is the color of his pupils?"

Although Yimen was confused, he still replied, "It's blue, sir."


Colin confirmed it now.

Excluding that there is also an old king next door and genetic mutation in the earl’s castle, this kind of extremely unlikely event is judged according to the law of inheritance and the pupil color of the earl’s children:

The illegitimate son Varla is actually the child of the Count Uman and the Countess!

And the son Lawrence, on the contrary, should be the child born to Earl Uman and his lover Penny!

Then why, Earl Uman wanted to raise his aunt as an illegitimate son, while the illegitimate son was regarded as the first heir to his title?

There is only one explanation for this kind of behavior that goes against common sense-the identity of the lover Penny is probably more noble than the countess from the Sudor family!

Combined with what Queen Midella said, the family of Saint Theon, which should have been cut off from inheritance, also had the red eye gene.

Then, the truth of the matter is not difficult to guess—

Penny, Earl Uman’s lover, is probably a descendant of the Saint Theon family!

Colin only now understood why Earl Uman valued Varla's illegitimate son so much. He not only helped him marry the illegitimate daughter of the Angley family, but also tried to assassinate Colin and help Varla obtain a baron's family business.

If it is an illegitimate child of an ordinary nobleman, how can he get such a great help from his father?

Count Uman did this, obviously out of guilt for his true aunt, and wanted to make up for it.

If you think about it further, when Earl Uman offered to the Duke of St. Hild to lure the enemy into deep, I am afraid it was really bad intentions.

His original intention should be to use this to induce chaos in the northern territory, so that the Saint Theon family took the opportunity to make a comeback and avenge the enemies of the year.

It's a pity that the two Saint Hild brothers played a good game and missed him.

And this time the Silvermoon City coup, and the current rebellion in the northern border, I am afraid there are also the shadow of the Saint Theon family.

Colin originally wondered who could arrange the Pegasus Legion to ambush the Black Cavalry in Shadow Canyon. The Duke of St. Hild couldn't do this, but the members of St. Theon's family had this ability.

For more than three hundred years, it was the Duke of the North who led his army to defeat the main force of the Saint Theon family, thus unveiling the prelude to the decline and demise of the Paladin family.

With this indelible hatred between them and the Saint Hild family, it is not difficult to win the trust of the East.

It can be inferred from this that the coup in Silvermoon City is probably inseparable from the Saint Theon family.

For example, the Savoy family, they may have always been the pawns of the Saint Theon family.

If you think about the time when the Savoy family fell, you will find that it was after the loss of the Saint Theon family, so the relationship between the two families is definitely not simple.

The more Colin thought about it, the more he felt that his guess should not be far from the truth of the matter.

The only thing that made him uncertain was what role the Duke of St. Hild played in this series of conspiracies.

No matter how Colin looked at it, he didn't think that he was just a person who was played around by the Saint Theon family.

Since Queen Midella knew that the St. Theon family was hiding in the dark, her brother, the Duke of St. Hild, had no reason to know.

Think about it carefully, in the first conspiracy of the St. Theon family against the North, the Duke of St. Hild was actually the one who profited the most.

In this second conspiracy, the Duke of St. Hilde did not suffer too much. Although the destruction of the Black Cavalry greatly reduced the military strength of the Northern Territory, it also helped him completely eradicate internal hidden dangers.

The Duke of St. Hill deliberately hides the strength of the sanctuary, I am afraid it is to stabilize the current situation.

As long as he can continue to hold on, then maybe it will be him who will have the last laugh this time.

Of course, the St. Theon family will certainly not let the Duke of St. Hilde do so easily, and the next northern border will surely be surging.

Thinking of this, Colin suddenly asked: "By the way, who do you remember, what is the emblem of the Saint Theon family?"

Quincy thought for a while and replied:

"My lord, it's a'brilliant tiger'!"

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