The Original Vampire

Chapter 181: Dinner (Part 2)

The blood mist dissipated.

Colin returned to his seat.

Valla is a third-order knight. According to Colin's experience of transforming Queen Aisha last time, he should not lose his rank if he first possesses a bloodline whose rank is lower than his own.

Quietly feeling the changes in his body, except for some weakness, there is indeed no step down.

With a sigh of relief, Colin poured himself another glass of deer blood wine, drinking and waiting for Varla's awakening.

To tell the truth, the attitude of Varla just now willing to atone for his sins was still a big touch to Colin.

Facing such a knight who insisted on the justice in his heart, Colin felt that he had to change his original plan slightly.

After a long time, just when Colin almost conceived a new plan, Varla finally woke up.

"I... I'm not dead?"

Walra sat upright, looking at the long sword still stuck in his chest, her face was blank.

"You are indeed dead." Colin said lightly, "but, I gave you a second life."

Valla stared at Colin in a daze. In his eyes, Colin at this time seemed to be shrouded in a vast, holy and irresistible radiance, and one could not help but raise a desire to worship. impulse.

"Colin...what is going on?"

"Have you heard of blood angels?"


After some brainwashing, the Valla Knight's attitude towards Colin became extremely respectful.

I saw him slowly pulling out the long sword in front of his chest, holding it over his head again, kneeling on one knee, and solemnly swearing loudly:

"Thank you for the supreme grace bestowed by the Lord of God! I, Varla Uman, hereby swear allegiance to you. From this day until I return to the embrace of the Lord, I will always serve you in front of your seat. Will is the direction I swing my sword, and your commands are my creed of action!"

Colin took Varla's saber, tapped twice on his shoulder, and accepted the other's allegiance.

Colin felt that this loyalty might be even closer and more reliable than the **** of the blood family, based on the previous adherence to the knight's virtues shown by the opponent.

"Walla, do you know why I want to forgive your sins and give you a second life?"

"Please show me the Lord Chosen!"

"Because you are just a poor man kept in the dark."

The Valra knight suddenly looked puzzled.

Colin continued to explain: "You said that the reason why your mother Penny sent someone to assassinate me is to help you get a family business. Then I ask you, Ms. Penny has such a close relationship with you. ?"

"Mother..." The Valla Knight really hesitated, "Mother is not a person who is good at expressing her emotions."

Colin sneered: "Not good at expressing feelings? Do you really think that a mother would not know how to show intimacy when facing her own son?"

"Maybe... Maybe she was a little bit resistant to my illegitimate status..."

"Hehe, she is only a Tier 1 civilian, so what right does she have to look down upon an illegitimate child. Even if she really resists your identity and doesn't want to be close to you, then why does she take such a big risk to help you seize Anglia? The family business?"

Walla didn't know what to say at this time, so she said respectfully: "My Lord Chosen, please forgive me for being dull. I can't see the reason."

"Actually, the real reason is very simple." Colin exuded a touch of coercion, and his tone became solemn, "Penny is not close to you, just because she is not your biological mother!"

"What?" Walla looked up in amazement, and looked at Colin in disbelief.

"Don't forget, I am the apostle of Lord Blood Angel. Naturally, I can tell with magical skills that you are actually the bloodline of the Uman family, and that Lawrence is actually the illegitimate son of Penny and the Earl!"

"I... Am I the father's son?" Varla was completely stupid. " the bastard?"

Colin shook the wine glass in his hand leisurely, and did not continue to speak, but let Varla digest the amazing news.

The reason why he didn't say the set of recessive inheritance is because it is easier to trust a pious knight with unpredictable magic arts than genetic theories that have not been verified in this world.

Varla was really struggling because of Colin's words. He didn't dare to question Colin's judgment, but he couldn't understand why he had been treated as an illegitimate son if he was really the son of Earl Uman.

"Are you wondering, why would you be raised as an illegitimate child if you are an illegitimate child?"

"Yes, please clarify your doubts for me, Lord Chosen!"

"Because Lawrence is an illegitimate child, but his blood is more noble than you!"

"This... how is this possible?" Varla became more puzzled, but then he seemed to understand something and quickly asked, "You mean, Lawrence's biological mother, Penny, whose true identity is not a commoner?"

"Yes, Penny is actually a descendant of the Saint Theon family, so although Lawrence is an illegitimate child, in the eyes of Count Uman, he is obviously more noble than you."

"The Saint Theon family..." Varla finally realized that a descendant of a paladin family is naturally much more noble than him.

At this time, Varla understood why Penny was always indifferent to him, and did not have the closeness and attention that a normal mother should have.

After understanding the whole story, the Valla Knight fell silent.

His face kept changing expressions, and the humiliation he had suffered over the years because of his status as an illegitimate child suddenly came to his heart, and finally condensed into a lingering resentment and unwillingness.

The corners of Colin's mouth were slightly bent, and he provoked again: "Walla, do you know cuckoo birds?"

"I know." Walla nodded, her expression gloomy, "The cuckoo will lay his eggs in the nest of the warbler, and let the warbler raise their offspring for them."

"What will happen to Sparrow's real offspring?"

"The little cuckoo that will be hatched squeezed out of the nest, fell alive, starved to death..." Walla's face was so gloomy that it could drip water.

"So, Varla, would you like to watch the earl title that should belong to you be occupied by Lawrence, making the Uman family a breeding ground for the descendants of the St. Theon family?"

"Of course not!"

"And the countess from the Sudor is your real mother. It is said that she died of an illness. Haha, do you believe this reason?"

Walla's eyes flushed instantly, and two words were squeezed out of his clenched teeth: "Don't believe it!"

"And your father, Earl Uman, I can tell you for sure that the reason why the trolls were able to defeat the army of Marquis Charles led to my father's death on the front line and severe injuries to you. In fact, it was because of him. Secretly inform the troll!

Moreover, this time, in order to help the St. Theon family make a comeback, Count Uman once again chose to betray his prince and his people, bent on causing chaos in the North!

Such a person, are you still willing to continue to be loyal to him, driven by him? "

"Of course I don't want to!" Walla's hands fisted with blue veins, suddenly raised his head, and asked sincerely: "My Lord Chosen, what should I do?"

Hearing this, Colin finally showed a satisfied smile on his face.

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