The Original Vampire

Chapter 195: trap

The night darkened, and the silver moon hung high.

The battle of Windhowl Castle was over long ago, and the Fangs Mercenary Corps, which demanded money for life, neither made any money nor died.

After quietly transforming a few surviving troll warriors into blood slaves, Colin climbed to the top of the watchtower.

In the howling cold wind, Charles was holding on to the fence and looking north.

"What are you looking at?" Colin stepped forward and stood shoulder to shoulder with Charles.

"Viscount Anglia." Charles bowed slightly toward Colin, and then smiled, "I'm looking at the Troll King City."

"Call me Colin." Colin smiled and waved his hand. "But, can I see the Troll King City here?"

"Haha, of course I can't see it. However, for the past year, I have been here looking north almost every day. Even if I can't see the Troll King City, I can feel its existence." Charles clenched his fists, as if in his eyes. Jumping with raging fire.

"Then have you been to the Troll King City?"

"I have been. I sneaked in with the caravan once before, but this time, we want to get in!"

Colin smiled: "I hope that Troll King City is as easy to capture as this Windhowl Fort."

"It shouldn't be too difficult. After all, the troll army has already gone south now, even if it is the Troll King City, it is estimated that there will be no elite regular army garrisoned."

Colin turned to look at Charles' profile, and suddenly frowned: "However, Charles, don't you think our journey has gone too smoothly?"

Charles was a little stunned: "Too smooth? Colin, what are you worried about?"

"You said, is this a trap for trolls?"

"Trap?" Charles chuckles, "Colin, are you a bit unreasonable worry? The hundred thousand army that the trolls finally gathered has already gone south, and the internal emptiness is inevitable. How can it be a trap?"

Colin reached out and grabbed a handful of snow from the fence and pinched it into two snow balls, one large and one small.

"Charles, you said, what if the army of the trolls going south is a mob, and the last group of elite troops are placed in the city of the Troll King?"

"" Charles looked at the snow group that was constantly changing positions in Colin's hands and said in a daze.

"Do you know?" Colin smiled very playfully. "Not long ago, I played a similar trick in Silvermoon City. Those stupid Easterners were played around by me."

"Really?" Charles also laughed, "I heard about you defeating the Pegasus Legion in Silvermoon City, but I don't know how you did it?"

"It's very simple. I first made the Easterners think that the black cavalry was hiding outside the city, but when the Easterners sent their elites to search for the black cavalry outside the city, only a group of half-elf recruits were found. The cavalry army slammed out of Silvermoon City!" Colin exchanged the positions of the large and small snow groups in his hands, "It's that simple."

Charles suddenly realized that, and said admiringly: "It is indeed a clever strategy!"

Colin stared into Charles's eyes, as if trying to find something out of it.

"Charles, do you think the trolls want to do similar tricks to us now?"

"This...impossible?" Charles looked surprised, "How did the troll know that we would take the opportunity to attack the Troll King City?"

"What if..." Colin's gaze had already taken a trace of scrutiny, "Is anyone informing you?"

"Information?" The horror on Charles's face didn't seem to be fake at all. "Colin, did you find something? Is our whereabouts really exposed?"

"No, I guess."

"Huh-scare me." Charles patted his chest and let out a breath.

Afterwards, he said in a heart-to-heart tone: "Colin, in fact, your worry is not impossible. So, when we get to the Troll King City, we will launch a tentative attack first. If the resistance in the city is too tenacious, Then it will not be too late for us to withdraw our troops."

"It makes sense." Colin threw the two snowballs out, and only a moment later heard two pops from the ground.

He patted the remaining snow on his hands and said with a smile: "I just patrolled Windhowl Castle. I have to say that this military fort is indeed very strong. If it wasn't for the Knights of Bled on the wall this time, After doing tricks, the defenders in the city are again the stupid mercenary group. If we want to take this place, I'm afraid we will have to pay a high price."

Charles straightened his chest and said in a proud tone: "Colin, to tell you, this is actually what I asked the Brad Knights to do in the first place, just to capture this military fortress more smoothly."

Colin ignored Charles’s invitation and continued: “So, if such a strong military fortress is re-occupied by the southward army of trolls after we leave, hehe, then you say, do we have no way to retreat? NS?"

Charles was stunned, as if he was really frightened by Colin's thoughts. It took a long time to come back to his senses and shook his head: "Colin, are your concerns like this a bit crazy? The troll army has already gone to the north. Now, how come you suddenly look back?"

Colin did not answer this question, but said with a smile: "Charles, do you know, I hate two kinds of people the most."

"Which two?" Charles asked confusedly.

"Those who deceive me, and those who I can't deceive."

Charles looked speechless. It was the first time he saw a guy who took the "double label" for granted.

Colin looked at Charles with a smile, and said: "If I were a troll, I would deliberately make a big move southward to trick Ice Rock City into sending out the most elite cavalry to attack the Troll King City.

But in fact, the army going south was just a group of temporary recruits or simply a mob of militias and mercenaries. The last elite army of the Troll Empire was deployed in the Troll King City.

When the northern cavalry met in the Troll King City and tried to retreat, they found that Windhowl Fort had been reoccupied by the returning south army.

In this way, UU reading hey, is it considered shutting down and hitting the dog? "

Charles blinked, nodded first, then shook his head and said: "Colin, your analysis does have some truth, but it is impossible for the trolls to attack the Troll King City even if we are allowed to attack the Troll King City before we dispatch troops?"

"Yes." Colin leaned against the fence and stared into Charles's eyes, "Unless, from the beginning, this was a round, a trap that tried to strangle the Black Cavalry! And you are responsible for introducing the Black Cavalry into the trap. people!"

"What? Colin? How can you think like that?" Charles was shocked and aggrieved, and then he put on a look filled with righteous indignation:

"Colin, don't forget, what kind of **** and deep enmity I have between the Troll King and I, every day, I think about capturing the Troll King City and burning it down to ruins! How could it be possible to help them in turn?"

Colin smiled and watched Charles' performance, as if returning to the dinner party in Ice Rock City a year ago. At that time, the actor almost fooled the entire northern nobles.

"Do you know when you were exposed?"

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