The Original Vampire

Chapter 214: Father and daughter

The next morning, when Colin took Vera into the dining room, he saw that the Duke of St. Hild was already having breakfast.

Next to him, there was also a Bachelor of Dawn sitting.

"Master Duke!"


"Well, sit down."

The two took their seats, and the half-elf maid Cathy immediately presented the breakfast that had already been prepared.

Char-grilled steak, fried eggs, chickpeas, creamy strawberries, and milk and wine.

No one talked during the whole meal, only the clinking sound of a knife and fork colliding with the dinner plate.

After breakfast, the Duke of St. Hilde said: "Colin, you go to prepare for the wedding, Bachelor Dawn is also there, you can help. Vera, you walk with me."

"Yes." Colin gave Vera a relieved look, then got up and left the restaurant with Bachelor Dawn.

Vera looked down at the silver candlestick on the dining table without speaking.

An awkward atmosphere circulated between the father and daughter.

For a long time, the Duke of St. Hild spoke first:

"I heard that Charles unfortunately died in the battle of the troll empire expedition?"

"Yes." Vera nodded, her eyes saddened.

The Duke of St. Hilde was silent for a moment, and said blankly: "Where is he buried now?"

"It was buried in the cemetery of the Anglia family army."

"Take me to see."

"it is good."

Vera then got up and led the Duke of St. Hild out.

The cemetery is not far behind the Red Fort. People in this world are not too taboo about the cemetery, and they even think that it is the closest place to the heaven, and they can feel the breath of the Lord of Glory.

Therefore, the surrounding area of ​​the cemetery is not remote, nor does it have that eerie feeling.

Charles was buried in the most conspicuous position in the first row of the cemetery. The epitaph was engraved with his full name and a sentence written by Colin himself—

"The one who rests here is a Saint Hilde. He was born and died for the North."

The Duke of St. Hild looked down at Charles' tombstone, speechless for a long time.

The breeze blew up a few flying petals, like dancing butterflies, flying over Charles' tomb.

The silent father and daughter did not know that, in fact, what was buried in the tomb was just an empty coffin.

After a long time, the Duke of St. Hild raised his head and looked at Vera beside him.

Of course he had already felt that Vera was alienated from him now, and he could probably guess where the estrangement came from.

"You hate me." Duke St. Hild said lightly, using declarative sentences.

Vera was still mourning the pain of her brother. He sniffed but didn't speak.

"Do you resent me for marrying you to Silvermoon City before?"

Vera shook her head, and finally asked after a moment of silence: "The Savoy family tried to assassinate me in Silvermoon City. Did you instruct this?"

"No." Duke St. Hild said flatly, "That is the conspiracy of the St. Theon family."

But immediately, the Duke of St. Hild continued: "However, the Savoy family had contacted me secretly, so I knew about this conspiracy."

Vera's eyes widened, and she didn't know whether she was shocked by the sincerity of the Duke of St. Hild, or lamented that the doubts in her heart were finally answered.

"Then you didn't stop it?" For a while, she was a little afraid to face this real answer, perhaps she would rather hear a lie from the duke.

"No." The proud Duke seemed to disdain to lie to his daughter, "Because, I also need you to die in Silvermoon City!"

Two lines of clear tears slipped from Vera's eyes, and the girl's face instantly became extremely pale, her lips trembled, but she couldn't say anything.

The Duke of St. Hild continued expressionlessly: "Don't resent me, this is our St. Hild's destiny."

He pointed to Charles' epitaph in a deep tone: "Born for the North, and died for the North. This is the responsibility and obligation dissolved in our blood, and you can't escape."

Vera cried and shook her head: "No, it shouldn't be like this."

"Why not?" Saint Hild looked solemn, "You enjoy the worship of the people of the North, and you live a life of rich clothes and food, you accept the glory that Saint Hild's ancestors exchanged with life, and you are not a crowd all the time. The focus, these things, do you really think there is no cost?"

"I am willing to take on my obligations as a Saint Hierde, but this does not mean that you can use me as a tool, as a tool to maintain your rule in the North!"

"Ruling the Northern Territory?" Duke St. Hild laughed suddenly, "Vila, the mission of our St. Hild family is to protect the North, not to rule the North!"

Before Vera could answer, the Duke of St. Hild lifted off his coat.

A hideous wound stretched from his left shoulder to his right hip, and even through this unhealable wound, the internal peristaltic organs and golden blood could be clearly seen.

All kinds of ten-character curses were painted around the wound, but this kind of holy power could only barely maintain the wound without further deterioration.

"See? This is the price I paid." Duke St. Hild's face sank, "Five years ago, when the troll emperor Murdov invited me to a duel, did I back down? Last year, when I was a paladin When Prince Otto was killed in Winter City, did I evade?

My life can be abandoned at any time to protect the northern border!

You, Charles, Garcia... All Saint Hilds are the same! "

Perhaps she was shocked by the horrible scene in front of her, Vera opened her mouth wide and was speechless for a while.

After the Duke of St. Hild put on his shirt again, she slowly shook her head and said firmly: "I don't deny your contribution to the North, but what you did will never be forgiven by me."

"I don't need your understanding." Duke St. Hilde said coldly, "Perhaps the Lord of the North represents supreme authority and glory in your eyes, but what it needs to carry is not to sit in this position personally. And will never understand.

I certainly hope that you can live your life safely and happily, but unfortunately, since you were born in the St. Hild family, you must be prepared to dedicate everything to this at any time, even your life. "

Vera gently wiped away the tear marks on her face, and she seemed to have finally recovered her calm.

It’s just that the indifference in her eyes is more intense: "When you sacrifice your life for the Northland ~ it is dedication, but when you use authority or conspiracy to force others to sacrifice their lives for the Northland, That is a sacrifice!

No matter what reason you have, you can no longer touch my heart.

This is the last time I call you sincerely—Father.

I have no power or ability to make a ruling on you.

But the omnipotent Glory Lord will eventually give a fair trial for your actions! "

After saying this, Vera left in a hurry, as if she didn't want to stay with her adoptive father for another second.

The Duke of St. Hilde stood alone in front of Charles' tombstone for a long time, and finally sighed and said quietly:

"Do you hate me that way?"

Of course, there was no response to this question, only the gentle spring breeze blew by, taking the duke's whisper to nowhere.

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