The Original Vampire

Chapter 220: Wedding (Part 2)

Ice Rock City.

After night fell, the banquet hall of the Red Fort gradually became lively.

The newly-married Viscount couple will entertain all the guests here.

The luxurious hall of more than 600 square meters is paved with red paulownia wood floor, and two long oak tables are placed on both sides of the hall, and they are filled with various kinds of wine and delicacies.

The well-dressed attendants are standing by the long table like sculptures, ready to serve guests at any time. However, few people come here to take food, even if it is taken, it is only a simple taste. It is a rude behavior to eat and drink on such an occasion.

The guests in the hall were divided into two groups, and the charming ladies and ladies gathered in the rest area on the left, and laughed like silver bells from time to time.

A girl who seemed to be less than fifteen years old became the object of teasing by the ladies, because it was she who received the flowers thrown by Vera during the day.

This shows that she has been blessed by the bride and will soon be the lucky one to get married.

The little girl blushed like a ripe apple, she didn't know whether she was shy or excited.

The well-dressed gentlemen gathered on the right side of the hall. They gathered in twos and threes with a glass of champagne in their hands and talked cordially. They didn't know how much consensus and understanding had been reached, or how many intrigue conspiracies had been woven.

Among these male aristocratic groups, there is an obvious core-the Duke of St. Hild.

He just stood there quietly, sipping the champagne in the glass. Although he didn't say anything, the nobles around him took turns to greet him. If he could get a few words of praise from the Duke, it would be like Drunk, his face flushed with excitement.

However, the Duke of St. Hilde was noble, and the nobles did not dare to bother too much. As a result, Bachelor of Dawn became the object of discussion.

The topic of discussion is naturally inseparable from the current chaos in the North. Those who can come to participate in this wedding must be vassals loyal to the Duke of St. Hild. At this moment, they are facing the St. Theon family and the Uman family. The Dawson family lashed out, as if they could not wait to immediately lead their troops to the battlefield to slash these northern traitors.

Bachelor Dawn smiled to deal with the lords, with a little disdain in his heart.

After the great purge last year, the powerful factions in the northern lords were basically wiped out. At this time, the nobles in front of them were basically new lords who had just been entrusted, and the army in their hands was unbearable, let alone San Gil. Duke De, even Bachelor Dawn can't look down upon him.

What the Duke really valued was the Anglia family’s army, and only this young man who inherited the mantle of the Marquis of Garcia was able to let the Duke of St. Hild come to Ice Rock City in person at such a critical moment and bring his daughter to Ice Rock. Marry.

Of course, even though Bachelor Dawn was disdainful of the nobles who came up, he still had to make a superficial posture.

While dealing with these lord nobles, he was also secretly observing the Duke of St. Hild.

Then, Bachelor Dawn keenly discovered that the Duke tonight seemed a little absent-minded.

As the atmosphere of the banquet became more and more enthusiastic, Colin and Vera, who had changed their clothes, finally appeared.

Colin put on a red and black Viscount dress, with a delicate rose pinned on his chest, his posture was elegant and handsome.

Vera also changed her inconvenient wedding dress and put on a slim white low-cut backless long dress. Her golden hair was coiled into a lady's bun, her eyes were clear and energetic like blue crystals, and her skirt fluttered across her body. Graceful posture, graceful manners, pure and charming beauty, youth and maturity, blended into her unique charm.

Applause followed, welcoming the couple into the hall.

A huge wedding cake was pushed out by Cathy, and the butler Yimon delivered the silver table knife to Colin, and motioned him and Vera to cut the cake together and let everyone share the food.

Colin smiled and passed the table knife to Vera, then holding her hand, cut a small piece on the huge eight-layer cake.


A bottle of champagne was opened, and the spurting foam suddenly spilled over the head of the couple.

Colin quickly hugged Vera in his arms to prevent her from being spilled.

After frolicking for a while, Colin handed the cut piece of cake to the Duke of St. Hild, and then handed the knife to Vera to signal her to continue to divide the cake for the guests.

And he himself walked through the crowd with the Duke of St. Hild and came to a secluded corner.

"I'm afraid there is no time for you to spend your honeymoon." The Duke of St. Hild said straightforwardly.

Colin nodded, expecting this.

The Duke came to Ice Rock City himself and married Vera to him. It would be strange if he had nothing to ask for.

"I need you to mobilize the army as quickly as possible and send troops to Ironforge City. If you can capture this city within a month, I will immediately canonize you as an earl!"

Colin blinked, considering his tone and said: "My lord, I am certainly willing to fight for you, but I think it is better to attack Falling Eagle City first."

"Oh? Why?" The Duke of St. Hilde sipped his wedding cake, without any emotions in his face.

"First of all, Falling Eagle City is closer to Ice Rock City, and Earl Uman's strength is weaker than that of Dawson. We have greater confidence in attacking Falling Eagle City.

What's more, the connection between the St. Theon family and the Uman family is obviously closer, and we can greatly weaken the power of the St. Theon family by removing the old nest of Earl Uman. "

Colin stated his reasons, but failed to state the most important reason.

The fact that he has Valra in Fallen Eagle City is his trump card, but he can't tell the Duke of St. Hild casually.

"Do you think the Uman family is now the most important power of the St. Theon family?" A mocking smile appeared on the face of the Duke of St. Hild.

"Is not it?"

The Duke of St. Hilde did not answer directly, but said inexplicably: "Don’t worry about the Uman family, it’s just a horror with only two ends, and I can provoke them and St. Theon’s family. Relationship."

Colin rolled his eyes and seemed to understand something.

"Furthermore, dwarves are our real confidant." The Duke of St. Hild finished the cake, wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin, and then ordered in an unquestionable tone: "In three days, I hope to see your army from Depart from Bingyan City and march into Iron Furnace City."

After finishing speaking, before Colin expressed his attitude, he stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder, and then drifted away.

The Duke's strength made Colin very uncomfortable, but he couldn't help it. He didn't dare to resist the opponent face to face now.

Rubbing his chin alone, Colin suddenly felt that if he couldn't resist head-on, could Walra do something in Fallen Eagle City and lead the Duke to change his mind?

After thinking about it, Colin decisively switched to the perspective of the blood slave arranged in Fallen Eagle City, wanting to see the current situation in Fallen Eagle City.

But then, he was taken aback by the sight "in front of him".

what's the situation?

Is this a fire?

Colin instructed the blood slave to climb up the nearby roof, and his eyes were full of red, and the raging fire dragons made the entire Eagle Falling City seem to be a flame purgatory.

He was dumbfounded.

I haven't seen it for a few did Fallen Eagle City look like this?

Of course, he couldn't find any useful information from the blood slave's mind. If you want to know what happened, I'm afraid you have to ask the blood-born Valla.

However, blood descent are all self-conscious and cannot be controlled by Colin at will like a blood slave.

Valla must be found.

It's just that in this situation, where will Valla be?

Colin looked around and found that there was no fire in the center of Falling Eagle City, and a cyan beam of light fell from the sky, covering the Uman family's castle.

"Colin, do you want to eat cake?" Vera quietly appeared beside Colin and asked with a smile.

"Okay." Colin quickly recovered and smiled and took the plate from Vera.

At the same time, ordered the blood slaves in Fallen Eagle City to immediately proceed to the Uman family's castle.

He wants to figure out what happened there.

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