The Original Vampire

Chapter 226: Plan (on)

Red Fort, restaurant.

On the long red paulownia table, Colin sits in the main seat, and Bachelor Dawn sits on the side.

Cathy, the half-elf maid, swiftly served a hearty breakfast.

Lemon roast chicken, bacon omelette, oatmeal, butter bread, and of course Colin’s exclusive deer blood wine.

As for Bachelor Dawn, he drank milk.

After staying up all night, Colin moved his index finger, and it didn't take long for him to stuff all the food in front of him into his stomach.

Bachelor Dawn’s eating posture was very elegant, and he saw that he had been specially trained, but his speed was not slow, and he almost solved the battle with Colin at the same time.

Wiping her mouth, Colin asked Cathy to pour two cups of coffee, then smiled and asked: "Bachelor Dawn, I have always had a doubt, why would you be willing to support Vera to become the Duke of the North? Don’t use Joyce. I'm too young to prevaricate me."

Indeed, the young lord, on the contrary, is a good opportunity for every powerful official to show off his skills.

Bachelor Dawn took a sip of coffee and thought about it: "My Lord Viscount, I actually chose to support Miss Vera because of you."

"Me?" Colin was obviously stunned.

"Yes." Bachelor Dawn looked directly at Colin with a calm expression, "Because I think that only you can turn the tide and quell the rebellion in the North."

Dawn obviously saw that in this relationship between Colin and Vera, Colin was undoubtedly the dominant player. So, once Vera becomes the Duke of the North, it will actually be Colin who really controls the North.

"You are so optimistic about me?" Colin was slightly proud, after all, everyone likes to be praised.

"Of course. You are a military wizard who can be regarded by Marquis Garcia. You have defeated powerful enemies in Silvermoon City and Troll King City twice and proved your military ability. Talent, you must be the number one in the North.

Moreover, your political talents are also quite outstanding. Whether it is winning the final victory in the complex game of Silvermoon City, or stabilizing Ice Rock City in the chaos of the Northern Territory, it has proved your excellent governance talent.

In addition, I recently discovered that the ‘point’ system you used to manage slaves can be said to be a genius creation!

Therefore, I believe that the Northern Territory will definitely be able to rejuvenate under your governance! "

Colin was a little surprised. Obviously, he did not expect this Bachelor of Dawn to study himself so deeply, and he also saw at a glance that the points system he had worked out was the key to arousing the enthusiasm of the slaves.

However, he didn't want to be overly proud, he quickly took a sip of coffee, then smiled reservedly, and said:

"Unexpectedly, Bachelor Dawn, you are so concerned about me and so confident. However, not everyone supports me like you, and not everyone wants to see Vera become the Lord of the North."

Bachelor Dawn instantly understood what Colin meant, and immediately replied: "Viscount Lord, it is not difficult for Miss Vera to inherit the title of Duke."

Colin's eyes lit up, but he didn't want to be reserved, so he asked quickly: "How to do it?"

Bachelor Dawn smiled confidently, cleared his throat, and analyzed:

"Master Viscount, the ownership of the Duke of the North is mainly determined by the three powers.

First, of course, it is the St. Hild family. More precisely, it is the will of the previous duke. However, now the duke has died suddenly without leaving any will, let alone appointing a clear heir, so there is no need for this aspect. Consider too much. "

Colin nodded in agreement. In fact, he was a little puzzled why the Duke of St. Hild had not given the position of Marquis of the East to his third son Joyce to determine his inheritance.

But since this matter was beneficial to Vera, Colin didn't want to entangle the real thoughts of the Duke of St. Hild anymore.

"Second power..." Bachelor Dawn continued, "It is the royal family of the Glory Empire. The Duke of the North needs to be canonized by the emperor, so Vera must be recognized by Emperor Reinhardt.

The third-party force is the Imperial Senate. Don't look at the Senate, there are some big masters who tease the birds and walk the dogs all day, as if they don't care about anything.

However, they also have a say in the ownership of the Duke of the North. If they unanimously oppose Vera, then even Emperor Reinhardt cannot ignore their influence. "

Colin looked a little solemn, he suddenly found that he had no understanding of the aforementioned forces, let alone the decisions that influenced them.

However, this explanation of Bachelor Dawn pointed out the direction for him, and there must be some way.

After thinking for a while, Colin asked seriously: "So, how can the Great Reinhardt and the Senate agree to Vera's succession as Duke of the North?"

Bachelor Dawn is still in a hurry: "Let’s talk about the Senate first.

The Imperial Senate is composed of 117 noble members. Although they have no titles, they have extremely high qualifications and extensive connections, and they have great influence in the upper echelons of the empire.

To be honest, I don't know what each of them is towards Vera, which is difficult to figure out in a short time.

However, it is difficult for them to like one person at the same time, but it is easy if you want them to hate one person at the same time. "

"Oh? What do you mean?"

"Master Viscount, do you know Baron Heidegger?"

"Of course I know, the Prime Minister of the Empire." Colin said lightly.

In fact, he was a little guilty, after all he knew this about Baron Heidegger.

Bachelor Dawn also didn't know if he had seen Colin's embarrassment, so he went on to explain it in more detail:

"Baron Heidegger was born in a civilian family and was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to study at Baita Academy. After graduation, he has been serving the San Lorenzo family.

Although he came from a humble background, Baron Heidegger was extremely talented. It took just 13 years to change from a commoner to the prime minister of the palace. Then he sat in this position for more than 40 years. It can be said that the imperial palace is the most insignificant. An old minister replaced.

At the beginning of his ascension to the throne, Emperor Reinhardt tried to knight Heidegger in order to show grace and win. But this decision was strongly opposed by the Senate.

The reason is simple. Although Heidegger is the prime minister of the empire, he is a commoner, and according to the law of nobility, he cannot be directly nominated.

The Senate hoped that Emperor Reinhardt would choose a noble daughter to marry Heidegger, and promised that their descendants would receive knighthood canonization.

But at that time, the Prime Minister was nearly seventy years old, even if he married a noble daughter, how could he give birth to offspring?

What's more, Heidegger has not married in his life, and it is said that he is not good for female sex..."

At this point, Bachelor Dawn's expression was a little strange, and Colin immediately thought about the prime minister's sexual orientation.

"...In short, the emperor and the Senate were in a deadlock over Heidegger's knighthood, and after a fierce struggle and a series of concessions, the Senate reluctantly agreed.

However, the emperor also made a great compromise. The Prime Minister only got a baron of the lowest rank, and this title was for life, not hereditary, or emptied, and had no territory.

Despite all the restrictions, he was the first civilian to be knighted after all, which was a great honor for Heidegger.

It is a pity that the resistance shown by the Senate during this process and the restrictions imposed on the baronship angered the proud Heidegger. He even publicly declared that-

‘I would rather be a free civilian than a nobleman with his hands and feet tied up.’

Although under the emperor's persuasion Heidegger finally accepted the title, but he and the Senate had already forged an enmity.

After that, the palace prime minister used his position to use his position and passed several bills restricting the power of the Senate, which also made the two sides' hatred deeper and deeper.

Therefore, if you want the Senate to support Miss Vera, then you don't need to figure out the attitudes of hundreds of Senate members. You only need to ask Baron Heidegger to support Son Joyce.

Whatever Baron Heidegger supports, the Senate will definitely oppose it in unison! "

"So, how should Baron Heidegger support Joyce?" Colin's heart gradually became hot.

"You can leave this to me." Bachelor Dawn said to himself, "I have some friendship with Baron Heidegger, and I am sure to ask him to express his respect for Lord Joyce in public."

Colin realized that these two were from Baita Academy, and some connections were normal.

"Okay! Then there is the last question. How to get the Great Reinhardt to agree to Vera's succession as the Duke of the North?"

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