The Original Vampire

Chapter 231: Banquet

Clang clang...

The dull death knell came from the church in the center of Huayu City.

Inside the church, the coffin of the Duke of St. Hild opened again for the mourning of the members of the Morrison family.

When the ceremony was over, everyone left the church with a heavy heart.

The dead are gone, but the living have to move on.

Colin and Vera cleared up their minds, and under the leadership of Earl Morrison, they arrived at Papilio Castle.

This Morrison family castle is located in the southeast corner of Huayu City. It covers an area of ​​more than 800 acres. The main body is solid granite, and the outer wall is made of precious white glazed rock. It looks like a white jade castle from a distance.

Inside the fort are all kinds of gorgeous courtyards and row upon row of buildings. Of course, the signature of the Morrison family—tulips is indispensable.

From the most common white, red, and yellow to the rarest and precious black tulips, you can find them here.

The colorful tulips make Fengdie Fortress beautifully and colorfully, a scene full of vitality.

Colin couldn't help taking a deep breath, and the nasal cavity was immediately filled with fresh and elegant floral fragrance...Huh?

Why is there a trace of blood?

Colin frowned and turned to look at Vera.

But she didn't seem to notice any abnormality, and she was still intoxicated in this sea of ​​flowers.

The Knight Logger behind him did not respond, and Earl Morrison was still enthusiastically introducing information about these tulips.

Colin smelled it carefully again, and found that it was not an illusion just now. There was indeed a faint smell of blood in this castle.

This smell may be hidden from others, but it can't escape the nose of the blood race.

what happened?

Could it be that tulips, like the blood rose, need to be nurtured with blood?

Colin temporarily pressed his doubts to the bottom of his heart, and followed Earl Morrison to the inner courtyard of the castle.

After setting up their guards and servants, Colin and Vera first took a hot bath comfortably.

When they were dressed neatly, Monton, the housekeeper of the Morrison family, had been waiting outside the door for a long time.

"Master Viscount, the dinner party is ready."

"Okay, please lead the way."

Following the butler Monton, Colin led Vera through the long corridor to the banquet hall.

Hundreds of incense candles exuding fresh fragrance illuminate the elegant and magnificent hall, but the atmosphere of the banquet is not warm, after all, everyone has just paid a silent tribute to the Duke of St. Hild.

The Morrison family didn't even arrange a band, and tonight's banquet was destined to be quieter and more solemn.

When Vera walked in with Colin's arm, everyone's eyes focused on the Viscount couple.

Colin wore a burgundy Viscount dress, with a black tulip sent by the servant of the Morrison family pinned on his chest, which matched Vera's black shoulder-length dress next to him.

Vera's dress tonight is not too grand, she doesn't have too much decoration, her golden hair is casually draped over her shoulders, her snow-white slender feet are stepped on a pair of silver high-heeled sandals, and she is decent and lazy. .

Earl Morrison hurriedly greeted him, greeted the Colin couple enthusiastically, and introduced several important figures of the Morrison family to them.

It has to be said that the Morrison family does have a kind of almost fanatical preference for the daughters of the St. Hild family, and Colin has greeted several wives from the St. Hild family.

However, these ladies are basically collateral members of the Saint Hild family. Although they are higher than Vera in generation, they must be far inferior to Vera in terms of status.

The only exception is the lady of the old count, Grace St. Hild.

This Mrs. Grace was still the aunt of the Duke of St. Hilde, so Vera had to call her grandmother.

In the Northern Lords' Rebellion last year, the old count was stabbed to death by Kahn Sudor in public because he refused to betray the Duke of St. Hild. After the news reached Papilio Castle, Mrs. Grace was determined to disregard the family’s persuasion. Go to Winter City and ask the Duke of St. Hild for an explanation for the death of her husband.

As a result, the Duke of St. Hild came to Huayu City in person, attended the funeral of the old earl, and became one of the four coffin bearers.

This kind of courtesy, many people think that the Duke of St. Hilde is ashamed of the old count.

But some people think that the reason why the Duke of St. Hild took such a low profile is entirely because of Mrs. Grace.

In short, if it is said that under the current chaos, which family is the least likely to betray the St. Hild family, it must be the Morrison family.

This family has been deeply entangled with the St. Hild family, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are the side branches of the St. Hild family in Huayu City.

Therefore, marriage is still useful, but the premise is that there must be enough connections.

As long as you can make the wives of important members of the other's family all members of your own family, then this kind of fetters will inevitably transcend the limits of interest.

This is also the reason why Colin dared to accept the invitation of Earl Morrison to enter Huayu City. Anyone could be attracted by the Saint Theon family, but this Morrison family could not.

"Because the time is too tight, I didn't catch up with your wedding, and there is no decent gift. I have to give you this bracelet that has been with me for most of my life."

Mrs. Grace smiled and took Vera's hand, and tied a string of gold wheat ear bracelets to her hand.

"Thank you grandma!" Vera flushed.

The meaning of Maisui in the Glorious Empire is "many children", and it is quite appropriate to give it to newly married couples.

And according to custom, a bride generally needs something passed down from her mother or matrilineal elders to get married, but the duchess has been dead for many years, and Vera's biological mother has always been a mystery. At this time, Mrs. Grace’s gift just made up for Vera. Regret.

Mrs. Grace smiled and patted Vera's hand, indicating that she was not welcome, and then her face became solemn:

"I'm sorry for your father's death. But I want to know more, how did he die?"

Vera recounted the situation at the wedding, and added her own speculation about the death of the Duke.

"Similar to the Forbidden Curse of the Petrified Eye?" Mrs. Grace thought for a while and nodded, "You guessed it, the one that can kill the Paladin must be the Forbidden Curse! And the one who shoots is indeed very likely to be the Holy Feast. Mr. Coquettish from the Eun family."

"I don't think it's necessary." Earl Morrison shook his head. "It takes life to release the Forbidden Curse, but this Mr. Hoodoo has been planning for so many years to conquer the northern border, and he is about to succeed. How could he be willing to be at this time? Use your own life to exchange the life of the Duke of St. Hild?"

"I think so too." Bachelor Dawn also nodded and echoed Earl Morrison's remarks, "If the St. Theon family is at an extreme disadvantage, then Mr. Hood may still make such a mortal counterattack and desperate behavior. But now the situation in the north..."

The Bachelor of Dawn did not continue, but everyone knew in their hearts that the current situation in the North should be the St. Theon family having the upper hand.

Mrs. Grace coughed twice which attracted everyone's attention, and then sighed: "Perhaps, the price of this forbidden curse was not borne by Mr. Coquettish."

Bachelor Dawn said curiously: "Oh? Dear Mrs. Grace, do you know what?"

"Just before the dinner, I just received a message--" Mrs. Grace looked solemn, "Falconry City has been burned to ashes a few days ago!"


Everyone was immediately stunned by the news.

Except for Colin.

Of course he had known the news a long time ago, but he never said it.

So, of course Mrs. Grace’s news won’t surprise him, but Colin discovered another very interesting thing——

Earl Morrison had just learned the news.

In this way, this Mrs. Grace is probably the real master of Fengdie Castle.

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