The Original Vampire

Chapter 235: Revisit

Early the next morning, Colin bid farewell to Earl Morrison.

Earl Morrison, with his family, personally sent Colin and Vera to the gate of Huayu City.

However, in the team to see off, Colin did not see the Franco Morrison knight who happened upon him last night.

The weather today is good, the sky is clear and the breeze is not dry.

Colin and his group speeded up and headed south.

Until the evening, Colin ordered to stop and camp and rest.

After a simple dinner, everyone went to bed early.

But when the night darkened, Colin sneaked out of the camp.

When he came to an uninhabited wilderness, plumes of **** smoke suddenly appeared around him.

In the smoke-filled room, countless weird runes appeared in the air, and then disappeared in a flash.

At the same time, Colin's body gradually expanded.


A pair of black bat wings emerged from behind him, and then suddenly stretched out.


Amid the violent air waves, Colin soared into the sky like a sharp arrow from the string, and shot away in the direction where he came.


Papilio Fort.

After Colin and his party left, the castle was restored to its former tranquility.

Everything seemed to be the same as usual. Dinner was on time at 6 o'clock and ended at 7 o'clock. After eating, Earl Morrison would visit the castle as usual. Mrs. Grace would also go to the church to pray as usual, and Franco Knight, he ate alone in the bedroom as usual...

After ten o'clock, the lights in Fengdie Fort were gradually extinguished as they did in the past.

Perhaps the only difference is that the southeast corner of the castle today is even brighter than before.

Upon seeing this, the guards on patrol hurried over to check.

"It's on fire! It's on fire!"

Immediately, the shouting made the entire Fengdie Castle wake up instantly.

Teams of guards on patrol rushed towards the southeast corner of the blazing castle, Earl Morrison immediately got up from the bed, and before he had time to wear his armor, he rushed out with a knight sword.

At the same time, in the northwest corner of Fengdie Castle, a **** and strange killing also kicked off.

"What?" A guard in front of the clock tower seemed to feel something flying over his head, but when he raised his head, he could only see the dark night sky.

Tonight is overcast with clouds, the moon is invisible, and even the starlight is strictly obscured.

The guard turned around and was about to ask his companion, but was shocked to find that his companion's head was gone.

The headless corpse was still standing on the spot, and lines of blood gushing out from the empty neck.



His "enemy attack" was only half said, and he was deeply chopped off. At the same time, he was chopped off, as well as his head.

Colin threw away the head in his hand and walked towards the gate of the bell tower.

I tried to push twice, but couldn't push.

Cang Dang!

Colin simply slammed into it.

Such a big movement naturally attracted the attention of the surrounding guards, and Colin soon heard a series of footsteps behind him.

However, before those footsteps approached, I heard a series of screams and cracking bones.

Colin stopped looking behind him, lowered his head slightly, and got into the bell tower.

Several torches were lit on the wall inside the bell tower, and the light from the torches illuminates the stairs leading to the top of the building. However, Colin did not walk up the stairs, but lay on the ground and twitched his nose carefully.

The smell of blood comes from underground!

Soon, he locked the target location.


The marble floor was smashed by Colin's foot, and then his huge body fell down along the cracked hole.


The drop was not large, estimated to be about ten meters, and Colin stood firmly on the ground.

Although the smoke was everywhere and the rubble was flying around, he still opened his eyes wide and stared at the darkness ahead.

When the dust settled, nothing came out of the darkness.

Colin's expression slowed down slightly, thinking that he might be too cautious.

With bat wings flapping, Colin flew up to the bell tower hall, took a torch from the wall, and returned to the basement again.

With the light of the torch, Colin could see clearly that this is not a basement at all, but a closed and damp cave.

Both sides of the cave are filled with cold, hard stones, one end is blocked by a pile of **** rocks, the other end extends inward, not knowing where it leads.

Now that they were all here, Colin certainly wouldn't persuade him, and immediately stepped forward.

Turning a corner, what appeared in front of Colin was a long stone corridor. However, the stones here were a little strange, and they even gave off a faint gleam. Even without the help of torches, you can probably see the road under your feet.

Colin continued to move forward, and the **** smell in his nose became more intense.

Moreover, he even heard the faint sound of running water.

After another period of time, the sound of the water gradually became louder and rustling.

It didn't take long for Colin to see the end of the passage ahead, and a curtain of water hung straight from the ceiling of the cave. The water splashed and shimmered, and finally fell into a small pool at the end of the passage.

Colin didn't expect that under the bell tower of Fengdie Castle, there was still such a place with a cave in the sky!

However, at this time Colin did not have any mood to appreciate this underground river.

Stepping into the pool, the cold water did not slow Colin's actions. He strode towards the curtain of water, as if he was sure that after the curtain of water, there must be a goal he pursued.


The transparent water curtain wetted Colin's whole body.

Behind the water curtain, there is another deep tunnel, and the stone wall on the side of the cave also emits a slight light, allowing Colin to see the road clearly without using torches.

Nothing happened along the way, but it made Colin more vigilant.

It's abnormal!

For a moment, he even planned to go back the same way, but thinking that now that he has come here, he would never be reconciled if he didn't figure out what secrets the Morrison family had hidden.

This family, which has always been low-key in the North, is definitely not as simple as it seems!

While thinking about it, Colin suddenly stopped because he had already reached the end of this tunnel.

There, a huge butterfly sculpture was placed impressively.

The coat of arms of the Morrison family is "Golden-Tailed Swallowtail", but the tail of this Swallowtail sculpture is not golden.

It's bloody!

Colin looked at the blood-tailed swallowtail butterfly in front of him, and approached carefully.

Going past this sculpture, I came to a rather spacious underground space.

Just as soon as I entered here, the strong smell of blood that came on my face almost suffocated Colin.

Considering the identity of his own blood clan, Colin felt more and more that there might be some horrible scenes ahead.

Sure enough, when he saw the situation in this underground space, the whole person was stunned on the spot.


Endless blood!

The stone wall is full of blood, the air is full of blood, the ground...

It's just a huge blood pool!

Above the blood pool there seems to be a huge spider web.

In this spider web, there are many "silkworm cocoons".

In the cocoon, there are clearly alive people!

Silks of blood dripped from these living people and fell into the pool of blood.

Seeing this scene in front of him, even if he was a blood clan, Colin with bloodthirsty characteristics could not help but a deep chill rose from the bottom of his heart.

What kind of Shura **** is this?

What exactly does the Morrison family want to do?


At the moment when Colin was stunned, an armored man suddenly emerged from the pool of blood.

Wielding the blood-red long sword, he cut it head-on towards Colin!

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