The Original Vampire

Chapter 238: Kusius

"Colin, did you sleep well yesterday?"

Vera looked at Colin who was yawning, and asked concerned, and at the same time handed over a roasted deer leg.

Colin took it smoothly and said with a smile: "It's okay, I was awakened by a few mosquitoes in the middle of the night last night, and then I didn't fall asleep."

"Do you want to make up your sleep that afternoon?"

"No, let's continue on the road after lunch. Withdrawing to the Golden Lion Corps earlier, you can also feel at ease sooner."

"Okay." Upon seeing this, Vera stopped persuading him, and handed Colin a few slices of white bread.

The gaze of Bachelor Dawn on the side flickered slightly, because he saw that when Colin just reached out to pick up the food, there were obvious scratches on his exposed arm.

However, he did not ask anything.

Smart people are like this, even if they see the problem, they know what they shouldn’t ask, don’t ask.

Colin actually noticed the gaze of Bachelor Dawn, but seeing the other party wittily pretending not to see it, he took a bite of roasted venison and took the initiative to speak:

"Bachelor Dawn, what kind of family do you think Morrison is?"

The Bachelor of Dawn paused, and thoughtfully said: "My lord, I think the Morrison family should have the qualities of a good family, loyal, humble, and pragmatic!"

Colin chewed on the three evaluations given by Bachelor Dawn, and seemed to have some thoughts in his mind.

Obviously, the three adjectives given by Bachelor of Dawn are not randomly chosen.

First of all, loyalty, which means that the Morrison family is deeply involved with the Saint Hild family, and there is basically no room for betrayal.

Secondly, humility, this is to imply that the Morrison family acted low-key and did not have a reputation in the North.

Finally, pragmatic, this is also the most interesting evaluation.

Will a pragmatic family insist on marrying the daughter of the St. Hild family from generation to generation, knowing that the theory of pedigree purification is not feasible?

Especially when such behavior has caused the Morrison family to suffer a "blood curse."

Obviously impossible.

Therefore, there must be a deep reason why the Morrison family is obsessed with the daughter of the St. Hild family!

Thinking of the horror scene he saw under the bell tower of Fengdie Fort last night, Colin suddenly had some guesses.

Bachelor Dawn seemed to have seen some of Colin's thoughts, and he persuaded him: "My Lord Viscount, I think it is not the Morrison family that you should pay more attention to now."

"Oh? Which family do you think it should be?"

"The Uman family." Bachelor Dawn said categorically.

"Uman..." Colin chewed on the name of this familiar old rival family. "What do you think?"

"Master Viscount, you also heard the news that Eagle Fall was burned in Fengdie Castle. Obviously, the Uman family became the abandoned son of the Saint Theon family. No, more accurately, it should be a sacrifice.

Earl Uman, whose home was destroyed, would certainly not continue to be loyal to the St. Theon family, and his family soldiers would definitely hate the St. Theon family who destroyed his home. So this is our opportunity. "

"Are you trying to win over the Uman family?" Colin frowned.

He doesn't want Count Uman to stand in the same camp with him. Doesn't that mean that the hatred of his predecessor can't be reported?

Moreover, Colin couldn't rest assured that Earl Uman's old silver coin handed him his back.

Bachelor Dawn didn’t seem to be too keen to win over the Uman family, and said indifferently: "I just think I can give it a try. However, I guess St. Theon’s family might have already had a countermeasure against the Uman family, and they certainly won’t. Let the enemy he had just established turn around and plunge into the arms of the Saint Hild family.

Therefore, we should first confirm the situation of Count Uman and his family's army. If he has not suffered the poisonous hand of the Saint Theon family, then we can indeed win over and take the opportunity to disintegrate the influence of the Saint Theon family. "

Colin nodded, did not speak, and did not explicitly agree to Bachelor Dawn's suggestion.

Bachelor Dawn seemed to want to say more, but suddenly felt that the surrounding temperature seemed to drop a lot.


The breeze blew, and brought a burst of frost.

The bonfire in front of him also began to waver, and seemed to be extinguished in the next second.

"There is a problem!" Colin immediately stood up, threw off the deer legs, and held the saber around his waist.

"It's Arcane Fluctuation!" Vera also exclaimed in surprise, "A wizard is casting a spell! And, it's an extremely powerful wizard!"

"Alert! Search all around!" The Logger knight shouted immediately, and at the same time sent a small team of cavalry to try to find the wizard who was casting the spell.

The sky was clear, but it suddenly became clouded in the blink of an eye.

It seemed that there was going to be a torrential rain in an instant.

"He's in the woods to the west!" Vera suddenly stretched out a finger and exclaimed.

"Quick! Stop him!"

Amid the rush of horseshoes, a group of cavalry rushed in the direction Vera was pointing.

But before they could unearth the wizard hiding in the dark to cast spells, a flash of lightning suddenly flashed across the sky.


What followed was a dull thunder.

After that, snowflakes floated up in the sky.

That's it?

Colin and the others, who had been waiting for them, were a little dumbfounded.

Looking at the opponent's formation, they thought it was a terrifying spell, but they didn't even think that it was just snowing.

Of course, being able to make a heavy snowfall in the early summer is quite capable...

At this time, the cavalry rushing past had also found the mage, and immediately escorted him to Colin.

"Ms. Kusius? Why are you?" After seeing the visitor, Vera called out in surprise.

No wonder she always felt a very familiar breath just now, it turned out that her teacher was casting the spell.

"Haha, Miss Vera, Viscount Anglia, don't be nervous, I just made a joke with you."

Cusius was held back by the cavalry with their swords, but he had a calm expression on his face, and he even thought about joking.

Colin looked at this inconspicuous high-level mage, his mind moved slightly, but on the surface he was welcoming, and smiled and shook hands cordially with the other party:

"Is Mr. Cusius? It's so lucky to meet you here! Vera keeps telling me that you taught her a lot in Yeville, and I have always wanted to find the opportunity to thank you for your care in person. "

"Master Viscount, you are too polite! I hope the joke I just made didn't bother you too much."

"Of course not, do you want to have a meal together?"

"my pleasure!"

Cusius was also not polite with Colin, and walked to the campfire carelessly, grabbed a piece of cooked venison directly on the barbecue, put it to his mouth and bite it.

"Woo! It tastes good!"

While eating, he praised with a thumbs up.

"Teacher, what are you doing in the north this time?" Vera poured a glass of red wine and handed it over.

Cusius took the glass, drank it, then burped contentedly, saying casually:

"I'm just here to travel a bit, and by the way, see my friends in the north, and of course you, my good apprentice!

It's been more than a year since you left Yeville, did your schoolwork fail? Do you still remember the spell knowledge? "

"Of course I remember!" Vera said immediately, just showing lack of confidence.

Kusius saw through and then began to investigate Vera's arcane knowledge.

Colin watched indifferently from the sidelines, undiminished in his heart.

The timing of the appearance of the Master Kuhusius is too coincidental!

Moreover, according to Vera, this person is close friends with the cowardly Mr. St. Theon's family.

Even Mr. Hooters sacrificed the forbidden curse that was released by the entire Eagle Falling City to kill the Duke of St. Hilde, and it is suspected to be an improved version of the forbidden curse named "Eye of Petrification" in the collection of Mage Cusius. .

Under such circumstances, Colin could not believe that Kusius really knew nothing about what happened in Falling Eagle City.

I don't believe it, the other party suddenly appeared here, it's not a special plan.

Of course, Colin would not drive him away, after all, he was Vera's teacher in any way.

Moreover, a mage hiding in the dark is the most terrifying, as he actively exposes himself, but there is not much threat.

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