The Original Vampire

Chapter 253: Into the city

In Winter City, the gates are closed.

The Golden Lions outside the city lined up, orderly.

Before the array, Colin listened to the report of the messenger, his face uncertain.

"Viscount-sir, Miss Vera, there is a word in the city that due to the current unstable situation, rebels are all around. In order to ensure the safety of Winter City, it is temporarily impossible to open the city gate to allow the Golden Lion Army to enter.

However, Master Joyce said that you and your wife can enter the city, and you must carry no more than a hundred guards. "

"Hahaha, what a big joke! When did the Golden Lion Army not enter the Winter City!"

Listening to Colin's sarcasm, the messenger bowed his head and said nothing.

Colin didn't embarrass him either, he was just a messenger, and now the situation in the city was obviously controlled by Count Uman.

Along the way, they also found the marching marks left by the army. At that time, Colin guessed that it was the army of the Uman family, but he didn't expect them to control Wintery City so easily.

Someone in the city must cooperate with him!

"Who is the commander of the city defense forces in Winterfell?" Colin asked, looking at the fellow Dawn.

"It's Thomas St. Hild." Bachelor Dawn seemed to see what Colin was thinking, and immediately shook his head after he gave out a name. "Thomas Knight should not be biased, Earl Uman can control Wintery so quickly. Cheng, should be helped by other people."

"Who else can help him?"

Bachelor Dawn thought for a while, and said: "It should be the steward of the St. Hild family-Delinden."

"Butler?" Colin frowned, remembering the old butler who was clingy and unsmiling when he had seen him at Vera's Bar Mitzvah. "Why would he favor Joyce? Could it be that the Duke of St. Hild left? What order did he give him before?"

Bachelor Dawn shook his head: "I don't know if the Duke has given him anything. However, I guess that he helped Earl Uman because I know that he is a fanatical believer."

"Cultist?" Colin reacted instantly.

Even though Vera once accepted the Bar Mitzvah ceremony in the church, she was not baptized after all, nor did she publicly confess her belief in the Lord of Radiance.

Therefore, in the eyes of the steward Delinden, she is still a blasphemous mage, a heresy!

At this time, Colin realized that he had never considered the attitude of the church.

However, this is not to blame for his inconsiderate consideration, nor is it that the Bachelor of Dawn deliberately did not mention it, but that the church has no say in the appointment of the Duke of the North.

The emperor needs the coronation of the pope, but the duke does not.

The royal family will never allow the church to influence the appointment and removal of vassals.

But obviously, the church would not really stand by and watch, especially when such an important title as the Duke of the North is about to be inherited by a mage.

"Do you have a good way now?" Colin asked to Bachelor Dawn.

The current situation makes Colin feel very difficult. A strong city like Winter City cannot be captured in a short time. At this time, the Maynum family is estimated to have joined the Dawson family, and the dwarven alliance will soon follow. Will chase it.

If the Uman family in Winter City is not resolved quickly, the Golden Lion Legion will face the danger of being attacked back and forth.

Bachelor Dawn hesitated, but still looked at Colin's eyes seriously, and said solemnly, "Miss Vera can't enter the city!"

Colin was stunned, feeling that Bachelor Dawn said something nonsense.

At this time, the Winter City was controlled by Earl Uman, and Vera would only find her own way if she entered the city.

But he reacted immediately, the messenger opposite just now invited him and Vera, but Bachelor Dawn only said that Vera alone could not enter the city.


"Are you suggesting that I enter the city?"

"Yes." Bachelor Dawn nodded and added, "If you allow, I will accompany you into the city."

The following sentence is a statement, I want to tell Colin that his suggestion is not with ulterior motives.

In fact, Colin didn’t worry that Bachelor Dawn would deliberately design to frame himself. This is the point. Even if Bachelor Dawn sells Colin, it’s impossible to win Joyce’s true trust. The power over there is probably It has been divided up.

Moreover, with Vera and the Golden Lions outside the city, Joyce would not do anything to Colin as long as he was sane.

"What about after entering the city?" Colin asked.

Bachelor Dawn immediately said: "Alliance!"


"Yes. If Joyce wants to sit on the throne of the Duke of the North, the first enemy is actually the St. Theon family. Under the current situation, we can use this to unite with each other to solve the upcoming army of dwarves first, and then Make other plans."

Colin rubbed his chin and considered for a while before finally nodding and saying, "Okay, I'll follow you into the city!"

After speaking, he turned back and walked to a carriage behind.

If you want to enter the city, of course you have to appease Vera first.

Entering the carriage, Colin told Vera about his plans with Bachelor Dawn.

Originally, he thought that Vera would definitely object, and he had already prepared some remarks in advance, but he didn't expect that this time Vera was worried and dissatisfied, but he did not reject Colin's proposal.

"Okay, then you go. If you have any accident in the city, even if this Winter City is destroyed, even if the St. Hild family loses the North, I will avenge you!"

After so many things, the once innocent girl has gradually matured.

Colin smiled indifferently: "Don't worry, now there is St. Theon, the enemy, if the people in the city are not stupid, they won't completely provoke us at this time."

Vera nodded gently, helped Colin straighten out the collar of his shirt, and said emotionally: "Colin, you have paid so much for the North, how can I thank you?"

You are the best thank you for becoming the Duke of the North!

Of course, Colin wouldn't say such words directly, it would be too horrible.

Looking at Vera's watery eyes, Colin gave a chuckle, put her in his arms, and said warmly: "You can marry me, you are the best thanks to me!"

correct answer!

Vera smiled sweetly, stood on tiptoe, and kissed her beloved man.

After some gentleness, Colin left the carriage.

Afterwards, he called the Knight Cambenin and ordered:

"Stay outside the city, pay attention to the movement of the dwarf army, if the enemy is approaching, just keep your position, don't take it lightly.

In addition, after I enter the city, I will send someone out to deliver the letter every day. If I don’t receive a letter, it means that we have had an accident inside. What should I do when that time comes? You can follow Vera’s orders. "

"Yes, Master Viscount!"

After explaining the Knights of Cambenin, Colin asked the Master Kuhusius who was in a daze:

"Mr. Cusius, have you been to Wintertime before?"

"Come here." Kusius nodded, then shook his head, "but I haven't been to Lion's Roar."

Colin laughed loudly and invited: "Now there is a good opportunity. Would you like to go with me?"

Mage Kuhusius rolled his eyes, obviously hesitated, but finally nodded and said, "This is my honor!"

Colin didn't want to put this indistinguishable mage out of the city. What if he made some moths beside Vera, so it's better to bring them into the city together.

In the end, Colin confessed a few more words to Knight Logger, and led a hundred guards to the Winter City.

Amid the dull roar, the huge steel gate slowly opened a small slit for only one person to pass through.

Colin shook his head with a smile, and the other party was really cautious.

After clearing up his mood, he strode forward immediately and walked into the city first.

After entering the city, Colin saw Earl Uman standing in front at the first glance.

After a year of absence, the Earl Uman looked quite old, but his waist was still straight and his eyes were still sharp, like a fighter who would never bow his head to admit defeat.

"Viscount Angley, welcome to Winter City!"

"Earl Uman, long time no see!" Colin smiled and shook hands with each other cordially, as if an old friend he hadn't seen in many years was reunited.

"By the way, why didn't you see Miss Vera?" Uman looked behind Colin and asked pretentiously.

"She is sick and can't come, sorry." Colin made up a reason casually, and then changed the subject, "Earl, I have a meeting gift for you."

"Oh?" Count Uman's eyes flashed. "You are so polite."

Colin smiled and beckoned behind him, and an accompanying guard walked up and took off his helmet.

After Earl Uman saw the opponent's face, he was shocked and his tone was a little trembling: "Wa...Walla?"

"Father." Varla raised her head, completely exposing her unrecognizable half of her face to the sun.

Looking at this distorted face, Earl Uman couldn't help shaking his whole body, and the hatred gaze in his eyes seemed to make the surrounding temperature drop more than ten degrees.

He stepped forward slowly, holding his "illegitimate son" in his arms, and said in a deep voice: "Relax, your hatred, the hatred of the Uman family, the hatred of the 300,000 people of Falling Eagle City, I will definitely Report!"

Colin smiled and looked at the warm scene of father and son reunion and joked: "Earl Uman, are you satisfied with this meeting ceremony?"

Only then did Earl Uman let Varla go, looked back at Colin, and solemnly said: "Viscount Angley, for your kindness, I will definitely return in the future!"

Colin laughed and waved his hands: "I'm kidding you, what Knight Valla said is my brother-in-law, and it is my duty to save him.

However, I also deeply regret the tragedy that happened in Falling Eagle City. The action of Saint Theon's family is really indignant between humans and gods, and the heavens are destroyed!

For such a demon who exterminates humanity, we should unite and drive them out of the North! "

Count Uman nodded, seeming to agree with Colin's opinion very much, but without any verbal expressions, he made an inviting gesture:

"Viscount Angley, please, Master Joyce has been waiting for a long time."

"it is good."

Colin strode forward, and the steel gate behind him slowly closed, dividing the inner and outer parts of the city into two worlds.

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