The Original Vampire

Chapter 257: Chance encounter

The winter city was pitch black, and the storm swept across it, covering the whole world.

Lightning that pierced the sky from time to time left shocking marks on the night, followed by deafening thunder.

The Lion's Roar on the top of the mountain seems to be in the center of a thunderstorm, and the violent rain seems to knock this magnificent castle into ashes at any time.

Bachelor Dawn wore a raincoat all the way out of the Lion's Roar and walked to the North City Gate.

He had just gone to Thomas Knight’s residence, but was told by his servants that after tonight’s banquet, Thomas Knight did not return to the house to rest, but went to the North City Gate to be on duty.

In desperation, Bachelor Dawn had to brave heavy rain and hurried to the North City Gate in the dark night.

Because of the curfew and heavy rain, the streets were empty, and even the bustling taverns in the past closed early.

Along the way, I met several waves of patrolling soldiers. After identifying his identity, Bachelor Dawn did not make things difficult for him.

But in front of the church in Winter City, Bachelor Dawn stopped.

The lights in the church were bright, and there were faint prayers coming out. A group of soldiers guarded the door. By the lights in the church, Bachelor Dawn recognized them.

Surprisingly, it is the guard of Thomas Knight!

Bachelor Dawn sank in his heart and hesitated, but he walked over and asked, "Is Knight Thomas in the church?"

The guard leader recognized Bachelor Dawn, and nodded, "Yes, Bachelor Dawn, Lord Thomas is inside."

"it is good."

Bachelor Dawn suppressed his inner anxiety and stepped into the church.

"...Wonderful grace, how sweet, my sins have been forgiven;

Such grace makes me awe and comforts my heart;

Joy and praise, before the Father, lead me home..."

The choir is singing hymns, and the melodious singing has a soothing power, and it seems to cover up the violent storm outside for a while.

Obviously, the architectural structure of the main hall of the church has undergone a special design, and the sound of singing echoes and brews in it, as if from the heavens.

Bachelor Dawn squinted his eyes and searched in the crowd, but he didn't see Thomas Knight.

"Good evening, Bachelor Dawn."

As soon as Dawn turned his head, he saw the bishop emeritus standing behind him with a smile on his face, watching him peacefully.

"Good evening, bishop emeritus."

"Bachelor, are you here to pray?"

Bachelor Dawn smiled and nodded: "Yes, I feel restless at night and can't sleep, so I came here to bathe in the glory of the Lord, hoping to get a moment of peace."

The bishop emeritus said warmly: "May the Lord's eyes follow you and soothe your restless heart."

Seeing the bishop emeritus preparing to leave, Bachelor Dawn hurriedly asked, "By the way, I saw Knight's guard at the door when I came in. Is he here now?"

The bishop emeritus nodded: "Yes. Thomas Knight is confessing in the confession room. Are you looking for something to do with him?"

"Oh, no. Just ask casually."

"Okay, if you have any more needs, please feel free to come to me."

"it is good."

Seeing the back of the retired bishop leaving, Bachelor Dawn put the smile on his face and sat down on the wooden chair in the back row.

The soothing hymns are still echoing in the temple, but the anxiety in Daun's heart has become more intense.

Colin lay on the bed tossing about and couldn't sleep.

All sorts of complicated and chaotic thoughts continue to emerge.

For a while, I was worried about Vera’s safety outside the city, and for a while, I missed Queen Aisha, who had not been seen for a long time, and for a while, I recalled the smoky but holy and pious female priest at the banquet that just ended, even that A mature and beautiful queen Midella somehow got into Colin's mind...

Bah, beasts!

Colin scolded himself, and then began to compare which beauty had the longest legs...

I don't know how long it took, and the sound of rain outside the window suddenly became much quieter.

Colin, who couldn't sleep, got up and went out.

It was pitch black outside, and only a few guard posts in the castle were shining with sporadic fires.

The most violent torrential rain seemed to have passed, and only a pattering ending was left at this moment.

Along the dim promenade, Colin walked at will.

I couldn't help but start to worry about Bachelor Dawn, and I don't know if he can persuade Thomas Knight.

Although the Marquis of Garcia was once a war **** in the North, he is now a captive of the East. Will Thomas Knight still respect and worship him as he did before?

Thinking of the Marquis of Garcia, Colin suddenly realized that the date he had agreed with the East Territory to exchange prisoners was approaching.

At that time, the time for the change of prisoners was postponed because the rebellion in the north made him unable to get out.

I thought that three months was enough to stabilize the situation in the north, but now it seems that he still underestimated the complexity of the situation.

According to this situation, I am afraid that the time for the change of prisoners will be postponed again.

It is estimated that the Duke of the East would like to let the Marquis of Garcia return to the North a little later. After all, one more day of chaos here will make them gloat for another day.

While thinking about it, Colin suddenly smelled a familiar fragrance.

It is like a rose after a summer rain, mixed with the grass and trees in the forest in the morning, and then the smell is refreshing after being gently crushed.

Turning a corner, Colin saw the owner of the fragrance—

Archbishop Adjani.

"Good evening, Your Excellency the Archbishop!" Colin leaned slightly and made a gentleman's salute.

"Good evening, Viscount Anglia!" Adjani was still wearing the white priest's robe, her big talking eyes staring directly at Colin.

Colin's mouth was dry by the opponent's scrutiny and seductive look, and he had to deliberately find a topic: "Aren't you going to church tonight?"

"I was delayed by the torrential rain, and now I am about to go back." Adjani said in a cold tone, raised a book in her hand, and added, "Just now I was idle and I explained a passage to Master Joyce. Scripture."

For some reason, Colin suddenly became a little jealous of that little kid.

Adjani didn't seem to be in a hurry to leave, but stood there and asked: "What about you, Viscount? Why are you still not sleeping at this late hour?"

Colin said casually: "The thunder just now was too loud to sleep."

Ajani smiled brightly and said softly: "You are upset."

After speaking, he made a prayer gesture with his right hand on his chest, and then took a few steps forward, and stretched out his index finger to lightly tap on Colin's forehead.

At this moment, the two were very close, and Ke Lin could already feel Ajani's warm and moist breath lightly hitting his face.

Her red lips seemed to have endless temptation, so Colin almost couldn't help but bite them.

However, when Ajani's index finger touched Colin's forehead, a peaceful and peaceful mood instantly soothed all the restlessness in his heart and body.

In a daze, Ajani in front of her seemed to exude a holy brilliance, giving Colin an urge to worship.

The index finger left Colin's forehead, but Ajani did not move away.

The upper bodies of the two of them almost touched each other, breathing each other, and their eyes waved.

But at this time, Colin didn't have any evil thoughts in his heart, as if it was a blasphemy against the woman in front of him.

"Is it better?" Ajani asked softly, the concern in her eyes was fascinating.

"It's better." Colin smiled and thanked him.

Adjani stretched out her hand to straighten her hair, and suddenly praised: "Viscount Anglia, you are the most potential knight I have ever seen!"

"Really?" Colin raised his eyebrows, not knowing whether the archbishop was complimenting from the heart, or out of politeness, or because of some unspeakable conspiracy.

Ajani nodded solemnly: "I can feel the holy light's preference and closeness to you. Presumably your belief in the Lord of Radiance must be extremely firm and pious!"

What the hell?

A certain unbeliever was speechless for a while.

Thinking that he had even used the name of Lord of Radiance to fool the blood, Colin couldn't help but doubt the effectiveness of the church's methods of identifying heretics.

Of course, on the surface, Colin must have a pious second-degree expression: "Yes, since I was baptized and became a knight, I have sworn to serve the Lord of Glory for life and clean him away from all evil!"

Adjani seemed to be very satisfied with Colin's statement. She leaned forward slightly, pulling the distance between the two closer, and her tone of voice also brought a touch of charm:

"Then, would you like to be closer to the Lord's brilliance?"

Colin's heartbeat speeded up again, and he asked dryly, "How do I get closer?"

"Knights Templar, I can recommend you to join."

"The Templars..." Colin shuddered, blood rushed back to his brain again, reason regained the high ground, and immediately said firmly, "Your kindness is appreciated, but I have not done well to leave everything behind and serve in front of the Lord. Preparation."

The so-called Knights Templar is the strongest armed force in the hands of the church. It is composed entirely of knights, and its combat effectiveness is extremely strong.

However, if you want to join the Knights Templar, you must abandon all the wealth, titles, and territories in the world, and fight for the Glory Lord with all your heart.

Colin obviously wouldn't be stupid enough to do this kind of thing.

Adjani is beautiful, UU reading www., but it will not make him lose his mind.

"That's really a shame." Ajanine's brows frowned slightly, the worry on her face made people feel distressed, "However, the Lord has arrangements for every believer. I always feel that your destination should be Knights Templar."

Your home is the Knights Templar!

Where is your family...

Colin cursed secretly, this Adjani's last words sounded like a threat no matter what.

"Then we will wait patiently for the Lord's arrangement." Colin smiled, took a step back, and opened the distance between the two.

Ajani blinked her eyes and looked at Colin for a while, then suddenly pointed out:

"Don't try to resist the established destiny, it will only keep you away from the glory of the Lord."

After saying this, the beautiful and enchanting archbishop quietly left.

Only a faint scent remained in the air, stroking Colin's heartstrings.

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