The Original Vampire

Chapter 265: Into the city

Click, click, click.

   In the dull sound of gears turning, the gate of Winter City slowly opened.

   A messenger galloped out on a fast horse, rushing towards the Golden Lion Army camp outside the city.

   It didn't take long for the Golden Lion Army to assemble and slowly march towards the open city gate.

   At the same time, everyone in Lion's Roar Castle has also arrived at the gate of the city to greet them.

   Colin and Archbishop Adjani stood side by side in the front row to welcome the team, but Joyce did not appear at all.

   The young Duke and three sons obviously couldn't bear this kind of drastic change from falling from heaven. At this moment, they had already abandoned themselves and hid themselves.

   Of course, no one paid attention to the three duke anymore.

   Unless there is a miracle, otherwise, he is destined to miss the Duke of the North.

   "Viscount Anglia, Miss Vera shouldn't have been baptized yet?" Adjani said suddenly.

   Colin tilted his head slightly, looking at the glamorous archbishop bathed in the morning light, smiled and said: "I remember that, if you are right, there is no express stipulation in the law of lord that only baptized knights can inherit the title, right?"

   "Of course not." Ajani smiled faintly, her perfect profile suddenly burst into a moving brilliance, "I just think, as the future Duke of the North, how can there be no guidance from the Lord of Radiance?"

   Ke Lin turned his head, did not pick up Adjani, but stared at the golden lion army slowly approaching outside the city.

  Vera as a mage, if she accepts the baptism of the church, she will formally declare her conversion to the Glory Lord.

   This will definitely stimulate the Yevil Mages Council.

   But if Vera does not accept the baptism, it will also cause a lot of trouble for her to rule the north.

   Of course, the common mage and the Duke of the North, this choice is actually not difficult.

   Colin had also prepared for Vera to publicly convert to the Lord of Radiance after he succeeded. Even if the Mages Council had any opinions, they would not dare to do anything to an imperial duke.

Except for Mr.   觋, this lunatic...

   But according to Master Cusius, after the last time Mr. Wang released the "eye of trial" to kill the Duke of St. Hild, he was also extremely injured, and it is estimated that he would not be able to set off too much storm in a short period of time.

   Moreover, even if he wanted to release the forbidden curse of "Judgement Eye" again, it would be difficult to find a city to sacrifice as easily as the first time.

   However, Colin was not prepared to agree to Archbishop Adjani so easily.

   Things that are too easy to get will never be cherished.

   What's more, he is still planning to use this as a bargaining chip to squeeze some benefits from the church.

   Soon, Vera's figure clearly appeared in front of everyone.

   She is riding a white horse, wearing a solemn black dress, her face is also covered with a black silk scarf, her face is sorrowful, and her eyebrows droop.

   Behind her, on a carriage was placed the coffin of the Duke of St. Hild, guarding eight northern knights around it.

   Ke Lin and Adjani immediately led the crowd to greet them.

   After some salute greetings, Colin and Vera walked in the forefront side by side, escorting the coffin of the Duke of St. Hild into Winter City.

A large number of people have already gathered on the streets of the city. Although some rumours about the death of the Duke have been circulating in the city before, Roar Castle has never expressed its position and has not seen the Duke’s body. Therefore, the son of Winter City People still have doubts about the authenticity of this news.

   But now, when the hearse slowly entered the Winter City, the news of the Duke's death was confirmed.

  Winter City was suddenly enveloped in sadness and anger.

   The people on both sides of the street knelt to the ground. Some of them wept bitterly, some prayed silently, and some had red eyes and resentment...

   I have to say that in the hearts of these low-level civilians, the weight of the Duke of St. Hilde is still very heavy.

   Ruling the northern territory for more than 30 years, he personally beheaded a troll emperor, and he himself was a powerful paladin...

Such people, even if they have suffered some criticism in the last two years due to the troll invasion and famine rebellion, in the hearts of the people in the North, especially the residents of Winter City, the Duke of St. Hild is still peaceful and peaceful in the North. Guarantee of stability.

   But now, this pin-like figure of Dinghai has fallen.

   Panic and dazed emotions enveloped the people of Winter City, so that they could only use crying to vent their anxiety.

   In the cry of thousands of people, the hearse slowly drove into the Lion's Roar Fort.

   The body of the Duke was temporarily settled in the backyard of the castle, waiting to be buried another day.

   Then, everyone returned to the chamber.

   The corpses here have been removed, and the blood on the ground has been cleaned up, but the air is still filled with a faint smell of blood, reminding everyone that there was a fierce and cruel political struggle here.

   Now the loser is gone, the winner, um, the winner is still a little ignorant.

   Just listen to Vera whispering to Colin: "Why didn't you see Joyce?"

   Colin shook his head slightly: "Maybe you are a little uncomfortable. Go back and rest."

  Vera seemed to understand something, and then stopped worrying about her brother. Instead, she turned and stood on the high platform in the hall, glanced around, and asked loudly:

   "According to the news sent back by the Sentinel, the Maynum family has joined forces with the Dawson family and is coming towards Winter City. It is estimated that they will arrive in three days. What are your thoughts on this?"

   Facing the questions of the future Duke of the North, everyone turned their eyes to Colin almost at the same time.

   Obviously everyone understands who will call the shots in the Northern Territory in the future.

   Colin also said unwillingly at this time: "I think we should defend the city first, and wait for the rebels to attack for a long time and their morale will fall, then look for opportunities to take the initiative to attack."

After hearing this, Adjani frowned and asked aloud: "Viscount Anglia, didn't you still think that you should take the initiative to go out of the city and fight the rebels to the death? Why are you now formulating such a conservative strategy? This is really not in line with you. The heroic image of such a northern knight."

   Colin curled his lips slightly, wondering to himself whether the archbishop really didn't understand military affairs, or had no plans.

"Your Excellency, I am not shy. I think that the soldiers in the north should not be allowed to make unnecessary sacrifices. Since we have a strong city like Winter City as a barrier, why should we give up our advantages and go with the rebellion? What about the military?"

   Ajani glanced over the silent Viscount Varla, and spoke again:

"Viscount Angley, I am not suspicious of your strategy, but I feel that the dwarven rebels humiliated us so much, and even sent an assassin to brutally kill Earl Uman. Such hatred, if we shrink in the city, will it cause part of it? The dissatisfaction of the soldiers."

   Before Colin could respond, Viscount Valla took the initiative to speak:

   "Don't worry, Archbishop, although the soldiers of the Uman family can't wait to avenge my father right away, we will definitely follow Miss Vera's orders!"

   Ajani suddenly looked surprised. She really didn't understand why this Earl Uman's son would cooperate with Colin so much, and he was indifferent to such excitement.

   But after this trial, Ajani knew that she could no longer do anything.

  Vera and Colin have completely controlled Wintertime City, and it is difficult for others to influence their decision.

   Although the city defense forces are still in the hands of the Louis Knights, the situation can no longer be changed with that little force.

   Even, this knight who has not always been a firm stand may have decided to take refuge in Vera completely.

   Thinking of this, Ajani stopped talking.

   Colin glanced around and saw that no one had any more objections, he couldn't help but feel complacent in his heart, and then he opened his mouth again and said loudly:

   "Please rest assured, I have already written a letter and mailed it back to Ice Rock City, ordering the Shire Knights to lead the main black cavalry to the south, and it is estimated that I will arrive in Winter City in a few days.

  And Duke Medewin of the Half-Elven Kingdom will also lead the Silvermoon Guards and then go south to attack the dwarven rebels together.

   After they arrive, it is the best time for us to take the initiative to quell the northern rebellion! "

   Colin's words finally made the eyes of everyone in the chamber light up.

   They realized that the Anglia family actually still has a new force in Ice Rock City.

   At this time, no one raised any objections to Colin's strategy.

   Moreover, their confidence in pacifying the northern rebels has become more abundant than ever.

  Vera exchanged glances with Colin, and then proudly announced:

   "Everyone, the peace and stability of the northern border of the empire needs your protection.

   I swear in the name of the holy ancestor of the Saint-Hilde family, I will advance and retreat with you, and share adversity!

  The wind and rain will eventually pass, and the evil will surely be defeated!

  May the Lord of Radiance grant us courage and witness our dedication! "

   The girl's crisp and powerful voice echoed in the chamber, as if there was already a hint of the master of the north.

   Ke Lin immediately knelt on one knee, and said loudly, "For the North!"

   Immediately, the knights in the hall also knelt down and saluted.

   Archbishop Ajani's eyes flickered, and finally she bent down her straight waist and saluted Vera.

   "For the North!"

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