The Original Vampire

Chapter 269: Final Judgment (Part 2)

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Looking at the rubble, the Marquis Maynum's face twitched slightly.

He suddenly understood that the original statement of "smashing into scum" was not an exaggerated rhetoric...

"Cough cough, take Mr. Huo's corpse... the corpse will be collected and buried at a later date."


Afterwards, the Marquis of Maynum turned to look at the Marquis of Dawson, and asked seriously: "What do you do next? What do you think?"

The Marquis Dawson shrugged, and said helplessly: "Mr. Coquettish is dead, there is definitely no need to attack Winter City."

Indeed, they originally attacked Winter City, hoping to push Mr. Hoot to the position of Duke of the North, so as to help their dwarves establish a nation in the North.

But now, Mr. Xiang has been smashed into dregs, and he's a fart.

Even if they take down Winter City, do their dwarves dare to occupy the position of the Lord of the North?

The Marquis of Maynum also sighed, with a sad expression on his face, and asked, "The matter of establishing the country?"

"It's not impossible to talk to the St. Hild family about the establishment of the country." Marquis Dawson said solemnly, but his words were obviously lacking in confidence.

"San Hilde...will you agree?" The Marquis of Maynum grabbed his beard and looked rather anxious.

"Always try." The Marquis Dawson didn't have much confidence, "By the way, weren't you discussing the replacement of territories with some northern lords before? How many families agreed?"

"Except for the Anglia family, they basically agreed. After all, the situation in the north was eroding day by day, and these families were eager to escape this whirlpool."

"Then it will be much easier." The Marquis Dawson's expression reinvigorated, "You can continue to implement the agreement to replace the territory. As for the Angley family, if they don't agree, they don't have to force it. You can find other families nearby. In short , Your Menham family will move to the north as a whole first.

Then, we unite again and force the Saint Hild family to agree to the dwarf nationhood on the condition of peace talks.

If it doesn't work, we can still ask Reinhardt the Great for help. Didn't Your Majesty give you a promise? "

The Marquis of Maynum pondered for a long time, and finally made up his mind: "Okay, then first test the attitude of the St. Hild family."

As he said, he stretched out his hand to call a young dwarf next to him: "Anka, you go to Winter City and see what's going on there now."

"Yes, father."



The sky above Fengdie Fort was suddenly surging, and then a huge blue eye suddenly appeared in the clouds.

Huo Ran opened.

Time seemed to stagnate for a second, and then returned to normal again.

The people in Fengdie Fort looked up blankly, but could not see any abnormalities, as if the palpable coercion that had passed by just now was just an illusion.

"Father! That was just..."

Earl Morrison ran into the room sweating profusely, his words full of panic that could not be concealed.

Knight Franco was sitting in a wheelchair at this time, silently looking at the tulip flowers outside the window, startled in a daze.

Seeing Franco didn't respond, Earl Morrison whispered again: "Father?"

After a long time, Franco said, "Don't ask too much about things you can't understand, let alone master."

Earl Morrison had to nod his head and suppress the doubts in his heart.

Franco stopped speaking, looking deep in the direction of the bell tower in the distance.

At the top of the clock tower, the old big clock that has experienced hundreds of years of wind and rain stopped turning at any time.


In the cave below the bell tower.

A figure wearing a red mage's robe was standing by the blood pool.

His body is quite large, but he has a severe hunchback, his hands and feet are also different from ordinary people's thick, rough face, high-protruding cheekbones, crooked mouth, eyes one big and one small, looking very ugly.

However, this deformed red-robed mage exudes a palpable terrifying power at this time.

A deep and dreamy whisper, constantly spreading from the mouth of the red robe mage.

The sound seemed to grow louder and louder, shaking the entire underground cave.

Circles of ripples spread out in the center of the blood pool, stirring constantly with the gestures of the red robe mage.

The fine ripples gradually became violent, and finally, there was a wave of blood.

In the spider web above the blood pool, the living people in the "cocoons" seemed to be stimulated, and they suddenly struggled frantically.


A wave of blood surged and submerged the web.

When the blood pool returned to calm again, the "cocoons" were all empty, and the living people inside disappeared completely.

The red robe mage stopped casting the spell and fixedly stared at the center of the blood pool, as if waiting for something to appear from there.

I don't know how long it took, a figure slowly appeared in the blood pool.

When the viscous blood slowly slipped off, I could finally see the face of this figure-

Surprisingly, it is the Duke of St. Hild!

The Duke of St. Hilde, who had been petrified, had recovered from his petrified state.

Then he opened his eyes.

For a time, thunder seemed to flash across the cave, and like a red sun falling into it, the red robe mage seemed unable to bear the light, and had to close his eyes.

"Hahaha! Success, we succeeded! Hahaha..."

The red robe mage laughed, very excited, even a little mad.

He screamed incomprehensibly, waving his hands and feet wildly, venting the joy in his heart.

After a while, the light dissipated.

The red-robed mage also gradually recovered from the madness. He opened his eyes again, and showed an ugly smile at the "Duke of St. Hilde" who was resurrected in front of him:

"Mr. Hoodoo, we succeeded!"

"The Duke of St. Hild" also smiled and said, "Horus, we succeeded."

His smile is a little weird, it seems that he can't control the muscles on his face perfectly, and his speech is not very clear.

However, this scene makes people feel creepy.

Mr. Hooter, who was supposed to be killed by Prince Leahy, came back to life through the corpse of the Duke of St. Hild!

"How does the paladin's body feel?" The red-robed mage Horus asked eagerly, looking at the body of Saint Hild, his eyes were full of envy.

The Duke of Saint-Hilde, oh no, it should be Mr. Cougar who stretched out this body, face up to the sky, took a deep breath, closed his eyes with enjoyment, and said with a pleasant expression:

"It deserves to be the most powerful individual in the human race-the paladin, I can feel the explosive power in my body!

Moreover, this is the feeling of breaking free of the shackles! "

Then, Mr. Xiang raised his right hand, a red light flashed in his eyes, and without seeing him chanting any spells, a cloud of purple fire rose in his hand.

Zi Huo kept jumping, the boundless coercion filled the underground caves, and even the blood pool became turbulent again.

"Hey! Be careful, don't ruin this place!" Horus exclaimed.

Immediately, he pointed to Mr. Huo's body again, and reminded: "Don't break the body of the Paladin that was so difficult to get."

Only then did Mr. Ho withdraw the spell and looked down.

I saw a series of small cracks in his new body, and golden blood constantly seeped out of it, which looked quite terrifying.

But the most terrifying thing is the scary knife mark on the chest of Duke Saint Hild that almost divides him in two.

Mr. Ho knew that this was the wound left by Prince Otto, a paladin of the troll empire, to the Duke of St. Hild.

After all this tossing, the injury became more serious, as if it was about to burst completely in the next moment.

Mr. Xiang smiled indifferently, and did not panic too much: "It seems that the first thing we need to do is to repair this body."

Horus rubbed his chin and frowned, "This is really troublesome, it requires a lot of precious materials, and it will probably take another two or three years."

Mr. Xiang was not in a hurry, and said with a smile: "Then take your time."

"Take it slow?" Horus said in surprise, "After two or three years, the Northern Territory doesn't know what it will be like. Your Saint Theon family has been planning for so long, so you just gave up?"

Mr. Coquettish smiled and shook his head: "When I sacrificed the entire Fallen Eagle City, I was destined to miss the Duke of the North.

It is impossible for the people of the North to accept a demon, a lunatic, to become their ruler. "

Horus seemed to understand something, and said: "It turns out that this plan of resurrection from the corpse is not your last escape at all, but the real goal you planned from the beginning!"

Mr. Xiang nodded: "Yes. From the very beginning, I did not expect to use this method to conquer the North. The Saint Theon family has been in exile for more than 300 years, without its own direct army and vassal knights, it is not stable. The seat of the lord of the realm.

Therefore, my real purpose has always been this paladin body!

Only by occupying this body can I break through the restrictions of the sanctuary! "

Horus's face changed slightly, and he said solemnly: "Are you not afraid that the forbidden curse that you have researched will go wrong? I admit that the'eye of judgment' and the'final judgment' are indeed geniuses. Idea!

But, after all, they are new forbidden spells that have just been researched. If something goes wrong, wouldn't you just..."

But Mr. Xiang had a calm face, and said quietly: "If I don't dare to take this little risk, what else can I use to resist the false god?"

Horus was silent.

Upon seeing this, Mr. opened again and said: "Are you scared?"

Horus raised his eyebrows and laughed loudly: "What am I afraid of? You dare to try this kind of life-threatening forbidden spell yourself, and of course I won't back down!"

"Okay!" Mr. Wang nodded in satisfaction, his eyes deep, "The shackles that have been entangled on our mage for thousands of years, it's time to smash it completely!"

There was a red glow on Horus' ugly face, and when he was about to scream for this exciting and grand goal, he saw Mr. Hood suddenly take out a spherical object and threw it over, saying:

"You go to the Royal Dragon City and give this to Emperor Reinhardt."

"What's this?" Horus looked at the eyeball in his hand and asked with a puzzled look.

"This is a gift I gave to my allies." Mr. Xiang smiled deeply.

"It's also the first step in our rebellion plan!"

(End of Volume Three)

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