The Original Vampire

Chapter 293: visit

The residence of the Archon of Sebastian is located in the northern part of the Royal Dragon City, covering an area of ​​more than 300 acres. It can be regarded as a top-notch mansion in the imperial capital and noble area.

This mansion is built facing the street and has three floors. It is 15 meters high. It is dominated by solid granite and the outer wall is made of precious white glazed rock. From a distance, it looks like a jade castle.

But such a gorgeous building is only the facade of the governing official’s residence. There are beautiful courtyards and row upon row of buildings behind it. This is the main building area, and only distinguished guests are eligible to be invited in.

When Colin helped Vera step out of the carriage, there were already a dozen attendants waiting at the door.

"Miss Vera, Viscount Anglia, welcome home!" A well-dressed old butler bowed and saluted, and the rest of the attendants also bowed to Vera.

Colin looked at the face of the old housekeeper, but he always felt a little familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere before. Moreover, he found that although the other party had a good attitude, the smile on his face was a bit professional and lacking sincerity.

"It's been a long time, Demok housekeeper." Vera smiled at the old housekeeper and nodded. Colin also put away the doubts in her heart and nodded in greeting.

"You two, please come in, the master is waiting for you in the living room."

Demok's butler then led Vera and Colin to the inner court.

When the other party turned around, Vera leaned into Colin's ear and explained in a low voice: "Demok is Delinden's brother."

Colin just came across.

Isn't Derlinden the former steward of the St. Hild family, and he was also decapitated by Colin himself.

Now he finally understood why the Demok butler looked familiar, and it was no wonder that the other party's smile was a little perfunctory.

Hehe, Colin suddenly felt that this visit might not go too smoothly.

Entering the door, there is a large green area. Colin didn't know what kind of grass was planted here, but stepping on it was soft and comfortable, like a natural carpet, and it exuded a fresh breath, which made people feel refreshed.

Just as Colin and others approached the main fort, the crisp sound of horseshoes suddenly sounded from behind, followed by a slightly frivolous voice:

"Cousin Vera! Welcome to Dragon City!"

When Colin turned his head, he saw a dozen people approaching them on horseback. The headed man was about 20 years old, with a thin face, narrow eyes and a slightly frivolous smile on his mouth. It was exactly what he said just now. .

"Cousin Webber, long time no see!" Vera greeted with a smile and turned her head back.

Then he told Colin in a low voice that the Webb knight was the grandson of the Archon of Sebastian.

Webber came to Vera, but did not dismount, but immediately leaned slightly to salute, then glanced at Colin, and said:

"This is the cousin, Viscount Anglia, right?"

The attitude of the other party made Colin unhappy for a while.

As a collateral child of the Saint-Hilde family, when he met his direct daughter, he didn't get off his horse to salute?

Not to mention, Vera is about to inherit the throne of the Duke of the North, and Webber's attitude is too slow.

"Hello, Knight Webb." Colin smiled faintly and nodded at the opponent casually.

He has a serious imperial title, even if Webber's grandfather is the consul of the Senate, he is not qualified to make him salute.

"Viscount Anglia, I heard about your name in Royal Dragon City!" Weber looked at Colin lonely, yin and yang said strangely, "Silver Moon City annihilated the main force of the Pegasus Legion, the sky ice field killed the troll emperor, Defeating the dwarven coalition outside the city of Winter... is really admirable!"

Colin said indifferently and modestly: "You have passed the award. These are all achievements made by the soldiers of the Northern Territory who fought bravely, and cannot be entirely attributed to me."

"You are too modest! Even my grandfather praised you as the well-deserved'Guardian of the North'! And let me learn more from you." Weber said, "But I want to know whether you are qualified or not." , Become my teacher!"

Colin wanted to say that he was not interested in being your teacher at all. He just wanted to dismiss this guy who was extremely hostile to him at will. When he saw that Weber had turned himself off, he invited:

"Come on, Viscount Angele, let me see your true strength!"

"Webber, don't be fooling around." Vera's face sank, and her cousin's favorability instantly cleared.

There was a flash of anger on Webber's face. Vera's reprimanding with such an elder's tone made him very uncomfortable, but he did not dare to target Vera, so he continued to stimulate Colin:

"Viscount Angley, you are not afraid? How about it, we don't need weapons, we will have a fight."

"Okay." Colin was full of anger, determined to teach this ignorant boy a lesson.

As for whether he would offend the Sebastian Archon or not, he is no longer willing to take care of it. Moreover, he now increasingly feels that this Sebas may be impossible for Vera to win.

Seeing Colin respond to the challenge, Webber immediately opened his eyes and smiled, stretched his body, and assumed a fighting posture, as if he was afraid that Colin would regret it.

Webber, who had become a Tier 4 knight before the age of thirty, was a genius at the top of the ranks even in the Royal Dragon City where there were many masters.

For a long time, in the hands of the same generation of knights, Webber rarely failed, which is why he challenged Colin with confidence.

"Viscount Angley, you are careful!"

In an instant, the knight Weber roared, his whole body pulsed with holy light, his toes slammed on the ground, and the power of terror surging through his body like an explosion, waves rushing to his right fist.

All his strength, all his beliefs, all all his enthusiasm, seemed to have gathered in this punch.

Full of jealousy, resentment, hostility and other unspeakable malice, Weber's punch actually got some kind of sudden sublimation.

He even felt that this was his extraordinary punch.

With this punch, Weber seemed to have seen Colin screaming and falling to the ground.

Guardian of the North?

The gravedigger of the troll emperor?

A dazzling star rising from the north?

Isn't it about crying and begging for mercy under my hands!

Hahaha, I am the best rider of the younger generation in the Northern Territory...


Suddenly, Weber felt a sharp pain in his body.

His fanatical attention was quickly pulled back to reality, and the beautiful pictures in his imagination shattered like mirrors.

"This... what's going on?"

Webber opened his eyes wide and looked before him blankly.

His fist was only the last few inches from Colin's head, but even such a small distance seemed like a chasm like the corners of the world, which could never be crossed.

At the same time, Webber's chest was experiencing severe pain.

He slowly lowered his head and saw Colin's right index finger lightly tapping on his chest.



The huge explosive power instantly exploded from Webber's chest, leading him to fly far behind.

Weber felt like his body was hit by a violent rhino head-on, his limbs were weak, his mind was dizzy, and he tried to struggle to stand up, but he tried several times to no avail.

"Master Weber!"

A middle-aged knight immediately turned over and dismounted, trying to help Webber up.

"Do not touch me!"

Webber roared wildly, the expression on his face extremely hideous.

one move.

He didn't even catch the opponent's move!

Anger and shame flooded into Webber's brain, making him almost crazy.

"Norman! Go!" Webber ordered the middle-aged knight who was trying to support The Norman knight hesitated and persuaded: "Master, this is not a proper way of hospitality. ."

"I'll let you go!" Weber seemed to be in madness. "Don't you always admire Viscount Angley? How can you not be sure of such a good hand-off meeting now! Go!"

The Norman knight had no choice but to turn around and stand in front of Colin. He gave a knightly ceremony first, and then said:

"Sorry, Viscount Anglia, please allow me to see your martial arts!"

Colin smiled faintly and replied:


Just as the two men continued to rise in their aura and were preparing for a showdown, suddenly there was an old and strong voice:



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