The Original Vampire

Chapter 323: Dongquan Town

Winterspring Castle is the central castle of the Baronial Grantou. It stands on the banks of Winterspring, the southernmost point of Winterspring Town. It has a history of more than one hundred years.

The castle is entirely built of limestone. The thick and solid wall is 25 meters high. The wall is smooth and there is no gap in sight. The moat on the periphery of the wall is connected to the Dongquan River. The water is sparkling and occasionally there are fish. The shrimp jumped out.

The huge iron-clad oak suspension bridge spans a ten-meter-wide river. Several strong soldiers are guarded by the winch. Once the guards on the watchtower sound an alarm, they can pull the suspension bridge up at any time.

In fact, the Granto family was once brilliant. It is said that more than five hundred years ago, they were one of the most prominent earl families of the Feiyan collar. At that time, the town of Winterspring was not the slightly desolate town it is now. It is Winterspring City where more than 300,000 people live.

Unfortunately, when the army of the Orc Second Empire invaded the Scarlet Flame Collar, Winterspring was unfortunately blocked from their marching route.

Then, the city was in ruins.

The Granto family also lost the title. It was not until more than a hundred years ago that the descendants of this family finally rose again and regained the title. Although it was only a baron, it was also a beginning.

Both Winter Spring Town and Winter Spring Fort have been rebuilt, but the former prosperity is no longer there.

Therefore, when the luxury convoy of the St. Hild family slowly entered Winter Spring, the residents here looked at the team with curious and respectful eyes.

Baron Grantou had also personally come outside the town, and welcomed the Duke of St. Hild and his party into the castle.

Although it was once brilliant, this glory has long been wiped out in the long river of years. Today's Granto family is no different from ordinary country nobles.

When Bachelor Sonny, the younger brother of Baron Granto, took office as Minister of Agriculture of the Empire, the Baron thought that the chance of family rejuvenation had finally come, but unfortunately, his brother was soon suppressed and suppressed by all parties because of an agricultural reform plan. Objected, and eventually even lost his position.

After this blow, Baron Grantou became more pragmatic and low-key. This time the Duke of St. Hild made a sudden visit. Although he was full of doubts, he presented the warmest welcome ceremony.

He deliberately ordered people to clean the moss on the walls, thoroughly clean the interior of the castle, and spread the newly purchased red carpet, and also called in guards to serve as a guard of honor, so that the Duke of St. Hild must feel the sincerity of the Granto family.

It’s a pity that the Granto family is only a baron after all. Although the study of Winterspring is spacious, the low roof gives people a depressive feeling. The narrow windows can only let in a little sunlight. The room is brightly illuminated.

Only the heavy mahogany long table exudes the taste of the years, which can slightly reflect some of the heritage of the Granto family.

Baron Grantou sat on the sofa, his expression somewhat restrained.

Although Colin and Vera had an elegant manner and a modest attitude, the noble temperament exuding all over made Baron Granto a little embarrassed.

What's more, there were Prince Harrison and Princess Judy on the sidelines. Although they didn't speak much, they were heirs to the empire after all, and they also put a lot of pressure on Baron Grantou.

"Master Duke, Master Viscount, please taste fungus tea. This is a specialty of our Gran Tuling."

The silver cup on the long table was steaming, and the tea inside smelled like broth. It didn't feel too greasy when you drank it in your mouth, but it was fresh and delicious.

"Very unique taste." Vera praised politely.

Baron Grantou's spirit was shocked, and he quickly explained as if he was showing off: "My lord, you like it! This kind of fungus tea is made with red fungus collected from the gloomy forest with spring water from the upper reaches of the Winter Spring. It’s a pity that it’s not convenient to save, otherwise I will give you some."

"Can the red fungus be preserved after being dried?" Colin asked with a smile.

Baron Grantou shook his head and said: "My lord, it's not enough to have red fungus. It must be made with spring water from the upper reaches of the Winter Spring River in order to have this unique and delicious way."

Colin laughed secretly that the Baron Grantou really had no business acumen and was too sincere. No wonder the life was so tight and the family couldn't reproduce the glory of the year.

However, he was not interested in pointing the other person, and instead stated the purpose of the trip:

"My Lord Baron, we came to Winter Spring this time mainly to visit the Sonny Bachelor. You must also know that there is currently a famine in the northern border. We would like to invite Your Excellency Sonny to the northern border to implement agricultural reforms in order to alleviate the food crisis.

Therefore, I hope you can understand and give support. "

Hearing Colin bluntly said that he had come to visit Winterspring, where his younger brother had come, Baron Grantou's heart was inevitably disappointed, but he soon adjusted to a good mood.

He also knows himself well, knowing that he is a little baron, it is impossible for him to be qualified to let the Duke of the North come to visit.

Baron Grantou is indeed an honest man. He has never been jealous of his brother. Instead, he is really happy for him and feels that he finally has the opportunity to play what he has learned.

"Of course! It is an honor for Sonny to be favored by the Saint Hild family. As long as he has no opinion, then I will definitely not stop him."

Bachelor Sonny looked at his elder brother, and suddenly said, "My lord, can I take the liberty to make a request?"

Vera smiled and nodded: "Please tell me."

"That's right. I will take a group of apprentices to the north to serve as assistants, but after all, these people are citizens of Grantolling. Their departure will definitely cause a shortage of labor here. Therefore, I hope you can Give a group of slaves to the Granto family as compensation."

"It should be!" Vera nodded immediately, and then looked at Colin.

Colin also nodded, this request was not excessive, and then asked: "How many slaves do you need?"

Bachelor Sonny thought about it and said, "I will take about a hundred apprentices to the north this time, so you can exchange it with the same number of slaves."

Colin shook his head and said, "No, I traded three times as many slaves for the Granto family."

Since the gift was given, it was simply delivered, and the Granto family currently left Colin with a very good impression, and he was willing to make friends with such a family.

"Thank you for your generosity!" Bachelor Sonny saluted solemnly.

Baron Grantou was also quite excited. Although the three hundred slaves were not a great gift to a baron, the friendly gesture Colin showed was what he really valued.

If you can cross the bridge of Bachelor of Sonny and catch the Saint Hild family...Baron Grantou feels that his family still has hope of rejuvenation.

"Your Excellency, can you borrow your study to write me a letter? I will let Bingyan City send slaves to Winter Spring as soon as possible."


Baron Grantou led Colin to the desk and graciously helped him unroll a roll of parchment.

But Colin stared at the strange stack of papers in the corner of the desk, and said nothing for a long time.

Baron Grantou also noticed this, and explained with a smile: "My Lord Viscount, that is a little thing my servant has done without trouble. It is also very convenient for writing, but it is not suitable for your nobleness. identity."

However, Colin didn't think it was a "gadget".

He knew that the most commonly used by nobles in this world was parchment. As for ordinary people, they certainly couldn't afford expensive parchment. UU reading instead used a kind of papyrus.

Colin has also seen this kind of papyrus. Its rough texture and inconvenient writing are completely incomparable with the paper he used in his previous life.

It's a pity that he doesn't remember how to make paper, otherwise he can make a fortune with this skill.

However, at this moment, in the study of Baron Grantou, Colin actually saw something similar to paper!

Although this kind of "paper" is still slightly yellowed and the surface is not smooth enough, it is very close to the paper of Colin's previous life.

He immediately put aside the parchment in front of him, picked up a piece of yellowed "paper" with interest, and wrote on it.

When Baron Grantou saw this, although he was puzzled, he didn't say much.

After writing the letter, Colin nodded in satisfaction, and then said to Baron Grantou: "Can I meet the craftsman who made this paper for you?"


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