The Original Vampire

Chapter 337: test

Latest URL: "What about the other person? Where did you find him? Who was the accomplice who rescued him?"

As soon as he entered the door, Lucian asked Earl Schultz.

Earl Schultz did not answer her husband's question, but handed over a roll of parchment.

Lucien took it, confused, and just after a glance, his face changed drastically, and he asked:

"what do you mean?"

Shi Shiran, Earl of Schultz, turned around, took a sip of the coffee on the table, and said indifferently: "It's what it means in writing, I want to divorce you."

Lucien squeezed the divorce book in her hand, her eyes flashed with tyrannical light, and her tone became chilling:


Earl Schultz avoided Lucian's cannibal gaze, and said lightly: "Because I can't tolerate you continuing to make mistakes like this, and the glory of the Schultz family cannot be dusted off by you!"

Lucien sneered coldly, and mocked: "This is my fault? It was obviously a decision made by both of us at the beginning. Now you want to get away like this, isn't it too whimsical!"

Earl Schultz slowly shook his head and said, "No, Lucien, it was you who forced me to make the decision. It was you who were bewitched and allowed Bishop John to be kidnapped and murdered, or you interrupted it yourself. The limbs of Viscount Angele wanted to imprison him in the basement.

You should bear all these charges! "

Lucian burst into laughter suddenly, as if he had heard a big joke, and stopped for a while, then he slowly approached Earl Schultz step by step, and said in his mouth:

"Do you want to put all these charges on my head? Hehe, do you really think I will let you plant it?"

After saying this, Lucien had come to Count Schultz, stretched out her hand to pinch her smooth chin, stared at her eyes, and asked: "What happened in the past few days when I left? Say!"

Count Schultz looked at Lucien, who was on the edge of the outbreak, without fear, his tone was still indifferent: "Lucien, think about our husband and wife, I will leave you a way to survive.

After signing this divorce letter, let's run away. "

"Escape?" Lucian sneered again. "If I just leave here, wouldn't it be true that you planted me on the crime? When that happens, I will really murder Bishop John and imprison Viscount Anglia. The real murderer!"

Seeing that the other party had seen through his plot, Count Schultz's eyes flashed a panic, but he calmed down and said confidently:

"Then what can you do? Kill me? That will only make you fall into the abyss of immortality!"

Lucien's hand slowly applied force, squeezing Earl Schultz's delicate chin, and the killing intent in his eyes was unconcealed, threatening:

"Do you want to ruin me? Will I be caught with nothing?"

Earl Schultz showed pain on his face, but his eyes were still firm, and he sneered: "Lucien, even if you are a Tier VI fighter, you are still no more than a civilian. Even if you argue, who will believe you?

As the Earl of the Empire, I have witnessed by Viscount Anglia and the Archbishop of the North. Who do you think will be sentenced to those charges?

So, your only way out now is to get out of Swan City and never return to the North! "

Lucian looked at this woman who had been with her for more than 20 years, and she couldn't accept that she had betrayed herself so easily.

His eyes are getting more and more dangerous, his breathing is getting heavier and heavier, and the strength in his hands is getting stronger and stronger, as if he will completely crush the skull of Count Schultz in the next second.

But in the face of such a real death threat, Earl Schultz did not flinch, staring straight at his husband, as if looking at a dead person.

The two faced each other for a long time, and finally Lucien flinched.

Just listen to him: "Tell me, what happened?"

Earl Schultz's eyes were blurred, and he said piously: "I saw the Lord of Radiance and was inspired by him. Only then did I make up my mind to make a thorough cut from the sins of the past!"

"Shit!" Lucian said angrily, obviously unable to believe this kind of nonsense, "You have to think clearly, I am your biggest support!

Drive me away, you can only let Colin hold it, no matter what he promised you before, what do you use to ensure that he won't break his promise?

Think about the Uman family and the Dawson family. Yes, although these two families seem to have not been punished, and the titles are still there, what about the previous Earl of Uman and the Marquis of Dawson?

Don't you know what will happen to them?

Don't be fooled by that kid Colin, he is not a kind and benevolent savior, but a cruel careerist! "

However, these words did not make Count Schultz wake up, she still looked at her husband with cold eyes, and said lightly:

"After signing the divorce letter, I will let you go, so you can take it with you, Thorin."

Hearing his son's name, Lucien's heart again filled with uncontrollable anger, and said fiercely: "Where is the Colin? Does he dare not come out to see me?"

"Who said I dare not see you."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Colin sitting in a wheelchair and being pushed into the room by Archbishop Adjani.

When the enemy met, Lucien's eyes instantly turned blood red.

Facing this tiger who seemed to be choosing someone to eat, Colin didn't seem to feel threatened at all, and even added fuel to the fire:

"Your Excellency Lucien, I advise you to catch it with your hands and stop making unnecessary resistance."

Lucian let go of Earl Schultz, facing Colin with a bloodthirsty smile, and said: "Do you really think I dare not kill you?"

"Then what are you waiting for?" Colin still looked confident, "I warned you when I was in the basement. It's best to kill me, otherwise, I will definitely make you better off dead!"

Archbishop Adjani frowned tightly after hearing Colin's words. She seemed to be afraid that Lucien would really lose her mind, so she quickly persuaded him:

"Your Excellency Lucian, violence cannot solve any problems. You kill Viscount Anglia, and you will only turn yourself into a public enemy of the North, a public enemy of the nobility. Even if you successfully escape by force, you can only hide in a dark corner in the future. Li lingered.

Your best choice now is to give up resistance and confess your sins. Our Lord is merciful. He is willing to give everyone who sincerely confess their sins a chance to atone for their sins. "

A mocking sneer appeared at the corner of Lucien's mouth, and he was about to speak again, but suddenly his face changed.

Because he heard rapid footsteps outside the door.

Obviously, a large number of guards from the Schultz family have gathered here!

Upon seeing this, Colin spoke again and excitedly said: "Lucien, give up resistance. You are only a Tier VI fighter. Do you really think you own Swan City by marrying an earl?

Look, now you are the enemy of this city!

Don’t you claim that you are superior in force?

Have the ability to kill everyone here..."

"I'll kill you alone!" Lucian roared, and the whole person turned into a flash of lightning, and rushed to Colin in the blink of an eye.

He grabbed Colin's collar with one hand and lifted him from the wheelchair. He was about to laugh at him, but suddenly felt a hint of danger.

A silver light flashed from Colin's hands, and a poisonous snake stuck into Lucien's heart!

It's a pity that Lucien realized what was wrong at the last moment, and forced his body to twist, avoiding his own vitals.


The dagger went all in.

It just didn't hit the heart.

Lucien looked at Colin with horror on his face. He didn't expect that Colin, who had just been crushed by himself three days ago, would recover in such a short time!

Even the healing technique of the Archbishop of the North could not have such an effect.

"Get fooled." Colin smiled triumphantly.

Lucian's eyes flashed sharply, roared wildly, and punched out his right hand!


Colin flew upside down like a rag doll, blood spurting out uncontrollably from his mouth.

At this moment, the guards also rushed in, pointing their swords at the former male master of the castle.

Seeing this, Lucien didn't have time to check whether Colin was dead, and ran towards the window immediately, and then jumped out.

"Quick! Don't let him go!" Earl Schultz ordered loudly.

"He can't run." Colin stood up unsteadily.

His chest was obviously sunken in a large area, but such a terrifying injury seemed to have no effect on him at all, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and Colin jumped down from the window.

The guards followed hula la and gushed out of the room again.

Adjani did not catch up to but looked at Count Schultz with an inquisitive gaze, and smiled after a long while:

"Master Earl, your appearance today amazes me!"

Count Schultz smiled faintly, and said: "What? Archbishop, do you think I don't have the courage to face Lucien?"

"No, I just think that not all women, like you, can decisively sever relationship with their husbands for justice."

"Under the guidance of my lord, I am fearless!"

Adjani looked at the pious Count Schultz, and she couldn't help but wonder-what promise did Colin give to Count Schultz that allowed her to betray Lucien?

Even in the face of death threats, the countess dared to sever ties with Lucien?

What secret is hidden in this?


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