The Original Vampire

Chapter 345: Dinner

This is the end of summer, the weather is getting cooler, and the sun is no longer venomous.

Colin led the blood cavalry all the way north and arrived in Wintery City in only six days.

In the evening, the towering Winter City looked more solemn and solemn under the setting sun.

When Colin arrived under the city wall, he found that Vera was already standing in front of the suspension bridge, welcoming the man who had returned from afar.

She wore a purple lady's long dress, which set off the beautiful body curve without losing the dignity and elegance. The just right light makeup made the originally beautiful face more bright and moving, and the beautiful eyes of Colin were full of tenderness and honey. .

With warmth in his heart, Colin immediately turned over and got off his horse, strode up.

Although he wanted to hug the Keren in front of him into his arms, Colin restrained this impulse and bowed down on one knee in accordance with the proper noble etiquette, and saluted his lord.

But I didn't think that Vera would have grabbed Colin before he knelt down, and said affectionately: "Colin, welcome home!"

Colin immediately stopped worrying about the red tape, leaned over and kissed Vera's smooth forehead, and said with a smile: "My wife, you are so beautiful today!"

Vera smiled sweetly, then took Colin's arm and walked into the city together.

"Hello teacher!"

Inside the city gate, Prince Harrison and Princess Judy greeted crisply.

Colin nodded to the two little guys, and then helped Vera into the carriage.

Surrounded by a team of guards, the carriage crossed half of the city and came to the lion's roar on the top of the mountain.

The servants had already prepared a sumptuous dinner to welcome Colin's return.

Walking into the knight's hall with Vera, the air was filled with a faint fragrance of roses.

The Marquis Garcia, dressed in a neat noble dress, stood in the middle of the hall with his hands tied, and nodded to Colin.

Compared with more than a month ago, the Marquis Garcia's spirit is much better, and there is some blood on his face, but his posture is still cramped, he is holding a cane in his hand, and his eyes are no longer sharp. It seems that the all-powerful Northern Army back then God has completely disappeared.

Colin also hurriedly bowed in response, and exchanged a look with the other party, but didn't say much.

At this time, Bachelor of Dawn, Knights of Cambenin, Bishop Emeritus and others also saluted Colin.

Master Joyce was also in the hall, but the young man was not too good at hiding his emotions, nodded at Colin perfunctorily, and then looked at the ground with his cheeks, as if he was reluctant to appear here.

Of course Colin wouldn't pay attention to a little kid who lost his temper, and immediately invited everyone to take a seat.

At such a formal dinner, everyone’s seat is particular. Colin and Vera sit side by side on the main seat. On the right are the Marquis of Garcia and the Bishop Emeritus. On the left are Prince Harrison and Princess Judy, and further down is Joe. Bachelor of Yisi, Dawn, and the knights of the Saint Hild family.

Since Archbishop Adjani is still in Swan City to deal with the funeral of Bishop John, the bishop emeritus in Winter City attended the welcome dinner on behalf of the church.

Colin looked around for a week and didn't see the former Minister of Agriculture who had been abducted from Dongquan Town. He asked, "Why didn't I see Bachelor Sonny?"

Bachelor Dawn smiled slightly and said, "Bachelor Sonny said he wants to investigate the northern border to prepare for the next agricultural reform, so he is not in Wintery City now."

Colin nodded, thinking that the Sonny Bachelor was really dedicated. He started researching as soon as he arrived, so he ignored him and let Vera announce the start of the banquet with a smile.

Vera immediately picked up the gold wine glass and said loudly: "Everyone, please drink this glass. May the glory of the Lord of Radiance protect us, and the family of Saint Hild may prosper forever!"

Everyone picked up their wine glasses and responded loudly.

Colin drank the champagne in the glass and said with a smile: "Everyone, please enjoy tonight's food!"

Everyone cheered, and immediately began to concentrate on dealing with the food on the table.

In this world, it is a very serious matter for the lord to hold a family banquet, and there is a set of very standardized etiquette.

In the process of eating, no one is allowed to talk until the main course is finished, and after tapping the plate with a knife and fork to indicate that he has eaten enough, he can chat with other people who are full.

The whole process is quite boring, the only fun is to see who eats more.

This is actually part of the etiquette. The more you eat, the more you can express your satisfaction with the food arranged by the lord, and at the same time show your strength and bravery.

The chefs of the Saint-Hilde family are of course top-notch cooking skills. Char-grilled crocodile tails, white mushroom oysters, steamed salmon, wine-baked foie gras, cream salad...Various delicacies are filled with huge long tables.

Amid the clanging sound of the expansion of the knife and fork, everyone tried to stuff all these foods into their stomachs while maintaining etiquette.

The maids, like butterflies wearing flowers, stepped lightly, constantly changing clean plates and adding drinks to everyone.

Although Colin didn't need these ordinary foods to replenish energy, watching the people who had a high appetite, they also began to feast. The maid behind him had already changed the plates for him four times.

Seeing that the maid was about to change the plate for the fifth time, Colin finally knocked on the plate to signal that he was full.

Vera on the side had already finished eating, and smiled when she saw it, "Colin, you have a good appetite today."

"Yes, I still miss the food at home after leaving the North for so long."

The bishop emeritus also rang the dinner plate, put down the knife and fork, and asked, "Your Excellency, I heard that Bishop John of Swan City was killed by Lucien?"

"To be precise, it was murdered by Lucien in collusion with outsiders..."

Next, Colin selectively told everyone what happened in Swan City.

Of course, he didn't mention the "Duke of Saint Hild" who had come back from the dead, but replaced it with a "mysterious man".

The matter of Mr. Colin's resurrection by his corpse is too weird to explain clearly. Moreover, Colin and Mr. Colin have now reached a secret cooperation agreement, and he doesn't want to cause unnecessary troubles.

Even though Colin had hidden the most weird part, everyone still showed surprise. Obviously they didn't expect that the pinnacle warrior, the husband of Earl Schultz, would do such a thing.

"May the glory of our Lord illuminate Bishop John and let his soul rest in peace!" After listening to this, the bishop emeritus looked complicated and bowed his head in prayer.

Seeing this scene, everyone bowed their heads in prayer and expressed their condolences.

Colin looked at the people who prayed with complex expressions, thinking, if they knew that the Lord of Radiance could no longer hear their prayers, and could no longer receive the power of their faith, would these people still remain religious?

After the prayer was over, everyone began to chat.

Seeing that everyone had used up the dinner, the butler ordered the maids to serve desserts.

Colin and Vera shared all the information about this trip to the Royal Dragon City, and the atmosphere gradually became soothing and harmonious.

However, UU reading Colin noticed that Joyce had been whispering and talking in Princess Judy's ear, making Judy giggle from time to time.

This caused Colin's expression to move slightly. He was very curious, whether this Joyce really fell in love with Princess Judy, or deliberately approached the princess under the guidance of a caring person?

if the latter one…

The candles on the long table gradually burned out, and the dinner came to an end.

Vera got up to announce the end of the banquet, and then walked out holding Colin's hand.

However, at the entrance of the Knights' Hall, Colin stopped and waited for Marquis Garcia to follow him, and smiled at Vera: "You go back first, I'll have a few words with Lord Marquis."

"Okay." Vera smiled gently, and then left.

The Marquis of Garcia nodded to Colin and said, "Follow me to the study."


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